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Welcome to St. Patrick’s
Grammar School
The emblem of St Patrick's Grammar School
Автор презентации:
Коряковцева Любовь Павловна
Учитель английского языка МАОУ ОСОШ№1
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History of St Patrick’s Grammar School
While there has been a boys’ post-primary school on Armagh’s Sandy hill
since 1838, the present St Patrick’s Grammar school was set in place in
1988 with the amalgamation of Armagh’s
two outstanding boys’ grammar schools,
two schools with long and proud histories of service and achievement,
St Patrick’s College and CBS, Greenpark.
St Patrick’s College had been established as a junior seminary
by Archbishop Crolly in 1838,
and was under the direction of priests of Armagh.
History of St Patrick’s Grammar School
In 1861 the Vincentian Order was invited to take charge of the school.
The Vincentians continued their apostolate in Armagh
until the amalgamation.
Generations of St Patrick’s students, from all over Ireland
and beyond, owe a debt of gratitude to the Vincentians
for providing an excellent all-round education.
The Irish Christian Brothers arrived in Armagh in 1851
at the invitation of Archbishop Cullen, later to be Ireland’s first Cardinal.
History of St Patrick’s Grammar School
Within a few years the Brothers acquired the Greenpark site
and established primary and post-primary schools.
Christian Brothers’ Grammar School, Greenpark,
built up a strong academic and sporting tradition for which generations of students
are grateful.
Christian Brothers remained on staff until 1999,
which was also the year that the long tradition of boarding
at St Patrick’s came to an end.
St Patrick’s Grammar School Today
From the beginning it was clear that the new St Patrick’s was going to be
a vibrant institution.
The present school now draws from over fifty different primary schools and
provides opportunities for students to meet new friends and develop their full
potential in a caring and supportive educational environment.
The school is noted for its warm, welcoming atmosphere and for the positive,
affirming relationships among students, teachers and parents.
Being a Catholic school, prayer and worship are part of school.
St Patrick’s Grammar School Today
There is an excellent record of academic success and the students achieve
top grades in public examinations across the entire range of subjects.
This success is due to the ability and commitment of the students,
the encouragement and support of their parents, and, in no small way,
to the expertise and dedication of our teachers.
The school has an excellent staff that co-operates to provide
the very best of education within the classrooms
and in a vast range of extra-curricular activities.
St Patrick’s Grammar School Today
St Patrick’s School is one of the leading schools in the country
when it comes to information and Communications Technology (ICT). Every one of
54 classrooms has an interactive whiteboard, data projector, computer
and other subject-relevant electronic equipment.
Everyone in St Patrick’s is expected to work hard, and they support each other in
an atmosphere of friendship and mutual enrichment.
They set high standards and help each other achieve them, and so, in enabling each
individual to reach his/her true potential,
they are all prepared for the challenges and opportunities of life.
The school offers a balanced, coherent and broadly based
curriculum, which enables each student
to reach his full potential.
Subjects offered at Key Stage 3
(Years 8 -10)
•Art and Design
•Careers Education
•Learning for Life and Work
•Physical Education
•Religious Education
•Technology and Design
In addition, at Key Stage 4, students may take:
•Additional Mathematics
•Business Studies
•Double Award Science
•English Literature
•Learning for Life and Work
•Motor Vehicle and Road User Studies
At AS and A2 Levels, students may take:
•Art and Design
•Business Studies
•Drama & Theatre Studies
•English Literature
•Government and Politics
•Applied ICT
•Media Studies
•Technology and Design
•Travel and Tourism
Kevin Donaghy
Cook Supervisor: 1
Cooks: 2
Food Service Assistants: 9
•Business Studies
•Phyiscal Edcucation
•Religious Studies
Mission Statement
The mission of St Patrick’s Grammar School is:
•To be a community guided and driven by Christian values;
•To care for every member so that each can achieve his or her
full potential;
•To develop skills that will make for life-long learning and
prepare the students for citizenship in the twenty-first
•And to provide a wholesome education that responds to the
interests and needs of the student body.
Aims of the School
The school aims to:
• Develop as a community that appreciates the Christian values of cooperation, responsible conduct, earnest effort, compassion and mutual
•Provide a curriculum that is appropriate to the educational, vocational
and recreational needs of our students;
•Promote each student’s potential to the full and encourage him to aim
for the highest possible standards of academic and other achievements;
•Take account of the opportunities afforded by Information and
Communication Technology and extend awareness and skills among our
•Deepen each student’s faith and help him to sustain a Christian
dimension to his spiritual, moral and social life;
•Cultivate in each student a sense of civic responsibility, an appreciation
of their own self worth and awareness of those less fortunate through
fund-raising and charity work;
•Encourage students to think, learn and act independently and in so
doing take responsibility for their decisions and actively plan for their
Aims of the School
The school aims to:
•Foster an appreciation of Irish culture and traditions, along with those
of Europe and the wider world;
•Secure the closest possible co-operative contacts with parents;
•Maintain close links between the school and the local community and
especially to develop cross-community relations and mutual
•Provide an education which leads to opportunities in higher education
or employment on leaving school and ensuring readiness for
employment through a structured careers programme throughout the
•Create an awareness of factors that affect health and well-being;
•Offer a wholesome education that includes elements of sport, music and
the arts;
•Celebrate achievement and so promote a culture of excellence;
•Establish an attitude to learning that will serve our students and the
world in which they live.
Pastoral Care
Each year group in the school has a year head and each form class has
a form teacher who takes special responsibility for the boys in the
The usual class size is 22 pupils. The Form Teacher looks after
personal, social and health education and all the elements of the
Personal Development curriculum.
The form teacher meets with the Form Class at the start of each school
day and plays a vital role in assisting and advising the boys,
encouraging progress and involvement in school activities and
ensuring good discipline at all times.
Life at St Patrick’s
Holocaust Memorial Day
Life at St Patrick’s
A visit to the Brasov area in Romania
Paris Trip
Life at St Patrick’s
Special Needs Pupils
The staff strives to provide for the needs of all who will benefit from
a St Patrick’s Grammar School Education, including those who have
physical, medical or other needs.
The school has a Special Educational Needs co-ordinator who takes
responsibility for pupils with a range of needs, and classroom assistants
are employed as required.
Positive Behaviour
The school is committed to positive behaviour and good conduct.
All in the school community, including parents, co-operate in the task of
educating the kind of young men of whom they may all be proud.
A detailed code of conduct and responsibilities for students is circulated
in August, before the school re-opens, to the parents of every student
in St Patrick’s and all parents are encouraged to discuss
the code with their sons.
In the event of a student breaching any aspect of the code a number of
sanctions and approaches are taken as outlined
in the school’s discipline policy.
Healthy Eating
Through frequent discussions with the Student Representative Council over
several years, the school has worked to improve both the quality
and the range of food on offer throughout the school day.
A major drive for Healthy Eating has also proved successful and popular.
They hold theme days when foods of particular countries are available,
and by providing high quality, tasty fruit and vegetables they encourage
good eating habits.
New students always comment on the quality, choice and value.
Visiting the School
The school values the support of parents as one of the greatest assets
students can have throughout their time at St Patrick’s.
Parent / Teacher meetings are held for each year group
in the first or second terms.
Parents are welcome to contact their son’s Year Head
or Form Teacher at other times.
All such appointments may be made through the school reception.
Parents of primary school pupils who are considering sending their sons
to St Patrick’s may visit the school and view facilities on Open Night,
held early in the second term, or at any other time
by appointment with the Headmaster.
Religious and Educational Philosophy
St Patrick’s Grammar School works at forming a community composed
of students, teachers, parents, management and other staff.
This community:
Seeks to live gospel values
Recognizes the dignity of each individual:
Contributes to the building up of the local community,
Works for peace and justice in society.
The central purpose of the school community is the religious, moral,
intellectual, physical and social education of the student.
This community seeks to create the atmosphere of Christian care and
concern in which the student can grow to maturity.
Religious and Educational Philosophy
The Student
The school is committed to:
•Respecting the dignity of the student with his background, tradition and
beliefs, valuing the potential of each and encouraging the strong to support the
•Enabling the student to develop a healthy self-image and to form positive
relationships with others.
•Promoting the student’s appreciation of his cultural heritage
•Preparing the student for his vocational role in life
•Providing opportunities for the student to experience God in the wonder of
creation, in worship and in service of others
•Developing a critical sense in the student, helping him to challenge the forces
that threaten human life
•Providing a disciplined atmosphere in which the student is encouraged to grow
and to take increasing responsibility for his own education and for the life of the
school community
Sports-hall-sport zone
The Parents
•The primary right and obligation to educate young people
•belongs to their parents.
•In choosing St Patrick’s School, parents subscribe to its philophy.
•Parents are encouraged to exercise their right and obligation by:
•Giving the school their trust and co-operation
•Ensuring that their children respect, obey and co-operate with the teachers
•Supporting the varied activities of school life
•Taking the responsibility, in collaboration with others in the school
community for the quality of education and for the character of the school.
Spiritual Awareness
The Religious Education Department works effectively to promote the
ethos of St Patrick’s Grammar School, that puts
the individual student at the centre of the educational experience.
At St Patrick’s, they are aware of the need for positive promotion of the
message of the church among students who, in modern times, may not have
the traditional exposure to the positive benefits of the faith.
They work as a whole-school basis in a way that will, they hope,
enrich the spiritual community of St. Patrick’s.
Test on St Patrick’s Grammar School
1. St Patrick’s College had been established as a junior seminary in 1836.
a)true b)false
2. In 1861 the Vincentian Order was invited to take charge of the school.
a)true b)false
3. The Irish Christian Brothers arrived in Armagh in 1851 at the invitation of the Queen.
a)true b)false
4. Christian Brothers remained on staff until 1999.
a)true b)false
5. The present St Patrick’s School draws from over fifty different primary schools.
a)true b)false
6. Being a Catholic school, prayer and worship are part of school.
a)true b)false
7. The students achieve top grades only in religious subjects.
a)true b)false
8. St Patrick’s School is one of the leading schools in the country.
a)true b)false
9. Every one of 34 classrooms has an interactive whiteboard, data projector, computer and
other subject-relevant electronic equipment.
a)true b)false
10. Everyone in St Patrick’s is expected to work hard, and they support each other in an
atmosphere of friendship and mutual enrichment.
a)true b)false
11. French and Russian are offered at Key Stage 3 as the foreign language.
a)true b)false
12. In addition, at Key Stage 4, students may take three subjects: Additional Mathematics,
Business Studies and Construction.
a)true b)false
13. At AS and A2 Levels, students may take: Art and Design, Biology, Business Studies,
Chemistry, Construction, Drama & Theatre Studies and nothing more.
a)true b)false
14. In the whole the staff of St Patrick’s School consists of 108 people.
a)true b)false
15. There are 13 departments in St Patrick’s School.
a)true b)false
16. The mission of St Patrick’s Grammar School is: to be a community guided and driven by
Catholic values.
a)true b)false
17. One of the missions of St Patrick’s School is to develop skills that will make for life-long
learning and prepare the students for citizenship in the twenty-first century.
a)true b)false
18. One of the school aims is to encourage students to think, learn and act independently and
in so doing take responsibility for their decisions and actively plan for their futures.
a)true b)false
19. The usual class size in St Patrick’s School is 12 pupils.
a)true b)false
20. The school has a Special Educational Needs co-coordinator.
a)true b)false
Test on St Patrick’s Grammar School
21. The school is committed to positive behaviour and good conduct.
a)true b)false
22. A detailed code of conduct and responsibilities for students is circulated in
a)true b)false
23. The parents are not allowed to discuss the code with their sons.
a)true b)false
24. The school has worked to improve both the quality and the range of food on offer throughout
the school day.
a)true b)false
25. New students always comment on the absence of the quality, choice and value of food at school.
a)true b)false
26. Parents get only written messages about their sons from Year Head
or Form Teacher.
a)true b)false
27. Parents of primary school pupils may visit the school two times a year by appointment with
the Headmaster.
a)true b)false
28. The central purpose of the school community is the religious, moral, intellectual, physical and
social education of the student.
a)true b)false
29. The school is committed to: enabling the student to develop a healthy self-image and to form
positive relationships with others.
a)true b)false
30. At St Patrick’s School the individual student is the centre of the educational experience.
a)true b)false
Test on St Patrick’s Grammar School
The keys to the test on St Patrick’s School
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. False
8. True
9. False
10. True
11. False
12. False
13. False
14. True
15. True
16. False
17. True
18. True
19. False
20. True
21. True
22. False
23. False
24. True
25. False
26. False
27. False
28. True
29. True
30. True