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Transcript www.navyrugbyunion.co.uk

Version 2 as 18 Sep 13
RNRU Management Structure
RNRU President Vice Admiral Phil Jones CB
Board of Trustees
Chairman Rear Admiral Neil Morisetti CB
Non-Serving Members
Mr John Inverdale
Mr Giles Peel
Mr James Saunders-Watson
Serving Members
Capt Chris Alcock OBE RN
Col Ewen Murchison DSO MBE
Cdr John Cunningham RN
Executive Committee
Chairman Capt Chris Alcock OBE RN
Assistant Secretary
Mrs Clare Harris
Director of Rugby
Cdr Andy Kellett RN
RFU Council Member
Director of Governance
Cdr John Cunningham RN
Director of Communications
Cdr Rachel Scandling RN
Community Rugby Coach (CRC)
Mr Dave Oakley
Secretary & Treasurer
Cdr (Retd) Alan Church RN
Director of Operations
(Vice Chairman)
Col Ewen Murchison DSO MBE
Director of Community Rugby
Lt Cdr Chris Roberts RN
Rugby Development Officer
Mr Ady Cherrington
Director of Marketing
Lt Cdr Jon Caple RN
Stakeholder Manager
Cdr Dave George RN
Community Rugby Coach (CRC)
Mr Simon Burns