Transcript Document

How to Complete the
Partner Participation Packet
November 19, 2014
Before We Get Started…
You can access the Partner Participation Packet
on the Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center (BLHC)
PPS website. Go to and click on
Key Things to Know
Deadline for submission of ALL components is Friday, November 21st at
All surveys must be submitted online. PDF submissions will not be
All Excel forms must be emailed to [email protected] with the appropriate
subject headline (see instructions).
This packet is intended for organizations and agencies to coordinate, fill
out, and submit. Please coordinate with your affiliated programs,
facilities, and sites to avoid duplicate submissions.
Completing these forms and surveys will take a significant amount of
time and will likely require input from a diverse array of staff from your
organization, including executive, financial, clinical, and HR staff.
Packet Components and Deadlines
Packet Components & Deadlines
Deadline – Friday, November 21st at 5pm
 Forms
Partner Attestation Form
 Provider Information Form for Attribution
 Financial
Information Request Form
Partner General Information Survey
 DSRIP Project Participation Surveys and Excel File
 Domain 4 Project Surveys
 Anticipated Workforce Needs Survey
 Supplemental Population Health Readiness Survey
Partner Attestation Form
The Partner Attestation Form is required by the state. This form
gives the BLHC PPS permission to include your organization, and the
facilities and providers you represent, in the PPS network and submit
your NPI numbers for attribution.
Parent organizations with multiple facilities, sites, programs, and
providers: Attestation can occur at the organizational level and not
for each provider NPI in the PPS partner list.
Physicians that are employed or contracted by a provider: Each
individual physician in a practice group does not have to submit
his/her own letter, but rather, a signed letter from the practice CEO
stating that all the practitioners in a practice/organization are
authorized to be added to a PPS list is sufficient.
Partner Attestation Form
Submitting Your Attestation Form
Print, sign, scan, and email the form to
[email protected] by 5pm Friday, Nov 21, 2014.
Provider Information Form for
Most partners have already sent us their agency and physician NPIs.
If you have no changes to the information you previously
submitted, you do not have to resubmit this form.
If you’re not sure or if you have left out any providers, please submit
your updated list.
In this for there are tabs for organizations (agencies, facilities, sites
and programs); individual providers (physicians, physician
assistants, and nurse practitioners); and another for pharmacies.
Email completed form to [email protected] by 5pm Nov 21, 2014
Provider Information Form for Attribution
Financial Indicators Information Request Form
The purpose of this form is to help us better understand the financial
stability and strength of potential partner providers.
Form has two tabs:
 Provider Type: On this tab provider organizations will indicate
which services/provider types are represented by the
organization to capture the plurality of services offered
 Financial Indicators: On this tab providers must indicate their most
recent year’s audited financials for a variety of financial
Email completed form to [email protected] by 5pm Nov 21, 2014
Financial Indicators Information Request Form
Financial Indicators Information Request Form
General Info Survey Instructions
This survey asks 26 basic questions about your organization,
including several key population health readiness questions. This
survey should take about 30 minutes to complete.
Download the PDF of the survey to review the questions ahead
of time. The PDF is available on the Surveys and Forms page.
Submit the survey online by clicking on the link. Do not
submit a PDF version of the survey!
You will receive an email confirmation that your survey was
General Info Survey Online
Project Surveys: Lay of the Land
There are 8 DSRIP projects that you can choose from, each with their own
separate survey. You only have to submit surveys for the projects you select.
2.a.i. Create Integrated Delivery Systems that are focused on Evidence Based Medicine /
Population Health Management
2.a.iii Health Home At-Risk Intervention Program –Proactive management of higher risk patients
not currently eligible for Health Homes through access to high quality primary care and support
2.b.i Ambulatory Care Intensive Care Units
2.b.iv. Care transitions intervention model to reduce 30 day readmissions for chronic health
conditions, including the INTERACT model for SNIFF
3.a.i. Integration of primary care services and behavioral health
3.c.i Evidence-based strategies for disease management in high risk/affected populations
(adults only)
3.d.i. Expansion of asthma home-based self-management program
3.f.i Increase support programs for maternal & child health (including high risk pregnancies)
NOTE: Domain 4 will be discussed later. Two additional project exist (4aiii, and 4cii)
Tips for Picking Your Projects
Review: Take some time to review the project objectives, requirements,
and Domain 1 metrics and milestones. This information is included in the
PDF of survey questions.
Assess: Only select projects that you feel you can achieve outcomes for
within the given timeframe of DSRIP. Remember, the PPS must achieve
Domain 1 reporting and performance benchmarks to receive 80% of
DSRIP dollars in Year 1.
Decide: Pick the projects understanding that DSRIP incentive payments do
not reimburse for services provided, but for outcomes achieved. These
dollars are incentives for building the right infrastructure and
programming to support population health.
Remember: Providers do not have to select projects to participate in the
Project Participation Survey Questions
Each project survey will require you to submit the following information:
Basic contact info
A description of why your organization is aligned and the services you
intend to provide
The specific providers you wish to participate (they also need to be
included in Project Participation Excel Form)
Your total current patients that could benefit from the project based on
the project description
Your best guest of when you could achieve Domain 1 benchmarks
Info on whether your organization is participating in related Medicaid
Identification of your potential capital budget funding needs
Identification of the regulations that you believe need to be waived to
successfully implement the project
Example of Project 2.b.iv Survey Online
Project Survey Instructions
Download the PDF of the survey to review the questions ahead
of time. The PDF is available on the Surveys and Forms page.
Submit the survey online by clicking on the link. Do not
submit a PDF version of the survey!
You will receive an email confirmation that your survey was
Remember to include the providers you wish to participate in
each project in your Project Participation Excel file.
Project Participation Excel File Instructions
Download the Excel form. Use only one file for all projects you
Enter your provider information for the specific project on the correct
tab. There is a tab for each project.
Make sure to read the instructions in the file. Some projects require
partners to list primary care physicians.
Save the form with your organization’s name in the file name (e.g.,
Email the form to [email protected]
Domain 4 Project Survey
This survey has 12 questions. We understand that some of these
questions may be difficult to answer, given so many unknowns. Please
answer all questions to the best of your ability.
Download the PDF of the survey to review the project descriptions
questions ahead of time. The PDF is available on the Surveys and
Forms page.
Submit the survey online by clicking on the link. Do not submit a
PDF version of the survey!
You will receive an email confirmation that your survey was submitted.
Domain 4 Project Survey Online
Anticipated Workforce Needs Survey
The purpose of this survey gauge your organization(s)
anticipated DSRIP workforce needs including retraining,
redeployment, and hiring, based on the DSRIP projects you selfselected
The survey is comprised of 32 questions in the following
New Hires
Anticipated Workforce Needs Survey Instructions
Download the PDF of the survey and review with key
organizational staff. The PDF is available on the Surveys and
Forms page.
Submit the survey online by clicking on the link. Do not submit
a PDF version of the survey!
You will receive an email confirmation that your survey was
Anticipated Workforce Needs Online Survey
Supplemental Population Health Survey
The purpose of this survey is to do a deeper dive to learn
more about partners’ competencies, capabilities, and gaps in
population health management.
The survey is comprised of 24 questions in the following
Care integration and care coordination
Care management
Medication management and adherence
Population health strategies for specific provider types
Supplemental Population Health Survey Instructions
Download the PDF of the survey and review with key
organizational staff. The PDF is available on the Surveys and
Forms page.
Submit the survey online by clicking on the link. Do not submit
a PDF version of the survey!
You will receive an email confirmation that your survey was
Supplemental Population Health Online Survey
Option to End without Completion
Option to End without Completion
To reduce burden on PPS partners, the BLHC PPS and Mount
Sinai PPS are consolidating data collection efforts.
If you are a BLHC PPS partner that has filled out a form or
survey for the Mount Sinai PPS, you will be given the
opportunity to opt out of completing that form or survey,
when applicable
Keep in mind that you may have different answers between
BLHC PPS and the Mount Sinai PPS, and it is critical that the
BLHC PPS receives that information. So please do not opt to
end unless your efforts for Mount Sinai PPS and BLHC
PPS are duplicative.
Option to End without Completion
 Project
 2.a.i
 2.b.iv
 3.a.i
 3.c.i
 Anticipated
Workforce Needs
 Population Health Readiness
 Financial
Information Request Form
Option to End without Completion
Survey Example
All surveys with option to end without completion will ask the
following questions
Option to End without Completion Form
The financial indicators form instructions has a disclaimer
about how to opt out of completing the form
Partner Participation Packet Support
Thanks so much for your participation!
Email the BLHC PPS Team at
[email protected]