tainos - an indigenous group of the americas

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Taino Indians of Meso America
Were somewhat lower in height with well-trained
bodies and coppery skin Had a broad face and
cheeks very slightly marked with thick lips and
very good teeth. Columbus described them as
men without body hair and short hair.
 Children are practiced artificial cranial
deformation to make wider lucieran forehead,
which was a symbol of beauty.
 It perforated the lower lobe of the ear to look
decorative pins or earrings taguaguas calls.
Men and boys usually do not carry anything.
Went naked, holding in his arms and legs only
garters or girdles made of cotton threads. The
women were naked from the waist up, wearing at
the bottom called a kind of skirts skirts to the
calves, although women cacicas major ankle.
The ceremonial dance was one of the main activities call Areyto.
It arranged for painting their bodies red, parrot feathers, jewels,
seashells or coral and gold earrings. There were areytos of love,
war, pitiful, etc … With their songs.
The celebration represented an ancestral Areyto which
perpetuate the myths and the history of the Taino tribes. The
women sang and danced using maracas, flutes and drums. Men
and women participated together.
The religious or medical behique had a vast knowledge of the
pharmacopoeia early and watched for the healing of the sick by
magic-medicinal practices. Cohoba created idols and other ritual
Communication with spirits through rituals and
sacrifices performed. He deployed the rite of cohoba,
which consisted of inhaling a hallucinogenic powder
extracted from the cassava preceded by a ritual
vomiting to establish contact with CEMI.
Of Taino mythology surpassed his highest divinity
Yocahú Maorocoti Bagua, the Lord of Heaven and
Creator of all existence.
The ceremonies were led by behiques, transmitting
tribal traditions and also educated the sons of chiefs
and transmitting a permanent link with the gods.
They believed in the immortality of the soul and the
continuation of life on another world.
The mortar that is used today is of Taino origin.
The mortar was carved from a tree with a
diameter of up to 25 inches. These were crudely
carved and polished or finished, depending on the
skill of the carver. Were used to grind corn, herbs
and ingredients that are used for painting
adorning their bodies.
The greatest legacy left to us by the Tainos was
his art. Many of their traditions, customs and
artifacts did not survive the Spanish invasion but
there are some sculptures, ceramics, jewelry,
fabrics, rods, daggers, CEMIS dujos, belts and
other devices Taíno game in museums todayMost
of their ceremonial artifacts were hidden from
the Spanish in caves. In addition, the Tainos
were excellent sculptors who drew up ceremonial
artifacts of great artistic expression as duhos or
ceremonial seats, idols or cemíes, instruments for
ritual and rings cohoba monolithic.
Their social, political and religious was the most developed
among indigenous groups in the West Indies. Your
maximum territorial unit was the "chiefdom" which
grouped certain villages or "yucayeques", which were run
by caciques, amounting to these positions by the
matrilineal inheritance or making an extraordinary .
The social structure consisted of:
+ Nitainos who were the nobles, warriors, and artisans
Estimated to be of better blood than the others, were
responsible for other Indians, came to be the lieutenants of
the chiefs.
+ Naborias were serfs and were the lowest class.
+ The Chiefs (Chiefs) were inherited positions and
proceeded Nitainos class.
+ The bohiques (healer) were from a lineage of bohiques.
The behique or witch doctor of the tribe was a
personage of importance in Taino society, having a
vast knowledge of the primitive pharmacopoeia and
ensure the healing of the sick by magic-medicinal
practices, speaking also in the preparation of the
cohoba idols and other ritual objects.
The great feature of the Taino cosmological universe
was called cemíes worship, deities idols personify
abstract, naturalists, local, familiar spirits and
natural phenomena. It was an animistic religion.
Finally, there was a belief in the immortality of the
soul and the continuation of life on another world.
Also included the exploits of their heroes and
ancestors. This fascinating collection of stories and
explanations were told in magical-religious
The Taino practiced a series of games that had a
dual character: ceremonial and entertainment,
such as races, contests of strength, fishing ...
Most important are the warrior and drill the ball.
The dance and songs were social events among
the Indians West Indians. Accompanied their
songs with orchestras monotone. The songs sung
and dances were called areytos areytos.Había
several classes: the symbolic areyto belonging to
the sacred liturgy, the areyto warrior, which
celebrated the victories of war and social areyto
to honor celebrities Areytos also served to
transmit the beliefs from generation to
generation and were always sung the same way
not to corrupt them.
They used hooks made of fish bones, turtle shells
and bone. Pescaban con cañas en sus canoas.
Fishing with rods in their canoes. They made
nets and traps, as a kind of pens with sticks
together with vines, and dug into the bottom of
the river to catch fish, shellfish and turtles.
The homes were intended for an extended family,
which consisted of 20 or more people. The houses
were of two types:
Bohio -The huts: they were circular in shape with a
conical roof, and was supported by poles which were
placed around a central pole, which rested on the top.
Walls made with cane leaves or palm leaves of royal
-The caneye, was the house of chiefs, was rectangular
in shape and more spacious, with two aguas.Estas
roof houses were located near a place called Batey,
where festivities were held ceremonias. Tainos slept
in hammocks made cotton which were hung with
twine and rope hicos
Some of the weapons used to fight the Taino were:
- Pitchers: An instrument used by the Tainos in war
activities, hunting and fishing.
- Macana: typical weapon used by the Amerindians
in their warlike activitiesFor the manufacture of wood
she used dental stalk fire-hardened blade, the sides
were keenHe clung with both hands as it was very
- Bows, arrows and throw darts: Instruments used by
the Tainos both for its military activities, such as for
hunting and fishing. In his clothing was used
hardwood. The arrows ending in a bone, fish teeth,
bone or wood hardened by fire.
The first inhabitants of Puerto Rico were the
Taino Indians, a tribe descended from the
Arawak Indians of Venezuela.
 The Taino language was in the form of
petrographic or symbols carved in stone and was
the Arawak language.
 The Taíno name means' good and noble. “ When
the Europeans arrived, the Tainos inhabited
much of the island of Puerto Rico and Spanish, as
well as eastern Cuba and Jamaica.
 According to Christopher Columbus, Taino
language was mild, the sweetest in the world,
always with a laugh.
The chiefs practiced polygamy, rare among the
common people. This practice was justified by the
excess of girls of marriageable age, and because
among the Tainos were a disgrace to have no
 The relative wealth of the chiefs, their status,
and low aspirations of the people, allowing them
to have several wives and children.
 Polygamy was heightened by the constant
struggle against the Carib Indians. The
numerous casualties among the male population
and the urgent need to maintain a population
level, were key factors to propagate polygamy
among West Indian Taino tribes.