2012 National School Counselors Program

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Transcript 2012 National School Counselors Program

The School Counseling Program at {Your School Name}

A look at where we have been, where we are, & where we are headed

What do you remember about your school counselor?

Did you have a school counselor in elementary school? In middle school? In high school?

If so, what do you remember most about your school counselor?

Yesterday’s Services Versus Today’s Program

Guidance Counselor

     Reactive Services provided to few students Impact measured via feelings or perceptions Ancillary role to school improvement process School counselors in isolation      

Professional School Counselor

Proactive/Data driven Services provided to ALL students Impact measured via achievement data Essential role in school improvement process School counselors as school leaders

What can you expect from your professional school counselor?

The Role of the Professional School Counselor American School Counseling Association, revised, 2009

“Professional school counselors serve a vital role in maximizing student success. Through leadership, advocacy and collaboration, professional school counselors promote equity and access to rigorous educational experiences for all students. Professional school counselors support a safe learning environment and work to safeguard the human rights of all members of the school community, and address the needs of all students through culturally relevant prevention and intervention programs that are a part of a comprehensive school counseling program."

ASCA National Model

Adapted by the Louisiana School Counseling Model, 2010


A Comprehensive School Counseling Program

to meet the needs of ALL students

PROGRAM FOUNDATION DELIVERY SYSTEM MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTABILITY Determines the academic, career, and personal/social needs of the students Addresses the students’ needs via four delivery methods Involves stakeholders and measures the impact of the school counseling program Evaluates the program based on outcomes and makes adjustments

What services do school counselors provide?

Guidance Curriculum

Individual Planning

Responsive Services

System Support

Guidance Curriculum

     Standards based  Academic Achievement  Career Exploration  Personal/Social Growth Developmentally appropriate for Pre K-12 Tied to the school improvement plan The ASCA National standards can be aligned with GLEs Delivered through  Classroom Guidance Lessons  Group Activities

Individual Planning

  Ongoing systemic activities to assist students individually in establishing personal goals and developing future plans Examples:  Advisement  Annual Parent Conferences  Portfolios

Responsive Services

 Activities to meet students’ immediate needs:       Individual Counseling Small Group Counseling Crisis Intervention Agency Referrals Consultation Peer Facilitation

System Support

 Management activities that establish, maintain, and enhance the total school counseling program such as:  Professional Development  Consultation  Community Outreach  Advisory Councils  District Committees

Equity and Access for ALL Students

Specialized Interventions Individual Support

Responsive Services Individual Student Planning Guidance Curriculum

Intentional Guidance Classroom Guidance

School Improvement

Gail M. Smith (2009)

What can a comprehensive school counseling program mean for students ?

Increased Student Achievement Higher Graduation Rates Reduced Discipline Referrals Improved Attendance Lower Retention Rates

What can a comprehensive school counseling program mean for teachers ?

Increased Student Achievement Higher Graduation Rates Reduced Discipline Referrals Improved Attendance Lower Retention Rates

What does the data say?

School counselors who are implementing comprehensive data-driven school counseling programs can show how their programs are making a difference in student performance.

Plans for the future of the counseling program at {Your School}