Acute Appendicitis

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Transcript Acute Appendicitis

Acute Appendicitis
• The incidence of appendectomy appears
to be declining due to more accurate
preoperative diagnosis.
• Despite newer imaging techniques, acute
appendicitis can be very difficult to
• Acute appendicitis is thought to begin with
obstruction of the lumen
• Obstruction can result from food matter,
adhesions, or lymphoid hyperplasia
• Mucosal secretions continue to increase
intraluminal pressure
• Eventually the pressure exceeds capillary
perfusion pressure and venous and
lymphatic drainage are obstructed.
• With vascular compromise, epithelial
mucosa breaks down and bacterial
invasion by bowel flora occurs.
• Increased pressure also leads to arterial
stasis and tissue infarction
• End result is perforation and spillage of
infected appendiceal contents into the
• Initial luminal distention triggers visceral
afferent pain fibers, which enter at the 10th
thoracic vertebral level.
• This pain is generally vague and poorly
• Pain is typically felt in the periumbilical or
epigastric area.
• As inflammation continues, the serosa and
adjacent structures become inflamed
• This triggers somatic pain fibers,
innervating the peritoneal structures.
• Typically causing pain in the RLQ
• The change in stimulation form visceral to
somatic pain fibers explains the classic
migration of pain in the periumbilical area
to the RLQ seen with acute appendicitis.
• Exceptions exist in the classic
presentation due to anatomic variability of
the appendix
• Appendix can be retrocecal causing the
pain to localize to the right flank
• In pregnancy, the appendix ca be shifted
and patients can present with RUQ pain
• In some males, retroileal appendicitis can
irritate the ureter and cause testicular pain.
• Pelvic appendix may irritate the bladder or
rectum causing suprapubic pain, pain with
urination, or feeling the need to defecate
• Multiple anatomic variations explain the
difficulty in diagnosing appendicitis
• Primary symptom: abdominal pain
• ½ to 2/3 of patients have the classical
• Pain beginning in epigastrium or
periumbilical area that is vague and hard
to localize
• Associated symptoms: indigestion,
discomfort, flatus, need to defecate,
anorexia, nausea, vomiting
• As the illness progresses RLQ localization
typically occurs
• RLQ pain was 81 % sensitive and 53%
specific for diagnosis
• Migration of pain from initial periumbilical
to RLQ was 64% sensitive and 82%
• Anorexia is the most common of
associated symptoms
• Vomiting is more variable, occuring in
about ½ of patients
Physical Exam
• Findings depend on duration of illness
prior to exam.
• Early on patients may not have localized
• With progression there is tenderness to
deep palpation over McBurney’s point
Physical Exam
• McBurney’s Point: just below the middle of
a line connecting the umbilicus and the
• Rovsing’s: pain in RLQ with palpation to
• Rectal exam: pain can be most
pronounced if the patient has pelvic
Physical Exam
• Additional components that may be helpful
in diagnosis: rebound tenderness,
voluntary guarding, muscular rigidity,
tenderness on rectal
Physical Exam
• Psoas sign: place patient in L lateral
decubitus and extend R leg at the hip. If
there is pain with this movement, then the
sign is positive.
• Obturator sign: passively flex the R hip
and knee and internally rotate the hip. If
there is increased pain then the sign is
Physical Exam
• Fever: another late finding.
• At the onset of pain fever is usually not
• Temperatures >39 C are uncommon in first
24 h, but not uncommon after rupture
• Acute appendicitis should be suspected in
anyone with epigastric, periumbilical, right
flank, or right sided abd pain who has not
had an appendectomy
• Women of child bearing age need a pelvic
exam and a pregnancy test.
• Additional studies: CBC, UA, imaging
• CBC: the WBC is of limited value.
• Sensitivity of an elevated WBC is 70-90%,
but specificity is very low.
• But, +predictive value of high WBC is 92%
and –predictive value is 50%
• CRP and ESR have been studied with
mixed results
• UA: abnormal UA results are found in 1940%
• Abnormalities include: pyuria, hematuria,
• Presence of >20 wbc per field should
increase consideration of Urinary tract
• Imaging studies: include X-rays, US, CT
• Xrays of abd are abnormal in 24-95%
• Abnormal findings include: fecalith,
appendiceal gas, localized paralytic ileus,
blurred right psoas, and free air
• Abdominal xrays have limited use b/c the
findings are seen in multiple other
• Graded Compression US: reported
sensitivity 94.7% and specificity 88.9%
• Basis of this technique is that normal
bowel and appendix can be compressed
whereas an inflamed appendix can not be
• DX: noncompressible >6mm appendix,
appendicolith, periappendiceal abscess
• Limitations of US: retrocecal appendix
may not be visualized, perforations may
be missed due to return to normal
• CT: best choice based on availability and
alternative diagnoses.
• In one study, CT had greater sensitivity,
accuracy, -predictive value
• Even if appendix is not visualized,
diagnose can be made with localized fat
stranding in RLQ.
• CT appears to change management
decisions and decreases unnecessary
appendectomies in women, but it is not as
useful for changing management in men.
Special Populations
• Very young, very old, pregnant, and HIV
patients present atypically and often have
delayed diagnosis
• High index of suspicion is needed in the
these groups to get an accurate diagnosis
• Appendectomy is the standard of care
• Patients should be NPO, given IVF, and
preoperative antibiotics
• Antibiotics are most effective when given
preoperatively and they decrease post-op
infections and abscess formation
• There are multiple acceptable antibiotics
to use as long there is anaerobic flora,
enterococci and gram(-) intestinal flora
• One sample monotherapy regimen is
Zosyn 3.375g or Unasyn 3g
• Also, short acting narcotics should be
used for pain management
• Abdominal pain patients can be put in 4
• Group 1: classic presentation for Acute
appendicitis- prompt surgical intervention
• Group 2: suspicious, but not diagnosed
appendicitis- benefit from imaging and 46h observation with surgical consult if
serial exam changes or imaging studies
• Group 3: remote possibility of appendicitisobserve in ED for serial exams; if no
change and course remains benign patient
can D/C with dx of nonspecific abd pain
• Patients are given instructions to return if
worsening of symptoms, and they should
be seen by PCP in 12-24 h
• Also advised to avoid strong analgesia
• Group 4: high risk population(including
elderly, pediatric, pregnant and
immunocomprimised)- require high index
of suspicion and low threshold for imaging
and surgical consultation
Ileitis, Colitis, and
Crohn Disease
• Chronic granulomatous inflammatory
disease of the GI tract.
• Can involve any part of GI tract from
mouth to anus
• Ileum is involved in majority of cases
• Confined to colon in 20%
• Terms:regional enteritis, terminal ileitis,
granulomatous ileocolitis
Crohn Disease
• Etiology and pathogenesis are unknown.
• Infectious, genetic, environmental factors
have been implicated.
• Autoimmune destruction of mucosal cells
as a result of cross-reactivity to antigens
from enteric bacteria.
Crohn Disease
• Cytokines,including IL and TNF have been
implicated in perpetuating the
inflammatory response.
• Anti-TNF(remicade) drugs have shown
efficacy in treating Crohn disease
Crohn Disease
• Epidemiology: peak incidence is 15-22
years old with a second peak 55-66years
• 20-30% increase in women
• More common in European
• 4 times more common in Jews than nonJews
• More common in whites vs blacks
• 10-15% have family hx
Crohn Disease
• Pathology: most important is the
involvement of all layers of the bowel and
extension into mesenteric lymph nodes
• Disease has skip areas between involved
• Longitudinal deep ulcers and
cobblestoning of mucosa are characteristic
• These result in fissures, fistulas, and
Crohn Disease
• Clinical features: variable and
• Abd pain, anorexia, diarrhea, and weight
loss are present in most cases
• 1/3 of patients develop perianal fissures or
fistulas, abscesses, or rectal prolapse
Crohn Disease
• Patients may present with lat
complications including:
• Obstruction, crampy abd pain, obstipation,
intraabdominal abscess with fever
• 10-20% have extraabdominal features
such as: arthritis, uveitis, or liver disease
• Crohn’s should also be considered when
evaluating FUO
Crohn Disease
• Clinical course and manifestation depends
of anatomic distribution.
• 30% involves only small bowel, 30% only
colon, and 50% involves both
Crohn Disease
• Recurrence rate is as high as 50% for
those responding to medical management
• Rate is even higher for those requiring
• Incidence of hematochezia and perianal
disease is higher when the colon is
Crohn Disease
• Dermatologic complications: erythema
nodosum and pyoderma gangrenosum
• Ocular: episcleritis and uveitis
• Hepatobiliary: pericholangitis, chronic
hepatitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis,
cholangiocarcinoma, pancreatitis,
Crohn Disease
• Vascular: thromboembolic disease,
vasculitis, arteritis
• Other: anemia, malnutrition, hyperoxaluria
leading to nephrolithiasis, myeloplastic
disease, osteomyelitis, osteonecrosis
Crohn Disease
• Complications: >75% of patients will
require surgery within the first 20 years
• Abscesses present with pain and
tenderness, but may also have palpable
masses or fever spikes
• Most common fistula sites are between
ileum and sigmoid colon, cecum, another
ileal segment, or the skin
Crohn Disease
• Fistulas should be suspected when there
is a change in bowel movement frequency,
amount of pain or weight loss
• GI bleed is common, but only 1% develop
life threatening hemorrhage.
• Toxic megacolon occurs in 6% of patients
and results massive GI bleed 50% of the
Crohn Disease
• Complications can also arise from the
treatment of the disease
• Sulfasalazine, steroids,
immunosuppressive agents, and
antibiotics can cause leukopenia,
thrombocytopenia, fever, infection,
diarrhea, pancreatitis, renal insufficiency,
liver failure.
Crohn Disease
• Incidence of malignancy is 3 times higher
in Crohn disease than in general
Crohn Disease
• Diagnosis: history, Upper GI, air-contrast
barium enema and colonoscopy
• Characteristic radiologic findings in small
intestine include: segmental narrowing,
destruction of normal mucosal pattern, and
Crohn Disease
• Colonoscopy is most sensitive for patients
with colitis
• Useful for detecting mucosal lesions,
defining extent of involvement, occurrence
of colon ca.
• Abd CT is most useful for acute
Crohn Disease
• Findings of bowel wall thickening,
mesenteric edema, local abscess
formation suggest Crohn disease.
Crohn Disease
• Differential Dx: lymphoma, ileocecal
amebiasis, sarcoidosis, deep chronic
mycotic infections involving GI tract, GI
TB, Kaposi’s sarcoma, campylobacter,
Yersinia, ulcerative colitis, C.diff, ischemic
Crohn Disease
• Tx: relief of symptoms, induction of
remission, maintenance of remission,
prevention of complications, optimizing
timing of surgery, and maintenance of
• Since the disease is virtually incurable,
emphasis should be placed of relief of
symptoms and preventing complications
Crohn Disease
• Initial ED management: focus on severity
of attack, identifying possible
complications such as obstruction,
hemorrhage, abscess, toxic megacolon.
• CBC, electrolytes, BUN/creatinine, and
type and cross if appropriate
• Plain films may be useful for obstruction,
perforation or toxic megacolon
Crohn Disease
• Initial Tx: NPO, IVF resuscitation and
correction of electrolytes
• NG decompression if indicated, broad
spectrum atbx(ampicillin or a
cephalosporin, aminoglycoside, and flagyl)
should be used for suspected fulminant
colitis or peritonitis
Crohn Disease
• IV steroids: hydrocortisone 300mg qd,
methylprednisone 48mg qd, or
prednisolone 60mg qd should be used for
severe disease
• Sulfasalazine 3-4g qd can be effective for
mild-moderate cases, although it has
many toxic side effects
Crohn Disease
• Oral steroids are reserved for severe
disease-prednisone 40-60mg qd
• Immunosuppressive drugs:
6-MP or azathioprine are useful for steroid
alternatives, healing fistulas, or in patients
with contraindications to surgery
Response to immunosuppressant agents
takes 3-6 months
Crohn Disease
• Flagyl and Cipro have been shown some
improvement in perianal complications and
fistulous disease.
• Medically resistant or moderate cases may
benefit from anti-TNF(Remicade) 5 mg/kg
• Cellcept, etanercept, thalidomide, IL
therapy may also be beneficial
Crohn Disease
• Diarrhea can be controlled using imodium,
lomotil, or questran
Crohn Disease
• Disposition: patients with signs of
fulminant colitis, peritonitis, obstruction,
significant hemorrhage, dehydration,
electrolyte/fluid imbalance should be
hospitalized under the care of a surgeon
or gastroenterologist
Crohn Disease
• Patients with chronic disease can be
discharged home as long as there are no
serious complications.
• Alterations in maintenance therapy should
be discussed with GI
• Close follow up should be secured.
Ulcerative Colitis
• Chronic inflammatory disease of the colon.
• Inflammation is more severe from proximal
to distal colon
• Rectum is involved in nearly 100%
• Characteristic symptom is bloody diarrhea
• Etiology remains unknown
Ulcerative Colitis
• Epidemiology: similar to Crohn disease
• More prevalent in US and northern
• First degree relatives have 15 fold
increase for UC and 3.5 fold increase for
Crohn disease
Ulcerative Colitis
• Pathology: involves mucosa and
• Mucosal inflammation and formation of
crypt abscesses, epithelial necrosis, and
mucosal ulceration
• Early stages mucosa membrane appears
finely granular and friable
• Severe cases show large oozing
ulcerations and pseudopolyps
Ulcerative Colitis
• Clinical features:
• Mild: <4 bm per day, no systemic symptoms, and
few extraintestinal manifestations. (account for
60% of all UC patients)
• Severe: frequent bm’s, anemia, fever, wt loss,
tachycardia, low albumin, frequent
extraintestinal manifestations. (accounts for 15%
of all patients and 90% of mortality)
Ulcerative Colitis
• Moderate: manifesations are less severe
and respond well to treatment. Typically
have left sided colitis, but can have
Ulcerative Colitis
• Characterized by: intermittent attacks of
acute disease with remission between
• Unfavorable prognosis and increased
mortality is seen with higher severity and
extent of disease, short interval between
attacks, and onset of disease after 60
Ulcerative Colitis
• Extraintestinal complications: arthritis,
ankylosing spondylitis, episcleritis, uveitis,
pyoderma gangrenosum, erythema
nodosum, liver disease(similar to that
found in Crohn disease)
Ulcerative Colitis
• Complications: hemorrhage, toxic
megacolon, perirectal abscesses and
fistulas, colon ca, perforation
Ulcerative Colitis
• Dx: lab findings are nonspecific.
• Diagnosis is made by Hx of abd cramps
and diarrhea, mucoid stools, stool
negative for ova/parasites, negative stool
• confirmation of disease by colonoscopy
showing granular, friable, ulceration of the
mucosa, and sometimes pseudopolyps
Ulcerative Colitis
• Differential Dx: similar to that of Crohn
• Also be aware of STD’s when confined to
the rectum
Ulcerative Colitis
• Treatment:
• Severe UC: IV steroids, fluid replacement,
electrolyte correction, broad spectrum
atbx(amp and clindamycin or flagyl)
• Cyclosporine has been advocated for
steroid refractory cases
• NG for toxic megacolon just as in crohn
Ulcerative Colitis
• Mild to moderate: majority of cases can be
treated as outpatient with daily prednisone
• Active proctitis, proctosigmoiditis, and left
side colitis can be treated with 5aminosalicylic acid enemas or topical
steroid preparations
Ulcerative Colitis
• Treatment is very similar to Crohn disease
• Other supportive measures include
metamucil or other bulking agents
• Anti-diarrheals should be used with
caution in case of toxic megacolon
Ulcerative Colitis
• Disposition:Fulminant attacks should be
hospitalized for aggressive IVF and
elctrolyte correction.
• Complications should be managed with
appropriate surgical or GI consult
• Mild-moderate: may be discharged with
close follow up secured. Instructions on
when to return should be given
Pseudomembranous Colitis
• Inflammatory bowel disorder with
membrane-like yellowish plaques of
exudate overlie and replace necrotic
intestinal mucosa
Pseudomembranous Colitis
• Epidemiology:
• Clostridium Difficile- spore forming
obligate anaerobic bacillus
• 3 types: neonatal, post-operative and
antibiotic associated
• Risk factors: recent atbx, GI surgery,
severe medical illness, advancing age
• Transmission: direct contact and objects
Pseudomembranous Colitis
• Pathophysiology: 10-25% of hospital
patients are colonized
• Diarrhea in recently hospitalized person
should suggest C.difficile
• Broad spectrum atbx such as clindamycin,
cephalosporins, amp/amox- alter gut flora
and allow C.difficile to flourish
• However any atbx can lead to C.difficile
Pseudomembranous Colitis
C. difficile produces
toxin A enterotoxin
toxin B cytotoxin
Toxins interact and produce the colitis and
associated symptoms
Pseudomembranous Colitis
• Clinical features: from frequent mucoid,
watery stools to profuse toxic
diarrhea(>20-30 stools/day), abdominal
pain, fever, leukocytosis, dehydration,
• Stool exam may reveal fecal leukocytes
Pseudomembranous Colitis
• Complications: severe electrolyte
imbalance, hypotension, anasarca from
low albumin, toxic megacolon, bowel
• Onset is typically 7-10 days after starting
atbx therapy
Pseudomembranous Colitis
• Extraintestinal complications are rare, but
include: arthritis, visceral abscesses,
cellulitis, necrotizing fasciitis,
osteomyelitis, prostheitc device infection
Pseudomembranous Colitis
• Diagnosis: hx of diarrhea that develops
during or within 2 weeks of atbx treatment.
• Confirmed by stool for C.difficile toxin and
• Most labs use ELISA to detect C.difficile
toxins even though there are many other
• 5-20% of patients require more than one
stool to diagnose
Pseudomembranous Colitis
• Treatment: d/c atbx, supportive IVF,
electrolyte correction, flagyl 250 mg qid, or
vancomycin 125-250mg po qid(alternative
• 25% of patients will respond to supportive
measures only
• Severely ill patients should hospitalized
Pseudomembranous Colitis
• Relapses occur in 10-20% of patients
• Use of anti-diarrheals should be avoided
• Surgery or steroids are rarely needed
Pseudomembranous Colitis
• Disposition:
• Severe diarrhea, symptoms that persist
despite outpatient management, or those
with systemic response(fever,
leukocytosis, severe abdominal pain)
should be hospitalized
• Suspected perforation, toxic megacolon or
failure to respond to medical treatment
need a surgical consult
Pseudomembranous Colitis
• For patients who are discharged whom:
good oral intake must be encouraged.
Flagyl or vancomycin are equally effective
for treatment.
• Acute inflammation of the wall of a
diverticulum and surrounding tissue
• Caused by either a micro- or
• Epidemiology:
• Acquire disease of the colon has become
common in industrialized nations
• Approximately 1/3 of population will
acquire diverticuli by age 50 and 2/3 by
age 85
• Rare <20 years
• Diverticulitis is estimated in 10-25% of
people with known diverticulosis
• Incidence increases with age
• Only 2-4 % are < 40
• Diverticulitis in younger age is associated
with more complications requiring surgical
• Frequency is slightly higher in men, the
incidence is on the rise in women
Cause is not known
Low residue diets have been implicated
Acute complications: Inflammation(and
associated complications) and Bleeding
• Inflammation is the most common
complication of diverticulosis
• Mechanism was thought to occur when
fecal material was inspissated in the neck
of a diverticulum, resulting in bacterial
proliferation, mucous secretion, and
• More commonly, it results from high
pressure in the colon, erosion of
diverticulum wall, microperforation, and
• Free perforation can occur with
generalized peritonitis, but is uncommon
• Other complications: obstruction and
fistula formation between the bladder and
• Clinical Features: most common symptom
is pain.
• Described as steady, deep discomfort in
the LLQ
• Other complaints: change in bowel habit,
tenesmus, dysuria, frequency, UTI,
distention, nausea, vomiting,
• Presentation may be indistinguishable for
acute appendicitis
• Diverticulitis should always be considered
in patient >50 with abdominal pain
• Perforation is characterized by sudden
lower abdominal pain progressing general
abdominal pain
• Physical exam: frequently fever of 38 C,
localized abdominal tenderness, voluntary
guarding, rebound, rectal tenderness on
left side, possibly occult blood +,
• As always, Pelvic should be done with
• Watch for signs of peritonitis or perforation
• Diagnosis: typically suspected by Hx and
• Abdominal plain films can show partial
SBO, free air, extraluminal air
• CT is procedure of choice. Demonstrates
inflammation of pericolic fat, diverticula,
thickening of bowel wall, peridiverticular
• Barium enema can be done, but are
insensitive and may cause perforation due
to the introduction of barium at high
• Routine labs include: CBC, electrolytes,
BUN/creatinine, UA
• Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are
performed only after inflammation has
• Differential Dx:
• Similar to that of appendicititis, Crohn
disease, UC, and C.difficile colitis
• Treatment:
• NPO, IVF, electrolyte correction, NG for
obstruction, Broad spectrum atbx,
observation for complications
• Outpatient management includes liquids
only for 48 hours and oral
antibiotics(Cipro, flagyl, bactrim, ampicillin)
• Disposition:
• Patients without signs of peritonitis or
systemic infection maybe treated as
outpatients with careful follow up
arranged. Should be instructed to return
for fever, increasing pain, unable to
tolerate po.
• If patient shows signs of systemic
infection, perforation or peritonitis then
they should be hospitalized with a surgical
• 1. With a retrocecal appendix, the pain of
acute appendicitis may localize to the right
flank. (True or false)
• 2. Outpatient antibiotics is the standard
treatment of acute appendicitis. (True or
• 3. Special populations of people that may have
delayed diagnosis of acute appendicitis due to
atypical presentation include:
• A.) very young patients
• B.) elderly patients
• C.) AIDS patients
• D.) Pregnant patients
• E.) all of the above
• 4. Crohn disease can involve:
• A.) any part of the GI tract(from mouth to
• B.) colon only
• C.) esophagus only
• D.) small intestine only
• 5. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease are
both considered types of inflammatory
bowel disease. (True or False)
• Answers: 1T, 2F, 3E, 4A, 5T