Dynamics of International Institutions

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Dynamics of International Institutions Chapter 4

United Nations   Purposes 5 Major Components  General Assembly  Adopts resolutions  Security Council  Main policy-setting body   5 permanent members      US United Kingdom France Russia China 10 rotating members

United Nations    Economic and Social Council   Economic and social issues Improve human rights, education, and health conditions International Court of Justice   Legal decisions between countries 15 judges Secretariat   Secretary-general Administers programs and policies

World Trade Organization   Promote Trade  How?

Early Years of Cooperation    International Trade Organization General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade  Reduced tariffs World Trade Organization  Developing countries

Other Organizations   Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development   “Rich man’s club” Eliminate bribery Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries   Members Short history

Economic Integration  Four Types     Free trade area  NAFTA Customs union Common market Complete economic integration  European Union

European Union  History  World War II       Marshall Plan OEEC OECD Benelux Union EFTA ECSC  EEC  EU

European Union   Purpose of the UU   Free movement Treaty of Rome (1957) Institutions    European Commission Council of Ministers Parliament of EU  European Court of Justice  EU Court of First Instance

European Union    United States of Europe  Roadblocks Problems with European Union     Losing credibility Federal systems Fraud EU Constitution What has the EU accomplished?

   Standards Tariffs US considerations

European Monetary Union     Maastricht Treaty-1991 National currencies  Euro U.S. Negotiations Importance to U.S.

NAFTA     U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement  1989 NAFTA   January 1, 1994 Environmental and labor laws Expansion?


Other Regional Agreements   Association of Southeast Asian Nations    1967 10 members Economic growth and regional peace European Free Trade Association   1960 Response to EU

Other Regional Agreements   African Free Trade Agreements  African Union  1999  Move from apartheid and colonization Central American Free Trade Association    2003 U.S. and other countries What does it do?

Other Regional Agreements   Organization of American States  1948   35 members (including U.S.) “Promote cooperation within the region” Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation  1989   21 countries (including U.S.) “Promote open trade and economic cooperation”

Other Regional Agreements  Mercosur      1991 “Common market of the South” Not a customs union 4 members (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay) Growing trade