Transcript Slide 1

An Airframer View
Richard H. Bossi – Boeing PW, Seattle
Kent Ruffing – Boeing IDS, St. Louis
February 19, 2008
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Engineering, Operations & Technology | Phantom Works
• NDE and SHM Role for Awareness
• NDE and SHM Roadmaps
• Combining NDE and SHM Activities for Material State
Awareness and Prognostics
• F-15 Service Data Collection
Don Palmer, Gary Georgeson – Boeing NDE
Eric Haugse, Chris Davis, Matt Malkin, Ed White – Boeing SHM
Dave Currie, Warner Robins AFB
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Engineering, Operations & Technology | Phantom Works
• Lost left wing during low level
training flight
• Approximate 1.0 x 0.2 inch flaw
undetected during production
• Air Force mandated damage
tolerance approach – MIL-A-83444
• Demonstrate 90% probability of
detection with a 95% confidence
level for 0.05 inch flaw
• Experienced explosive decompression – lost
about 16 feet of pressure cabin skin
• Caused by rapid link-up of multiple fatigue cracks
in the same longitudinal skin splice (Multiple Site
• FAA joined with NASA and DoD to cooperatively
address aging issues – significant research
funding directed towards NDE
NDE and SHM are essential tools for verifying
material state/mission readiness/remaining life
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NDE Roadmap Vision
Engineering, Operations & Technology | Phantom Works
•Feature detection based
•Historic specification based
•Handheld NDI
•Large systems
•Portable scanners
•Computer integration
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•High-volume, high-accuracy
•Rapid, low cost, array sensing
•Automated data interpretation
•Lightweight, miniaturized
•Remote access
•Bond quality
•Residual stress measurement
•NDE material state measurements
related to structural performance,
process controls, allowables, and
service life evaluation
•Reliability and probability-based
life prediction
•Stand-off, non-contact
•Continuous, in-line structural NDE
•Wireless and/or embedded onboard sensing
•Model based NDE optimization
•Bond strength assessment
AFSOR Workshop - Boeing NDE SHM Feb 2008 4
SHM Roadmap / Vision
Engineering, Operations & Technology | Phantom Works
Repair SHM:
F-16 Wheel Well
Flight parameter load monitoring
ε α
Accidental damage
Neural Net Based Load Monitoring
Localized Damage Detection
SHM for Space Operation Vehicle
Basic Data Fusion/Prognosis
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Tomorrow (’08 - ’12)
• SHM Confidence Building
• SHM Expanded Area
Damage Detection
Φ, Φ
• SHM for Corrosion
• Physics Based Prognosis
AFRL Thermal
protection systems,
impact damage, etc.
Today (present - ’07)
Future (’12+)
Stretchable silicon
for broad area
• Broad area diagnostics
and prognostics
• Condition Based
• Integrated Design
• Self-Healing Materials
Broad area autonomous
diagnostic and repair system
as part of integrated design
AFSOR Workshop - Boeing NDE SHM Feb 2008 5
Combined NDE/SHM View
Engineering, Operations & Technology | Phantom Works
Significant Structural Items (SSI) Drive:
Structural Health
Manufacturing NDE
•Micro Information
•Initial Material State
In-service SHM
•Macro Information
In-service NDE
•Micro Information
Material State Awareness
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Vision for Combined NDE/SHM Activity
Engineering, Operations & Technology | Phantom Works
• Work Concurrent
• Synergistic Hardware
• Physics Based Methodology
• System Integration
• Seamless System of
• Predict Remaining Life
• Integrate of technologies
throughout lifecycle
• Impact design process
• SHM/NDE talk with each
• Collaborate on small
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Engineering, Operations & Technology | Phantom Works
• What would be helpful integrate SHM and NDE for Material
State Awareness
Physics based material properties measurements
Lightweight arrays of sensors
Wireless/passive sensing
Noncontact – standoff NDE
Hard to access inspections
Structural requirements for operational scenarios
Structural dynamics monitoring
Maintenance knowledge database correlation
Reliability analysis
Benefit and Payoff Assessments
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Engineering, Operations & Technology | Phantom Works
• What would be helpful integrate SHM and NDE for Material
State Awareness
Physics based material properties measurements
Lightweight arrays of sensors
Wireless/passive sensing
Noncontact – standoff NDE
Hard to access inspections
Structural requirements for operational scenarios
Structural dynamics monitoring
Maintenance knowledge database correlation
Usage Data
Reliability analysis
Benefit and Payoff Assessments
on Existing Aircraft
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Service Data Collection – Source of Information on Aircraft
Engineering, Operations & Technology | Phantom Works
(F-15 Usage Data Sources)
On-board Data Recorder
Counting Accelerometer (C/A)
Component Swap
Component Repair
Inspection Feedback
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On-board Data Recorder
Engineering, Operations & Technology | Phantom Works
• SDR: 1/5 F-15 A/B/C/D
• Installation
– Otherwise empty bay with
structural door
• Recording Criteria
– Rate-based, relatively few
• Data Handling/Transmittal
– Specially designed, Mil-Spec tape
cassettes shipped to central
facility with special equipment for
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On-board Data Recorder
Engineering, Operations & Technology | Phantom Works
• SFDR: 1/5 F-15E
• Installation
– Same bay as SDRS
– Solid state cartridge
– Includes Crash-survivable memory
• Recording Criteria
– Event-based
– 15 hr download interval
• Data Handling/Transmittal
– Transcription performed at O-level,
data can be emailed.
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On-board Data Recorder
Engineering, Operations & Technology | Phantom Works
• Lessons Learned
• Installation – Drive out complexity and streamline flight line
operations. ASIP is the least of your maintainer’s worries.
• Recording Criteria – Keep it simple. Rate-based, generic criteria
minimize the chance of having to perform fleet software updates.
• Data Handling/Transmittal – Again, must streamline this process.
Electronic is most efficient but must address bandwidth and
security concerns. Hardcopy (cdrom) is not dead. Who needs
• Sustainment – Long-lived systems must be maintained. How
many times will computers and software need to be
updated/replaced over 30 years? A plan up front will allow for
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C/A – Counting Accelerometer
Engineering, Operations & Technology | Phantom Works
• AFTO 239 Legacy
• Paper bubble sheet forms
• AFTO 239 Current
• Part of electronic aircrew debrief
• Lessons Learned
• Both have issues
• Automated data collection and prefill of debrief
application would help
• A data recorder on every aircraft would eliminate
C/A data issues.
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Component Swap
Engineering, Operations & Technology | Phantom Works
• Legacy (AFTO 238)
• Paper bubble sheet forms
• Current (Eagle Modification Action Plan-EMAP, AFTO 95)
• Contractor developed web-application and database
• Much investigative effort to resolve discrepancies
• Lessons Learned
• Despite great effort, tracking of field swappable components was abandoned
(data quality overwhelmed ability to investigate)
• Depot is primary source of data
• EMAP web application has been a good resource
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Component Repair
Engineering, Operations & Technology | Phantom Works
• AFTO 95, AFTO 3
• Mainly documents depot activity (major structure
• Looking for “Zero Damaging Repairs”
• Lessons Learned
• Find as many related data sources as possible.
• Not all repairs of interest require engineering disposition.
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Inspection Feedback
Engineering, Operations & Technology | Phantom Works
• AFTO 3 Legacy
• Paper bubblesheet form
• AFTO 3 Current
• PC-based software and automated data
• Lessons Learned
• Very difficult to implement and maintain
no matter what method, but is a central
ASIP need. Plan on spending time
maintaining feedback.
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Engineering, Operations & Technology | Phantom Works
• Use existing data reporting or piggyback on existing reports where
• Optimize access, minimize maintenance time.
• Automate collection/transmittal/validation – minimize person in the loop
• Minimize specialized GSE
• Minimize software tied to specialized hardware
• Plan for supporting hardware/software for a long time
• Web-based data collection/transmittal has strong appeal
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