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Professor Charles O. Uwadia

[email protected]

, [email protected]

At the Conference on Transition in Observation –Knowledge – Intelligence (TOKI2014) held at the University of Lagos, August 20 – 22, 2014.


Outline of Presentation

 Introduction  Components of a Scientific Article/Contents  Conclusion


Introduction - Essence of Article writing

 Why write a Scientific article?

 A way of expressing/documenting or ventilating the outcome of research findings and conclusions  Foundation or precursor of Scientific article writing is conducting research in a topical field


Introduction - Conducting Research

 [Shuttleworth, 2008] describes research as “..any gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge”.

 [Creswell, 2008] states that “Research is a process of steps used to collect and analyse information to increase our understanding of a topic or issue”.

5           Introduction - Major steps in conducting scientific research [Hoogenbroom and Manske, 2012] Identification of research problem Survey and critique of literature/literature review State purpose of research State research questions Specify a Conceptual framework – could be a set of hypotheses Methodology (for data collection) Data Collection Analysis and interpretation of data Reporting and evaluating research Communicating research findings and recommendations.



 Products of scientific articles fit for submission to a peer-reviewed journal requires substantial effort when composing / creating, writing, and submitting and often daunting).

the article and manuscripts (time consuming  Barriers to effective writing include – lack of experience, poor writing habits, writing anxiety, unfamiliarity with the requirements of scholarly writing, resistance to feedback.


Introduction - Criteria considered by Reviewers

 Criteria that guide Reviewers in accepting articles for publication include:      Importance, timeliness, relevance, prevalence of the problem addressed.

literature review-focused, up-to-date use of sufficiently large sample and the quality of writing (well-written, clear, straightforward, easy to follow , and logical) appropriate design, rigorous, comprehensive


Introduction – Some reasons why articles are rejected

 Wrong or over-interpretation of results  Use of inappropriate, sub-optimal or insufficiently described population or instruments.

 inadequate or biased samples.

 Poorly written or deficient to follow text


Introduction - Format

    Introduction, Literature review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References, Appendices. Usually, Results are written first, then, Introduction and Discussion; Conclusion and References. Abstract should come last.

Communication Skills –Ideas, procedures, and outcomes/results should be described as accurately as possible.

Use of Figures and graphics – Do everything possible to avoid plagiarism; ample citations are required to acknowledge consulted works.


Components of a Scientific Article

  Title – Should be specific and describe the contents of the paper  Should summarise the outcomes/results of the article; should not be unnecessarily long Authors – Person who did the work and wrote the article is generally listed as the first/lead author of the article  Other researchers who made substantial contributions to the work are also listed  Mentor’s name could be listed if permission is sought and granted


Components of a Scientific Article..

Abstract – Summary of article/study written in third person/reported speech  Should be brief, accurate, and concise  Structure and size are usually provide in instructions to authors  Usually written last due to possible changes or revisions in article


Components of a Scientific Article..

Introduction and Literature review:

o Significance of topic.

o o Information gap in the available literature associated with the topic.

Literature review in support of key questions.

o o o Purposes/objectives and hypotheses.

Focused literature review.

Citation of literature should be consistent and conform to publisher’s standard


Components of a Scientific Article..

Methodology clearly describes specific design of study, and provides clear and concise description of procedures performed. Include:  Population, equipment, and tools used.

 How population, equipment, and tools were prepared and used during study     Protocol used Outcomes and how they were measured Methods used for data analysis.

Statistical methods used to analyze data.


Components of a Scientific Article..

Results, Discussions and Conclusions

-Report results neutrally as obtained; -Discuss where result is similar or different from other published results and why; -Final summative statement that reflect the flow and outcomes of the entire paper.


Components of a Scientific Article..

References – Should be relevant to article  All listed References should be cited in the body of article  All cited references should be listed under References  Reference listing should conform to guidelines of the publisher  Web references should indicate date of download/reference



   Writing scientific articles suitable for publication in a peer-review journals is both an art and science It involves identifying a genuine story to tell, and telling the story well The bedrock of any genuine story telling is Research






Creswell, J. W, (2008); Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating quantitative and Qualitative Research. Upper saddle River, NJ. Pearson education Inc.

Hoogenboom, B. J, (2012); Manske, R. C; How to Write a Scientific Article; International Journal of Sports Therapy, Vol. 7(5).

Shuttleworth, M (2008); Definition of Research,

; Accessed on August 3, 2014