Intermediate Algebra - Utah State University

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Transcript Intermediate Algebra - Utah State University

A review of concepts and
computational skills
Chapters 4-5
Systems of Equations
Solve by graphing
 Solve by substitution
 Solve by elimination
 Independent, dependent, inconsistent
 3-variable systems
Exponents and Rules
am x an = am+n
 am / an = am-n
 a0 = 1
 (am)n = amn
 (ab)n = an bn
 (a/b)n = an/bn
 a-n = 1/an
Scientific Notation
Scientific Notation: Used for very large
or very small numbers
 a x 10n where 1 < a < 10 and n is an
Polynomial—term, degree, constant,
coefficient, like terms
 Monomial, binomial, trinomial
 Adding and subtracting polynomials–
look for like terms
Multiply and Divide
Multiplying Polynomials by monomials
 Multiplying Binomials– FOIL method
 Special Products
 Dividing polynomials by monomials
 Dividing polynomials by binomials
(long division)
 Synthetic division
GCF- greatest common factor
 Factoring special products
 Factor by grouping
 Factoring 2nd degree trinomials
 Sum or difference of 2 cubes
 Quadratic techniques
 Solving equations by factoring