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Transcript Welcome to MDD310

Welcome to MDD310
Week 1 live lecture
Monday January, 6th 2014
6:00 – 7:10 pm
IPO charts What are they
• IPO stands for input, processing, output
• It is a chart to let you break down a problem
into pieces that you can then use to develop
psudeocode that will solve the problem
• For web designers, this is the same as a
storyboard but it solves a problem instead of
showing the flow of a website.
So how does it work
• First you have to have a problem, let’s use
something simple
• Enter a name, hours worked each person gets
paid $10 per hour, display gross pay.
IPO chart
• This is were you break down the problem into
its 3 parts input, processing, output. Lets use a
simple table to do this
Enter name
Gross pay = hours
Enter hours worked worked * 10
Display name
Display hours work
Display grosspay
• As you can see this effectively breaks down
the problem into small pieces that you can
then use to create the pseudocode.
• So what is pseudocode???
• Pseudocode is a English like solution to a
problem that is not tied to any computer
• Pseudocode can contain some or all of the
following items, variable names, math,
decision statements.
• Lets look at each component
Variable names
• Variable names are small names that
represent content within the computer
memory, for us let’s just think of them as
identifiers for data that is entered, processed,
or is display as results.
• Example in our problem we are entering
name and hours worked. So our variable
names could be DOG – for name and PIG – for
hours worked.
• DOG and PIG would work but they make no
sense when we read the names.
• So lets us Name_in and HW_in notice these
name no only make sense but they also tell us
that the information is inputted
• There are 2 other names we need for the
problem, put some idea in the chat box.
So Now what
• Ok we have now have our variable names
• Name_in, HW_in, GP_out
• Now we are ready to make some pseudocode,
lets look at out IPO chart again.
We can see that the process is the next step so let’s build some pseudocode
So let’s get started I use Display to show items on the screen, and
input to get the values the users enter.
Display “enter your name”
Input Name_in
Display “enter hours worked”
Input HW_in
GP_out = HW_in * 10
Display Name_in
Display HW_in
Display “your gross pay is” GP_out
So what does it mean
• This pseudocode shows us the path we would
need to take, to solve the problem.
• Questions??
• Make sure to look at the lecture and the hints
I will send out on Tuesday and Wednesday, for
the skill builder assignments.
Course Project
milestone #1
• You have to start the process of rebuilding
• Let's look at the original website
• Link
Milestone #1
You can see it is very plain website, you have to do the
following for milestone #1
Logo – create a new log for the site must contain the phrase
“stuff you don’t need but really want”
Make sure you send it in as a .jpg
Also create a small paragraph about the color scheme that
you want to use in the new website. Here is a web site that
might help you with that