Executive Overview - IT Acquisition Advisory Council

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Interoperability Clearinghouse (ICH)
A not-for-profit research institute 501.C6
IT Acquisition Advisory Council (IT-AAC)
A non-partisan think tank, 501.C3
Assuring the Business Value of Technology
Partnership Prospectus
904 Clifton Drive * Alexandria * Virginia 22308
www.IT-AAC.org * (703) 768-0400
[email protected]
ICH &IT-AAC Objectives
Assuring The Business Value of Technology
Challenge: Reducing market barriers to entry and improved transparency. ITICH
Acquisition Process is broken and conflicted.
Dedication: Improving IT Acquisition Efficiency and Effectiveness for commercial
solution providers (COTS, Open Source), thereby reducing sales cycles, cost.
Services: Market research, past performance validation, capture strategy, solution
interchange forums
Market Focus: Business Systems, Cyber Security, Info Sharing, IT Infrastructure,
Health IT
Results: Level Playing field, increase market penetration, reduce sales cycle time and
cost, increased budget allocation to COTS/Open Source solutions by 30%.
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
[email protected] www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
Federal IT Acquisition Issues
1. Federal IT Acquisition Process is Broken: Long (91 Months), costly, nonpredictive. A waste of critical resources.
2. Conflict of Interest rules - Increased enforcement : traditional trade
associations, consultants, and lobbyists ineffective, favoring the status quo.
3. “Low cost bids” vs “best value award”: Acquisition culture and disincentives favor Low Cost. Adoption of “innovative solutions” and “commercial
best practices” are blocked from serious consideration.
4. Government leaders are clamoring for collaborative mechanisms by which
proven solutions can be identified early and adopted quickly.
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
[email protected] www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
Federal IT Acquisition Process
is Broken
ICH’s Architecture Assurance Method (AAM) has proven to reduce cycle
times and improve timely decision making.
IT-AAC recommendation for Acquisition reform already impacting acquisition
IT-AAC monthly member forums bring focus to both root cause and potential
ICH’s non-profit research institute is providing actionable mechanisms,
agency by agency:
IT-AAC and ICH are driving forces for change
– Innovators and Non-Traditional Contractors Benefit.
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
[email protected] www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
Increased Enforcement of
Conflict of Interest Rules
Increased lobby restrictions reducing the Impact of Traditional
Trade Associations.
– Encouraging the use of conflict-free co-laboratories
– Solution Architecture Innovation Lab (SAIL)
 IT-AAC’s public/private partnership provides a conflict free
structure for industry/government interchange.
ICH and IT-AAC - Members gain a voice and means of early
solution validation in the Governmental selection process.
ICH’s Sole Source Contracts/Vehicles provide a basis for agencies
to test and validate potential solutions and architectures.
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
[email protected] www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
“Low cost bids” vs
“Best value award”
 Ability to bid ICH’s proven methods, research data and expertise,
assuring the technological business value and mission assurance.
 ICH has government - approved recommended and gained
expertise for assessing market capabilities and predicting ROI.
 IT-AAC and ICH functions as a “FFRDC” with which our Members
can partner and team.
 ICH’s ability to capture, audit and adapt industry best practices
enables government to validate member best practice offers
(COTS, Open Source).
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
[email protected] www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
Clamoring for Collaborative
 ICH government sponsored “collaboratory” and contract vehicles enables a
high integrity solution architecture information exchange.
 IT AAC is bringing together top leaders from congress, academia, agencies
and industry to reshape acquisition policy.
 Solution Architecture Innovation Lab (SAIL) repurposes existing resources,
expertise and labs for piloting and prototyping.
 Members can leverage ICH’s 39 public/private partnership worth $1.5Million
in annual dues savings. One ICH membership = many corp memberships.
 Members also tap ICH’s deep network of influencers, decision makers and
appropriators (26,000 strong)
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
[email protected] www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
Value of ICH & IT-AAC Membership
 Reduced cost of sales and increased effectiveness of marketing and sales
Direct access to and collaboration with Senior Government decision makers.
Predictable outcomes of major program capture efforts.
Direct validation of member capabilities, best practices, unique value proposition
 Access to existing contract vehicles for predictive, timely award process.
Direct participation in agency planning activities.
“We have put to practice the AF Solution Assessment Process (ASAP) … with some well documented success. It was developed with
Interoperability Clearinghouse (ICH) and provides a structured and measurable IT assessment process with the agility to provide decisionquality assessments ranging from quick-looks to more in-depth capability-focused technology assessments and lightweight business case
analysis.” General Mike Peterson, AF CIO
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
[email protected] www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
Methods & Tools
Trusted Research Coop … 10 Years of Refinement
Acquisition Assessment Method (AAM)
• Decision analytics for rapid AoA, EoA, BCA, Risk and Technical Assessments
• Measurable, repeatable and sustainable method to enable cost avoidance and savings
• Incorporates by reference: SOA best practices, IT Infrastructure Libraries (ITIL) and
Evidenced Based Research (EBR)
Solution Architecture Innovation Lab (SAIL)
• Open and Inclusive structure by which innovators can validate their technologies
• Reusable solution architecture templates for e-Gov, IT Infrastructure,
Cyber-Security & Health IT
• Leverages existing testing and implementation results from multiple communities
• GSA, Sole Source and OTA Contract vehicles for rapid innovation discovery.
IT-Acquisition Advisory Council (IT-AAC)
• A non-partisan Government and industry think tank created to drive sustainable IT
Acquisition Reform
• Leverages expertise from academia, standards bodies, innovators and COIs
• Non-Profit
interchange for senior
level leadership
ICH Proprietary
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[email protected]
www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
Predictable Results
Repeatable, measurable, sustainable success
Navy: Assessment of AFLOAT Program –
CANES SOA & Security Strategy
USAF: Streamlined COTS Acquisition
Process. Applied to Server Virtualization.
USAF: Procurement of E-FOIA
System using AAM
Eliminated hi-risk Requirements by
23%, $100Ms in potential savings
Established optimal arch with ROI of
450% & $458 million savings
Completed AoA, BCA, AQ Selection
in just 4 months
USMC: AoA and BusCase for Cross
Domain, Thin Client Solutions
GSA: Financial Mgt System consolidation
using AAM.
BTA: Assessment of External DoD
Hosting Options using AAM
Greatly Exceeded Forecasted Saving
in both analysis and acquisition
Moved FMS from OMB “red” to
“green”. Eliminated duplicative
investments that saved $200M
$300 million in potential savings with
minimal investment
BTA: Apply AAM to complete AoA and
BCA for Hosting and SOA
GPO: Developed Acquisition Strategy for
Future Digital System
JFCOM: MNIS Evaluation of Alternatives
for Cross Domain Solutions
Reduced average cycle time and cost
of Analysis by 80%
Led to successful acquisition and
implementation on time, on budget
and 80% cheaper than NARA RMS
Evaluated 100’s of Options in 90 days,
enabling stake holder buy in and
source selection.
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
[email protected] www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
IT Acquisition Advisory Council (IT-AAC)
Industry Advisory Board
– Chairman Michael Wynn, former Secretary of
– Honorable Dave Oliver, former OSD ATL, EADS
– Lt General (ret) Jack Woodward USAF, former AF
Deputy CIO and Joint Staff J6
– Army Gen (ret) Steven Boutelle, former Army G6,
– AF General (ret) Thomas Verbeck, ICH Director
– Dr. Marv Langston, former OSD C3I DCIO, ICH CTO
– AF General (ret) Paul Nielson, CEO, SEI CMU
– RADM (ret) Lenn Vincent, Industry Chair, DAU
– Vint Cert, Founder of the Internet, Google
– Kevin Carroll, former Army PEO EIS, ICH Corp
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
– Dave Patterson, former OSD Comptroller,
University Of Tennessee
– Larry Allen, Executive Director, Coalition for
Government Procurement
– Ed Black, President, Computers &
Communications Industry Consortia
– Stephen Buckley, Kerberos Consortia, MIT
– William Lucyshyn, Director of Research, School
of Public Policy, U of MD
– Dan Johnson, Sr. Council, Computers &
Communications Industry Association
– Kirk Phillips, the Kirk Group
– John Weiler, Founder, Chief Strategist,
– Marty Evans, former AF AQI Director
– Paul Brubaker, former OSD C3I DCIO, CISCO
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
[email protected] www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
IT Acquisition Advisory Council (IT-AAC)
Government Participants
MGen Susan Lawrence, Army NetCom Commander
LtGen Mark Shackelford, Deputy SAF, Acquisition
Frank Anderson, President, DAU
Dr. Elizabeth MdDaniel, President, NDU
Mark Bogart, SES, CAO, DIA
John Higbee, Director Acquisition Management, Department of
Homeland Security
Ralph Roman, Director IT Acquisition Council, Department of
Homeland Security
Steve Cooper, Former DHS CIO, CIO FAA OTA
James Washington, VP and Chief Acquisition Officer, FAA
Admiral Lenn Vincent (ret), Defense Acquisition University
Frank Garcia, Professional Staff, House Permanent Select
Committee on Intelligence
Dave Weddell, Deputy N6/CIO, Navy
Jan Frye, Chief Acquisition Officer, Veterans Administration
James (Raleigh) Durham, Director, Joint Advanced Concepts,
Chris Miller, Executive Director, PEO C4I, Navy
Stephan Warren, Deputy CIO, VA
Bill McKinsey, Chief IT Management, FBI
Terry Balven, CIO, AQ, Secretary of the AF
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
– Tim Harp, Deputy Asst Secretary Acquisition, OSD NII
– Jake Haynes, Program Manager, Defense Contracting Management
– Gary Winkler, Director Army PEO EIS
– Greg Gardner, Deputy CIO, Director for National Intelligence
– Kathy Laymon, Supply Chain Risk Mgt, US Army
– Maureen Coyle, Deputy CIO, VA
– John Whitmore, Deputy Director, AF Acquisition, SAF/AQI
– MaryAnne Rochy, Deputy CIO and PEO Acquisition, OSD Health
– David Schroeder, Director External Relations, OSD HA CIO
– Gino Magnifico, CIO, Army Contracting Command
– Stewart Whitehead, SES J8, Joint Forces Command
– Dr Paul Tibbits, Deputy CIO and Director Enterprise Development,
– Dave Green, CTO, US Marine Corps
– Brad Brown, Director of Acquisition Policy, Defense Acquisition
– Barry Robella, Professor of Systems Engineering, Defense
Acquisition University
– Charles Tompkins Esq., Chair Systems Management Dept, NDU
– Dr. Robert Childs, Director, IRM College, NDU IRMC
– Janice Haith, Deputy CIO, Information Sharing, OSD
– Dr. Tim Rudoph, CTO, AF ESC
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
[email protected] www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
Partnership Engagement Options
 Basic Membership (Silver): $25k/year
– Attendance for 1 person on all IT-AAC
– 4 hours per month of support
 Corporate Membership (Gold): $60k/year
– Access to all contract vehicles
– Bi-monthly strategy sessions
– 12 hours per month of support
– Hot line support
– Corporate license for AAM Methods
– Ability to incorporate into bids and proposals
– Discount Past Performance and Solution Audits
 Founding Father Membership (Platinum): $120k/year
– Access to all contract vehicles; GSA, MOBIS, OTA, Sole Source
– Board Seat on IT-AAC, access to all meeting
– Corporate license for AAM Methods
– 25 hours per month of on-site or off-site support (Tower Club)
– Access to all market research
– Bi-monthly on-site Strategic Planning sessions
– White paper support
– Most favored teaming status
– Discount Past Performance Solution Audit
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
[email protected] www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
Advisory and Analytical Services
Studies and Assessments
Strategic IT Assessment: Emerging Technologies, SOA, Business Systems, Cyber, Health IT ICH
Transition Architectures and Gap Analysis
Architecture Alignment: Aligning EA with Acquisition Strategies for line of sight
Performance Metrics and Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
Technology Readiness and Maturity Assessments using Evidenced Based Research
Acquisition Advisory and Decision Analytics
Analysis of Alternatives (AoA), Business Case Analysis (BCA), Evaluation of Alternatives (EoA)
Value Stream Analysis: Requirements & Capability Gap Analysis
Standardized Metrics; Measures of Effectiveness (MOE) and Service Level Agreement (SLAs)
Economic Planning and Analysis: 8-Step Process
Strategic planning and alignment
Direct Market and Industry Surveys
 Solution Architecture Innovation Lab (SAIL), collaborative approach for defining realm of the possible
 Conflict Free Research: More directed program and quality executive decisions
 Solution Architecture Working Groups and Conferences that reach innovations of the market
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
[email protected] www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
ICH Contract Vehicles
Contract Options for all ICH members:
 GSA Schedule 70, 5 Firm Fixed Price offerings under $500K
 GSA MOBIS, Small Business
 SOSSEC Other Transaction Authority (OTA)
Sub Contractor:
 Scientific Service Program, FAR 6-302 Sole Source Pilots (Battelle)
 SAF/FM A&AS (Kerney)
 Seaport IDIQ
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
[email protected] www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
In Review: Business Case
IT-AAC’s ounce of prevention in these lean times…
 Open & Inclusive Structure
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute: Conflict free support and secure services
Access to market innovations and lessons learned: Rapidly applied to the Government
39 public/private partnerships, 3,000 industry fellows: Massive “think tank”
Top Secret Clearances, Access to tens of thousands of SMEs
 Repeatable, Measurable, Standardized Methods (Decision Analytics)
 Acquisition Assurance Method (AAM) streamlines JCIDS and AoA
 Evidenced Based Research (EBR) validates assumptions and vendor claims
 Solution Architecture Innovation Lab (SAIL) captures realm of the possible
 Streamlined Studies, Assessments and Analysis Services
 AoA, EoV, BCA (ROI) and Risk Assessments at a fraction of the cost and time
 Reusable studies and benchmarks: COTS, Open Source, ERP, Infrastructure and SOA
 LEAN Six Sigma, Solution Architecture, IT Acquisition, Portfolio Mgt, SOA Governance, ITIL/VCA
 Assured Mission Outcomes, Low Cost: AF, Navy, USMC, BTA, JFCOM, GSA
 Evidenced Based Research derived from real world results
 Reduced acquisition time-line, measurable and predictable outcomes
 Significant cost-avoidance and savings, reduced analysis/paralysis
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
[email protected] www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org