Transcript Slide 1

Data Concerns Based on Regulator Standards
Conductivity is a measure of dissolved minerals and charged
pollutant particles in water. Pure water does not conduct
electricity. But as the amount of dissolved minerals and charged
pollutants in water increases, so does the conductivity.
Non-Point Source (NPS) pollution comes from many diffuse
sources. NPS pollution is caused by water moving over and
through the ground. The water picks up and carries away
natural and human-made pollutants, depositing them into lakes,
rivers, wetlands, coastal waters, and even our underground
sources of drinking water.
Pollution is a contamination of a habitat with substances which
make it less favorable for organisms.
TSS is an abbreviation for total suspended solids. This is the
amount of sediment and other tiny particles that is “stirred up” in
a moving body of water.
Temperature was recorded using a handheld device to measure
Site ID Temp (°C)
instantaneous water temperature as well as programmable device
that monitored temperature changes over multiple days. The major
6/25/09 DC-0.28 24.24
site of concern is Tile Storage Road (DC-0.28) near the mouth of Dry
6/25/08 DC-1.89 23.96
Creek. The table to the right shows that temperate is increasing as
6/25/08 DC-2.84 21.18
you move downstream.
Ammonia can be toxic to aquatic organisms. Some freshwater species are more sensitive than
others. Of the 14 data points, five exceed the 0.05 mg/L. DC-1.89 had the most elevated and varied
levels of ammonia with values ranging from 0.002 to 2.062 mg/L. All the Dry Creek, sites with
ammonia data, had at least one sample that exceeded 0.05 mg/L. No data exist for UNKA, UNKB,
SB-0.35, and DC-4.52.
The acidity and alkalinity of surface waters are measured using pH. The pH of stream water is
determined by rainwater pH, by interactions with rocks, sediment and soil, and by biological
processes. The greatest diversity of aquatic species is found in waterways with a pH range of 6.5 –
Instantaneous pH and changes in pH over a 24-hour period was measured at several sites. Only one
site, DC-2.84, had an instantaneous reading that did not fall between 6.0 and 9.0. DC-0.28 and DC2.84 exceeded the WQC by having pH changes greater than 1.0 over a 24-hour period.
Photos showing bare land with
obvious signs of erosion
Photos showing mass wasting on the creek banks
• Influx of sediment and nutrients is often linked.
• Sediment enters waterways when land is disturbed (vegetation is removed) and
when streams are modified (e.g., straightened).
• Sediment often fills parts of channels, which decreases the amount of water the
channel can carry without flooding.
• Sediment destroys habitat for organisms by filling the spaces between gravel.
• Nutrients increase with sediment influx since nutrients “cling” to soil particles
that end up in streams.
• Nutrients also enter waterways directly as water flows over lawns, pasture, or
Alkalinity is one of the best measurements for determining the streams capacity to neutralize acidic
pollution from rainfall or wastewater. The alkaline compounds in the water (carbonates, bicarbonates, and
hydroxides) combine with hydrogen to neutralize acidic inputs. Without this ability, streams would become
acidic very quickly.
A natural alkalinity (CaCO3) for the Licking River Basin is 41.6 mg/L based on an average value from
Western Allegheny Reference Reach (KDOW, 2009a). One sample, collected at DC-2.84 on 2/16/09, had
low alkalinity (28 mg/L) and was reduced by 25% or more. DC-2.84 also had low alkalinity (32 mg/L) on
3/31/09. This value was 23% below 41.6 mg/L. DC-4.52 had low alkalinity (31.8 mg/L) on 4/14/09. Although
sites DC-4.52 and DC-2.84 were not reduced by 25%, they are close enough to raise concern and to
warrant more monitoring. Of the 85 samples collected, 24 had alkalinities of less than 41.6 mg/L.
Other documented concerns
• High conductivity levels at all sites
• High Total Suspended sediment concentrations
• Elevated nitrogen levels at locations without a centralized sewer infrastructure
• Elevated total phosphorus throughout the watershed
Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Best Management Practices (BMPs) are techniques used to control storm water runoff, sediment, and soil
stabilization, as well as manage decisions to reduce nonpoint source pollution. The EPA defines a BMP as a
"technique, measure or structural control that is used for a given set of conditions to manage the quantity and
improve the quality of storm water runoff in the most cost-effective manner.“
BMPs come in many forms and can be simple things that a home/land owner can implement with little or no
cost. Examples of BMPs are rain gardens, leaving a riparian zone (vegetated strip near streams) of at least 18
meters (59 feet), keeping construction away from creeks, and planting trees (especially on or near creek banks).
Other BMPs can be more expensive. Examples of these include installation of sewer infrastructure, re-routing
of round ways, constructing bridges, and contouring stream banks.
An example of BMP implementation to stabilize stream banks from a
project on Dry Creek, Colorado
Project designed and constructed by Queen of the River Consultants, Longmont, CO 303-651-2514
• Nutrients enter streams as groundwater contaminated by failed or improperly
constructed septic systems.
• Photos to the left show examples of disturbed land. Gullies (top left) from soil
erosion represent a loss of top soil. The bare slope (center left) is prone to more
erosion. Erosion and slumping is undermining a tree that will soon topple (bottom
• Slumping and erosion along sections the Dry Creek stream bank (top and
bottom right), an all too common sight. Flooding and channel straightening by
humans make matters worse by increasing water velocity.
Measurement of sediment concentration in Dry Creek is in its early stages.
April Haight, Director
MSU Environmental Education Center
Morehead, KY 40351
(606) 783-2455
Tessa Edelen, Watershed Program
Kentucky Waterways Alliance
222 Bakery Square
Louisville, KY 40206
(502) 589-8008
Spring 1999 -- An outside bend of Trout
Creek on beat #3. This area exhibits
vertical eroded banks, poor width/depth
ratio and poor riffle/pool ratio.
Summer 2000 -- An outside bend of Trout
Creek on beat #3 after machine installation
of rock vanes, transplanted willows and
willow/sedge mats. Decreased width/depth
and pool/riffle ratios are evident.
This project is funded in part by a grant from the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency under 319(h) of the Clean Water Act through the Kentucky
Division of Water to the Kentucky Waterways Alliance (Grant # C9994861-04).