Transcript Slide 1

PCI Boot Camp

Presented by the PCI Compliance Task Force


Jeremy Rock President ● RockIT Group


   

PCI Overview Removing Card Data From Your Hotel Best Practices Questions & Answers



Mark Haley, CHTP Managing Partner ● The Prism Partnership, LLC Jeff Henschel Director of IT ● Benchmark Hospitality International Chuck Marratt Regional Director of IT ● Benchmark Hospitality International

What is PCI?

What Does PCI Compliance Entail?


Overview Objectives

 What are:   The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) and The Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS)?  What are the components of a sound data security policy and PCI Compliance?

 How do you get to PCI Compliance?

 Vocabulary and Concepts for all of above 7


 Why is Compliance So Important?

 PCI & PCI Compliance Defined  Key Issues   Who is responsible for compliance?

 What gets overlooked?

 How do I plan my compliance journey?

Additional Resources  Questions 8

Why Is Compliance Important?

    PCI Compliance is like insurance Good business practice You are vulnerable!

 55% of credit card fraud from hospitality  85% of breaches against Level 4 merchants* Potential impact of a breach  Customer Relations   Legal Financial * Source: Unified Compliance Framework 9

Why is Compliance Important?

 Because they are after us!

  Hackers now specifically targeting hospitality 38% of breaches in 2009 in hotels and resorts Source: Trustwave Spider Labs 10

2010 Market Trends: Industries by Percent of Breaches

Demographics 40% 25% 22% 4% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% *Statistics from 2011 Verizon Business Data Breach Investigation Report

2010 Breach Trends: The Facts

      761 Breaches in 2010 (141 in 2009) 89% of victims subject to PCI DSS had not achieved compliance 86% of the breaches were discovered by a third party 86% of the victims had evidence of the breach in their log files 98% of all breached records came from servers 96% of breaches were avoidable through simple or intermediate controls * All percentages are from the 2011 Verizon Business Data Breach Investigation

Why is Compliance Important?

You don’t want to make the headlines!

Breakdown of Cost per Record

Costs of Non-Compliance

 Costs of a Breach        Fines from issuing brands Costs to address vulnerabilities Costs of Level 1 audits in future Lawsuits from card-issuing banks for card replacement costs Loss of customer trust and goodwill Loss of business Tarnished reputation 15


    Data security standards for all merchants accepting credit, debit or other cards to protect cardholder data To ensure the integrity of the global payment card industry Applies to  ALL Electronic cardholder data  Paper Applies to ALL merchants 16

Definition- Roles

 Key Players & Roles  Standards “owned” by PCI Security Standards Council  Enforcement reserved to the issuing brands 17

Lodging complexity - lifespan of a credit card number in a lodging environment

Definition - Details

 Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS)    12 Major Requirements Applies to everyone handling cardholder data • Merchants • Processors • Intermediaries Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) for most merchants • Different forms of SAQ varying with merchant’s processing infrastructure 19

Definition - Details

 Payment Application Data Security Standards (PA-DSS)     Formerly known as Payment Application Best Practices (PABP) Applies to software vendors marketing products that handle cardholder data Requires software vendors to invest in certification, costly to achieve and maintain Merchants forbidden to use uncertified payment applications July 2010 20

Definition of Merchant Levels

Merchant Level



Over 6,000,000

Visa transactions per year for any merchant-regardless of acceptance channel-processing. Any merchant that Visa, at its sole discretion, determines should meet the Level 1 merchant requirements to minimize risk to the Visa system. 2 •

1,000,000 to 6,000,000

Visa transactions per year, applies to any merchant regardless of acceptance channel-processing.

3 •

20,000 to 1,000,000

Visa e-commerce transactions per year.

4 •

20,000 or fewer

Visa e-commerce transactions per year, and all other merchants-regardless of acceptance channel-processing up to 1,000,000 Visa transactions per year.

Source: 21

12 Steps to PCI Compliance


1. Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect cardholder data

Protect Cardholder Data Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program Implement Strong Access Control Measures

2. Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters 3. Protect stored cardholder data 4. Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open, public networks 5. Use and regularly update anti-virus software 6. Develop and maintain secure systems and applications 7. Restrict access to cardholder data by business need-to know

Regularly Monitor and Test Networks

8. Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access 9. Restrict physical access to cardholder data 10. Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data

Maintain an Information Security Policy

11. Regularly test security systems and processes 12. Maintain a policy that addresses information security 22

Key Issues

 Who is responsible?

The Merchant


What Gets Overlooked?

People Process


Where Companies Fail Their PCI Audit

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 97,5 83,6 74,6 8,1 68,9 90,9 48,4 92,6 7,4 99,2 98,4 95,1 2011 Global Security Report

Action Items

 How do I plan my compliance journey?

       Assign an Owner Use your Acquirer Use your Franchisor/Brand Establish Documentation Gather Inventories Use your Software Vendors Complete Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) May 6 & 7, 2010 26

Action Items

 How do I plan my compliance journey? (continued)      Determine if you need a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) Implement Vulnerability Scans from an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) Address SAQ Deficiencies Update your Documentation Repeat!


Just Remember…

    Data Security is an ongoing process.

Recognize the risks at all levels in your organization.

Understand what you can do to be proactive.

Determine what behaviors and processes may have to change.


Action Items

 Budget for PCI  Not a One-Time Expense!

 Initial costs may include:  Engage a QSA or other resources   System replacements Staff costs for initial SAQ  On-going Costs Include:  Quarterly Penetration Scans        Annual SAQ exercise Internal & External evaluations of technology in scope Logging and Alert management Anti-Virus subscriptions Payment Application upgrades Intrusion Detection Software Resources and training to manage security measures 29

Action Items

 Make sure you budget appropriately as PCI compliance is an ongoing expense to your organization.

 Costs include but are not limited to items listed below:         Annual Penetration Scanning External scans of technology in scope Internal scans of technology in scope Logging and Alert Management Anti Virus upgrades/renewals PMS/POS Annual Upgrades Intrusion detection software Resources and training to manage PCI and Security measures implemented.

Additional Resources

    AH&LA publication, The Payment Card Industry Compliance Process for Lodging Establishments PCI Security Standards Council

Visa MasterCard dex.html




William Collins Executive Director – Vertical Market Strategy● Heartland Payment Systems Sue Zloth Group Manager, Product ● Merchant Link, LLC Bob Lowe Director of Strategic Relationships ● Shift4 Lyle Worthington, CHTP Chief Information Officer ● Horseshoe Bay Resort

Where Does Card Data Exist?

Do You Really Need It?

 Why do you have it in the first place?   Old Processes You Think You Need It  Chargeback documentation  Balancing Risk and Convenience  Does the risk of having credit card data outweigh the convenience it creates?

Just Say No

 Eliminate capturing/storing of Credit Card data unless it is absolutely necessary       Question/Challenge the need Re-evaluate outdated processes • Card Imprinting • • • Credit Auth Forms Accounting/Chargeback Reconciliation Events/Catering Develop contingency plans for one-offs scenarios • • Off Line Authorizations Special Guest Requests, etc.

Evaluate partner’s processes/systems • Ask, Expect, Inspect Understand effect of introduction of new devices into your environment • • Mobile/Tablets Kiosks Use technology to protect data you must capture

Using Technology

PCI Approach: Protect What You “Must” Have (This used to be a straightforward statement.)  Protect Stored Data     Securely encrypt stored data Encrypt transmissions of cardholder data across public networks Restrict access to data on a “need-to-know” basis Mask PAN by default, reveal to selected people on request  Over time, this gets more and more complex. Time for a technology rethink…?

The Challenge

Imagine a princess in a castle…

Securing her against attacks of increasing sophistication is difficult and expensive.

The Solution


Purpose-Designed Solutions for Consideration • Encryption at Swipe or Keyed Entry • Tokenization

Technology Choices

Encryption at Swipe or Key    Data is Swiped or Keyed into Encryption Device.

Transmit ONLY encrypted data through your environment.

Two Common Terms Used To Describe (Interchangeable)   End to End Point To Point POS/PMS Gateway Processor Card Brands Issuers  Key To Encryption Solutions  Ensure POS/PMS has no ability to decrypt  Understand where Card Data gets decrypted • The farther down the path the better PCI is working on regulatory changes to recognize the use of this solution may reduce Merchants PCI Scope.

Technology Choices

Tokenization     Replacing sensitive cardholder data (CHD) with a piece of data that references Card Data, stored elsewhere.

Vendors use different methods to generate Tokens It should not be possible to reverse engineer a Token back to the actual card data. Some solutions combine encryption at entry and tokenization;   Encryption used on data in transit Tokenization used on data at rest Correct tokenization solutions remove the PMS from the scope of PCI DSS.

Technology Choices

Your Action Plan  Review tokenization and Encryption at Source offerings that are supported by your software providers  Select technology solutions that reduce your PCI exposure by removing data from your applications  It’s better to not have data at all than to spend a lot of $$ trying to protect it

Cloud Computing

Does It Solve The Problem?

     Cloud Computing does not necessarily remove all scope from your property Cards could still exist in your network Some public cloud vendors openly state they can’t and won’t be PCI compliant.

Vendors may use other cloud vendors For more information please attend the Cloud Computing Super Session Thursday at 9am

PCI Boot Camp: Best Practices


Jibran Ilyas Senior Incident Response Consultant ● TrustWave/SpiderLabs Marty Stanton Vice President, Information Technology ● Destination Hotels & Resorts Jerry Trieber, CPA, CHAE, CFE, CFF Director of Field Accounting ● Crestline Hotels & Resorts

Best Practices: Types

 The best practices we will discuss today fall into 3 distinct but interwoven areas:  Operations  Networks  Documentation

Best Practices: Operations

 Operational best practices should be implemented at all hotels, restaurants, clubs, casinos, and other hospitality enterprises currently accepting credit cards as methods of payment.

 Those best practices are….

Best Practices: Operations

   Discontinue the imprinting of credit cards if still imprinting.

Review proper merchant bank retrieval request and chargeback information requirements: don’t keep documents containing complete credit card numbers for fear of losing a chargeback.

Discourage facsimile receipt of credit card authorizations: secure fax machines and their output.

 Prohibit e-mail receipt of credit card numbers.

 For all voice, facsimile, or other methods of card receipt, enter directly into the system and destroy (shred) the paper.

Best Practices: Operations

  Review Sales & Catering Department files for maintenance of documents containing credit card numbers.

Do not use Notes, Comments, or other unencrypted fields in Sales, Catering, and other electronic systems for credit card numbers.

 Review who has access to view guests’ complete credit numbers in both the PMS and POS.

 Review if card data or computer passwords are written on a “sticky note” placed on computer monitors or are otherwise visible or unsecured.

Best Practices: Operations

   Train users to log off their terminals and use tight auto-log off timeouts on payment applications if available.

Always consider proper storage, retention and disposal of paper and other sources of credit card numbers.

Select photocopiers and facsimiles with encrypted disk drives with auto-delete capability (24 hours).

 Control physical access to server rooms, Front Desk and any other areas where credit card numbers are stored or processed. Consider logging and badging all visitors to these areas and requirement to surveil all data centers by video.

Best Practices: Operations

Conduct training on PCI Compliance!

Training on PCI Compliance should include:     Making training materials consumer friendly. Annual training certification signed by all employees.

Making training certification a part of the “Acceptable Use Policy.” Awareness of phishing, spear-phishing, pharming, and “vendor impostors.”

Best Practices: Networks

 Best practices regarding networks fall into 3 categories:  Passwords;  Remote Access; and  Operations.

Best Practices: Network Passwords

 All default passwords should be changed before connecting a device to the network. Devices to be reviewed include:  Payment application servers;  Other servers;  Routers; and  Firewalls.

Best Practices: Network Passwords

 The SSID names for wireless networks should also be changed: how many networks named “Linksys Router” have you observed when looking for wi-fi “hot spots!?”  Be mindful of the definition of a “strong password” for PCI purposes, as it differs from that for non-PCI purposes!

 Passwords for all users of payment applications should be unique:  No shared passwords!

 Create unique passwords for vendors!

 Use tools and policies to expire passwords, force strong passwords, and do not allow re-use of prior passwords!

Best Practices: Network Remote Access

PCI Compliance requires that remote access privileges be closely controlled and monitored.

 Regarding vendors:       Access should be “on-request” from the property and not from the vendor.

The property must initiate the remote access connection.

Logging should be embedded in the access tool used.

Default ports should be changed.

Remote access should be added to vendor agreements and contracts.

Hotel personnel trained to authenticate callers purporting to be vendors requesting access for support – very important!

Best Practices: Network Remote Access

Regarding employees:  Access should be “on-request” from the employee, approved by the department head/EC member, with a valid reason for access.

   Access should be granted only to those applications needed by the employee and not to the entire network, depending upon where payment applications reside.

Default ports should be changed.

A remote access program with strong authentication and logging should be used!

Best Practices: Network Operations

 Maintain separation of guest and employee networks.

 Insure that there are anti-virus subscriptions on all computers and that they are current!

 See that security patches are applied regularly!

 Be alert for skimmers and keystroke loggers!

 Be alert for rogue software, PCs, and wireless or USB devices!

 Use a laptop or smartphone to scan for rogue devices.

Best Practices: Network Documentation

 PCI Compliance requires significant levels of documen tation, including 4 different types of self-assessment questionnaires (SAQs), dependent upon a property’s “merchant level” classification.

 SAQ D is the most common type of SAQ.

 The PCI Compliance Roundtable is examining new user-friendly types of the SAQs, including the SAQ D.

Best Practices: Network Documentation

 Other types of PCI Compliance-based documentation that should be prepared include:   Acceptable Use Policy; Backups and Disaster Recovery;     Incident Response Plans; Merchant level deter mination letters from acquirers; Proof of PCI PA-DSS Compliance letters from payment applications used; and Network vulnerability scan reports.

Best Practices: Network Documentation

 An sample user-friendly SAQ-D is here:


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