Transcript Document

Learning Cycle
Working Definition–CaFF
__________ is _________________________
category - general group
who/that is ___________________________
form – characteristics
& can/is used ____________________________
function – action performed, uses
The Learning Cycle (LC) is a teaching strategy
that directly involves students in active science
investigations. In the LC, students develop an
understanding of concepts by engaging in handon activities BEFORE vocabulary or textbook
information is introduced. LC also helps
students develop science process skills,
provides them with real science experiences,
and makes learning meaningful.
Created By J. Longfield, Sept. 2002
All Rights Reserved
C:/E328/Teaching Concepts/Learn Cycle.ppt
SCIS Learning Cycle
Exploration (Anticipatory Set, Setting the Stage)
• teacher—designs hands-on experiences,
asks questions, works with groups/individuals,
serve as facilitator/observer
• students—explore new materials/ideas,
make observations, collect data
Explanation (Invention, Concept Introduction)
• teacher—guides students in large group
discussion, introduce vocabulary, etc.
• teacher & students—organize observations
& data, look for patterns
Explanation (Invention, Concept Introduction)
• teacher—guides students in large group
discussion, introduce vocabulary, etc.
• teacher & students—organize observations
& data, look for patterns
Original 1960s SCIS (Science Curriculum
Improvement Study) model with updated
vocabulary. Use DAP model based on
SCIS model in primary grades.
Learning Cycle
Reordered to Fit Bloom
Exploration (Setting Stage,
• students—explore new materials &
ideas, make observations, collect data
• teacher—facilitator/observer, asks
questions, works with groups/individuals
Application (Concept Application, Discovery)
• teacher—poses new situation/problem,
works with groups/individuals
• students—solve problem by applying &
extending concept, more hands-on
Explanation (Concept Introduction, Invention)
• teacher—guides students in large group
discussion, introduce vocabulary, etc.
• teacher & students—organize
observations & data, look for patterns
Created By J. Longfield, Sept. 2002
All Rights Reserved
C:/E328/Teaching Concepts/Learn Cycle.ppt