Vocational Training

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Transcript Vocational Training

Vocational Training
Net Link
Primary Contacts:
Lisa Buss or Amy Sevdy
(503) 945-7017
Vocational Training Is:
 Training is two to found months long but no
more that six months
 Training will result in either a job offer or a
 Training is focused on an occupation that is
high-wage or high-demand or will provide a
living wage for the family
 A JOBS activity that counts toward federal
participation rates
Vocational Training Is:
 Not JOBS Skills training (JS – activity code),
which is short term training of less than a
 Not the Parents as Scholars (PaS) program
(PS – activity code) which is the completion of
a 4 or 2 year degree
 Not High School or GED completion (HS),
Adult Basic Education (AB), or English as a
Second Language (ES)
Vocational Training Enrollment
Client Application to the program and Branch
So...to get enrolled in Vocational Training...
1) An application process has to be followed
2) Approval has to be granted by a local
Vocational Training staffing committee
Vocational Training Application
Client contacts case manager to request a vocational training
Case manager gives the client the TANF Vocational Training (VT)
Packet (DHS 7786) and the My Self Assessment (DHS 7823) forms
(unless there is a current copy in client file), and explains the
Case manager reviews the DHS 7786 and prints TRACS attendance
and relevant narration to bring to the VT staffing;
Case manager will sign client up for the next VT staffing and give client a
JOBS appointment notice, and bring completed VT packet and
supporting documents to staffing;
If the packet is incomplete, the appointment cannot be scheduled;
VT staffing committee must include: Branch leadership, case
manager and client;
If VT is approved, case manager will set up an appointment time to
develop a new PDP with the client. Support services approved by the
staffing committee should be treated like any other JOBS activity with a
case plan, as should attendance, good cause and the re-engagement
When the Vocational Training has been
 Set up the activity under the VT activity code
 Document attendance with the required DHS
7861 educational attendance form.
Attendance that can be counted
Class time
Lab work
Field Study
Clinical time
Study time – if in a supervised setting
Excused Absences
BUT, not break time
Vocational Training Staffing
 Is local
 Makes the determination of whether
Vocational Training should be approved or
 Is made up of at least:
Branch leadership
Case Manager
Vocational Training is not a new JOBS
activity....It does have new
requirements for approval
Can we pay for tuition, books, and
 If authorized under OAR 461-190-0211 and
subject to a case-by-case determination by
the district considering available funding and
slots, the participant may also get support
services through the JOBS program such as
transportation, day care, and other costs for
books, supplies, tools, etc. With manager
approval, support services for tuition and fees
may also be available to the participant.
Always partner with other agencies who might be
able to assist with educational costs
 Vocational Rehabilitation
 Oregon Student Assistance Commission
 Clients should always apply for financial aid –
we do not encourage clients to take out
student loans to finance their education