Flood Myth - Neshaminy School District

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Global Flood stories…

 Are documented as history and legend in almost every region on earth.

 Old world missionaries report finding remote/isolated tribes already possessing flood legends similar to the biblical account.

Flood Myth facts…

 There are over 500 flood legends worldwide  All most all ancient civilizations have a global flood myth  China, Babylon, Wales, Scotland, Russia, India, North America (Indian), South America, Hawaii, Scandinavia, Sumatra, Egypt, Italy to name a few.

Common Flood Myth Archetypes

 Man in Transgression (sin)  Divine Cause / Destruction  A Favored Family  Ark Provided (humans and animals preserved in a vessel)  Destruction by Water

Common Flood Archetypes

 Warning Given to Man Before Destruction  Humans Saved  Animals Saved  Universal / Global Destruction  Landing on a Mountain  Bird Sent Out

Was the flood real?

  Flood tales are frequently linked by common archetypes.

The overwhelming consistency among flood legends found in distant parts of the globe indicate they may have derived from the same origin  Oral transcription may have changed the details through time.

Epic of Gilgamesh and the Bible

 Gilgamesh and Noah are the two most common global flood myths.  They share numerous similarities  They are clearly rooted in the same event or oral tradition


Take the seed of all creatures aboard the ship


Gen. 6:19 And of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring.

I boarded the ship and closed the door. Gen. 7:1 Come into the Ark Gen. 7:16 The Lord shut him in.

I sent out a dove . . . The dove went, then came back, no resting-place appeared for it, so it returned.

Gen. 8:8 He sent out a dove...But the dove found no resting-place . . . and she returned.

Then I sent out a raven . .it was the waters receding, it ate, it flew about to and fro, it did not return.

Gen. 8:7 He sent out a raven, which kept going to and fro until the waters had dried up from the Earth.

I made a libation on the peak of the mountain.

Gen. 8:20 Then Noah built an altar to the Lord (on the mountain) and offered burnt offerings.