Alcohol - University of Arizona

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Drugs in Society:
Alcohol, Nicotine, and
Kathy Badria, Kaitlin Shupe,
Scott Stirn, Shayne
Thompson, Rebecca Watson
In the past week, how many of
Drank alcohol?
Had a smoke?
Drank a cup of coffee?
Physiological Mechanism
Effects on Behavior
Physiological Mechanism
Alters interaction between
neurotransmitters and receptor at the
synaptic cleft
 Affects variety of transmitters: ACh,
serotonin, NMDA, dopamine, GABA
 Ex) GABA receptor
 Increases
activity which decreases neuronal
 Alcohol in the Brain
Addiction Formation
Normal NMDA function is excitatory when
stimulated by glutamate3
Inhibited by alcohol
Two changes with chronic alcohol use
NMDA composition changes leading to synaptic plasticity 5
Increase in number of NMDA receptors6
Addiction: Heredity
“Alcoholism is genetic”
 True,
but gene/ mechanism unknown
 Altered
serotonin structure
 Altered dopamine receptor structure
 Etc.
 Combination
of environmental and genetic
Effects on behavior: Acute
Slows reaction time
Lowers inhibitions
Reduces coordination
Impairs concentration
 Mostly
effects on
Hand to nose field test
Effects on Behavior: High
Difficulty breathing
Effect on Behavior: Female1
Effects on Behavior: Male1
Physiological Mechanism
Effects on Behavior
What is Nicotine?
Natural alkaloid, C10H14N2
 Found in Nicotiana tabacum
 Clear liquid- turns brown when burned
How is Nicotine delivered to the
Easily absorbed through
skin, lungs, and mucous
Enters small blood
vessels which carry it to
the heart
The heart pumps it to the
After about 20-30 minutes
it reaches other tissues in
the body such as skeletal
Nicotine in the Brain
Inhaled nicotine reaches the brain within 10 seconds
Diffuses capillary walls and surrounds neurons
Mimics acetylcholine by activating cholinergic
receptors. (Nicotinic Receptors) Nicotine in the Brain
Increases levels of dopamine, glutamate, and
Elimination from the Body
Metabolized in the liver, kidney, and lungs
 Cotinine (70%) and Nicotine-N’-oxide (4%)8
 Half life ~2 hours8
 Excreted in urine
Physiological Effects
Can act as both a stimulant and a sedative
Immediate release of glucose
Increased blood pressure
Increased heart rate
Increased respiration
Suppression of insulin
If pregnant, may cause lower birth weight and
premature delivery
Increased risk for seizures and hypothermia
Behavioral and Cognitive Effects
Feelings of pleasure and motivation (reward pathway)
Withdrawal syndrome
Common withdrawal symptoms are craving, irritability,
aggressiveness, cognitive deficits, sleep disturbances,
and increased appetite
Depression and fatigue
Might improve reaction time, ability to focus, and
Indirect Effects of Nicotine
Cancer!: lungs, mouth, esophagus, larynx,
pharynx, kidney, bladder and many others
 Cardiovascular disease
 Stroke
 Emphysema
Treatments for Nicotine Addiction
Behavioral and pharmacological
 Nicotine Replacement Therapies: nicotine
gum, transdermal patch, nasal spray, and
 Zyban
Previously used as an insecticide9
Previously used in darts for sedating elephants9
Nicotine poisoning causes vomiting, nausea,
headaches, respiratory problems, abdominal
pains, seizures, and death10
LD50: oral rat- 50mg/kg and skin rat-140mg/kg10
Some Statistics to Consider…
Nicotine is one of the most heavily used addictive drugs in the
An estimated 45.8 million adults in the United States smoke
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that tobacco
use remains the leading preventable cause of death in the U.S.,
causing approximately 440,000 premature deaths each year and
resulting in an annual cost of more than $75 billion in direct
medical costs11
Each year an estimated 150,000–300,000 children younger than
18 months of age have lower respiratory tract infections because of
exposure to secondhand smoke12
Physiological Mechanism
Effects on Behavior
What is Caffeine?
Trimethylxanthine14, C8H10N4O2
In pure form, caffeine is a white crystalline powder that
tastes very bitter.
LD50 of Caffeine: 13-19g (depends on weight and
individual sensitivity).
The half-life of caffeine is 3.5-10hrs.
Caffeine is completely absorbed by the stomach and
small intestine within 45 minutes of ingestion.
The chief source of pure caffeine is the process of
decaffeinating coffee and tea.
Caffeine’s Activity comes from its
resemblance to15:
C10H13N5 O4
The Mechanism of Caffeine:
Caffeine works in 4 ways16:
Inhibition of Phosphodiesterase
Antagonism of Adenosine Receptors
Mobilization of Calcium (may lead to bone
mass loss; osteoporosis)
Antagonism of Benzodiazepine Receptors
The Two Key Mechanisms of
It blocks the enzyme phosphodiesterase from
removing the secondary messenger cAMP, so
the excitory signals from adrenaline persist
much longer.
It binds to adenosine receptors on the surface of
cells without activating them (competitive
inhibition). The result is an increase in
adrenaline (epinephrine). Since epinephrine is
the natural endocrine response to a perceived
threat this will lead to various symptoms17.
Without Caffeine
Adenosine builds up in the course
of a day, and when levels are high
enough, the adenosine binds to
receptors that cause nerves to
release inhibitory signals that lead
to drowsiness and sleep.
Adenosine also causes a dilation of
blood vessels to the brain, to
provide more oxygen and nutrients
to cells needing to be replenished18.
Caffeine in the Brain
With Caffeine
To a nerve cell, caffeine looks like adenosine. Caffeine
thus binds to the adenosine receptor. However, it does
not slow down the cell’s activity like adenosine would.
The cell doesn’t respond to adenosine because caffeine
is taking up all the receptors adenosine binds to. And
instead of slowing down as usual, the cells speed up.
Caffeine also causes the brain’s blood vessels to
constrict, whereas adenosine causes them to open up.
This delays drowsiness, and fatigue, it also tends to
produce a more rapid and clearer flow of thought19.
Increased Nervous Activity
Because caffeine interrupts the pathway that
normally serves to regulate nerve conduction by
suppressing post-synaptic potentials, there is a
constant neuron firing in the brain, the pituitary
gland sees this activity as a problem and
assumes something is wrong.
As a result, it will soon begin to release
hormones telling the adrenal glands to produce
adrenaline (epinephrine)20.
The Effects of Adrenaline:
Physiological Effects of Caffeine21
Dilating pupils
Heart beats faster
Blood vessels on the surface
constrict to slow blood flow from
cuts and also to increase blood
flow to muscles
Blood pressure rises
Blood flow to stomach slows
The liver releases sugar into the
blood for extra energy
Muscles tighten
Constricts blood vessels
Caffeine is a diuretic (dehydration)
Psychological Effects of
An intake of 100mg of Caffeine can induce:
Can form a dependence within 6-15 days of use
Those who are addicted to caffeine show symptoms of withdrawal 1224 hours after intake has stopped.
Symptoms of withdrawal include:
Maybe Anxiety
Addictive Qualities
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that, in certain
parts of the brain activates the pleasure center.
Furthermore, Caffeine increases dopamine
levels in a similar way that amphetamines do
(heroin and cocaine manipulate dopamine levels
by slowing down the rate of dopamine reuptake).
Although the effect of caffeine is much lower
than heroin, it follows the same mechanism.
It is the dopamine connection that is suspected
to contribute to caffeine addiction22.
Effects of Caffeine on Spiders
The Need for Caffeine?
Clearly, you can see why your
body might want/ be addicted to
Its effects are short term. If you
are short on sleep and need to
stay awake:
Caffeine blocks adenosine
receptors by binding to them, so
you feel alert.
It injects adrenaline into your
system to give you a boost.
And it manipulates dopamine
production to make you feel
How much caffeine is in23…
Coffee (6 oz. cup) 150 mg
Java Water (16.9 oz.) 125 mg
Espresso (1.5 oz. - 2 oz.) 100 mg
Haagen Dazs Coffee Ice Cream (1 cup) 58
Mountain Dew (12 oz.) 55 mg
Black tea (6 oz.) 50 mg
Dannon Coffee Yogurt (8 oz.) 45 mg
Diet Coke (12 oz.) 45 mg
Dr Pepper (12 oz.) 42 mg
Sunkist Orange Soda (12 oz.) 42 mg
Lipton bottled iced tea (16 oz.) 40 mg
Diet Pepsi (12 oz.) 36 mg
Baking chocolate 35 mg
Barq's Root Beer (12 oz.) 22 mg
Green tea (6 oz.) 15 mg
M&Ms (1.75 oz.) 15 mg
Hershey's Milk Chocolate bar 10 mg
Hot chocolate (6 oz.) 10 mg
Decaffeinated coffee (6 oz.) 2-6 mg
Caffeine in Society
 Social aspects
Why consume caffeine?
Is peer presure involved?
Is it wrong to consume caffeine?
How many people consume caffeine?
Death by Caffeine23
LD-50, Caffeine17
ORL-RAT LD50 192 mg kg-1
IPR-RAT LD50 260 mg kg-1
IVN-RAT LD50 105 mg kg-1
IVN-WMN LDLO 57 mg kg-1
ORL-CHD LDLO 320 mg kg-1
ORL-HMN LDLO 192 mg kg-1
SCU-RAT LD50 170 mg kg-1
IPR-GPG LDLO 220 mg kg-1
orl = oral
ipr = intraperitoneal
ivn = intravenous
wmn = woman
hmn = human
scu = subcutaneous
gpg = guinea pig
LD50 = lethal dose, 50 percent kill
LDLO = lowest published lethal dose
MSDS, Caffeine24
Target Organs: Heart, central nervous system.
Potential Health Effects
Eye: Dust may cause mechanical irritation.
Skin: May cause skin irritation.
Ingestion: Harmful if swallowed. May cause gastrointestinal irritation
with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Ingestion increases the metabolic
rate causing warm, flushed and moist skin, muscular weakness, rapid
heart rate, insomnia, nervousness, increased metabolism and weight
loss. May cause ataxia, blood pressure elevation, convulsions,
hallucinations, hypermotility, muscle contraction or spasticity,
somnolence (general depressed activity), toxic psychosis, and tremors.
Inhalation: May cause respiratory tract irritation. May cause effects
similar to those described for ingestion.
Chronic: May cause cancer according to animal studies. May cause
digestive tract and cardiac disturbances. May cause reproductive and
fetal effects.
Caffeine’s History
600,000 BCE- Believed to be the first use of
2,737 BCE- Tea is invented by the Chinese
900 BCE- Homer recalls a black beverage that
wards off sleep.
850 CE- Coffee is discovered by goat herder
1100 CE- First coffee trees cultivated
1475 CE- First coffee shop opens in Turkey
1607 CE- Coffee is brought to the new world
1880 CE- Caffinated soft drinks are invented
1970 CE- US imports 70 percent of the worlds coffee
Present Day- More than 400 billion cups of coffee are
consumed every year.
Fun Facts25, 26
Americans drink more than 300 million cups
of coffee per day.
The world’s three biggest coffee drinkers are
the U.S., France and Germany (65% of the
total world consumption).
Coffee is second only to oil in terms of dollars
trade worldwide.
More Fun Facts25, 26
Coffee beans from Coffee arabica, grown mostly in Central and
South America, contain about 1.1% caffeine. Beans from Coffee
robusta, grown mostly in Indonesia and Africa, contain about 2.2%
Caffeine is on the International Olympic Committee list of prohibited
substances (The limit: 12 ug / mL of urine).
The human body will usually absorb up to about 300 milligrams of
caffeine at a given time (4 cups of coffee).
Nicotine in Society
Withdrawal Symptoms
Craving for nicotine, irritability, anxiety, difficulty
concentrating, restlessness, sleep disturbances,
decreased heart rate, and increased appetite or
weight gain
Proof that the symptoms are from nicotine can
be shown be the replacement of nicotine and the
relief of the symptoms
LD-50, Nicotine18
ORL-RAT LD50 50 mg kg-1
IPR-MUS LD50 5.9 mg kg-1
SKN-RBT LD50 50 mg kg-1
IVN-MUS LD50 0.8 mg kg-1
SKN-RAT LD50 140 mg kg-1
LD50 = lethal dose, 50 percent kill
LDLO = lowest published lethal dose
MSDS, Nicotine19
Potential Health Effects
Eye: May cause eye irritation.
Skin: May cause skin irritation. May be fatal if absorbed through the skin.
Ingestion: May be fatal if swallowed. May cause adverse effects of the
musculature. May cause severe digestive tract irritation with abdominal
pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. May cause tremors and convulsions.
May cause muscle paralysis, respiratory failure, and possible death.
Exposure causes initial nervous system stimulation followed by severe CNS
depression. May cause ataxia and incoordination.
Inhalation: May cause effects similar to those described for ingestion.
Chronic: May cause digestive tract and cardiac disturbances.
Causes of death in the U.S.20
Annual Deaths Attributable to Cigarette Smoking
in the U.S., 1995-199921
Tobacco’s early history22
Tobacco originated in the Americas.
1492: Christopher Columbus brings tobacco to Europe. One crew
member is caught smoking by the Inquisition and is imprisoned
for being possessed by the Devil.
1565: Tobacco’s popularity has spread throughout Europe
1612: Tobacco is successfully cultivated for the first time as a cash
crop in Virginia
1618: Virginia produces 20,000 pounds of tobacco.
1629: Virginia produces 1,500,000 pounds of tobacco.
1660: Slavery appears in the tobacco-growing colonies of Virginia
and Maryland.
1775: Virginia and Maryland's combined tobacco production
exceeds 100 million pounds.
Alcohol in Society
Passed by Congress December 18, 1917. Ratified January 16, 1919.
Repealed by amendment 21.
Section 1.
After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale, or
transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or
the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the
jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.
Section 2.
The Congress and the several States shall have concurrent power to
enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Section 3.
This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an
amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of the several States, as
provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the
submission hereof to the States by the Congress.
Passed by Congress February 20, 1933. Ratified December 5, 1933.
Section 1.
The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States
is hereby repealed.
Section 2.
The transportation or importation into any State, Territory, or Possession of
the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors, in
violation of the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited.
Section 3.
This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an
amendment to the Constitution by conventions in the several States, as
provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the
submission hereof to the States by the Congress.
1984: National Minimum Drinking Age Act forced
states to raise their drinking ages to 21 or lose
federal highway funding.35
Proportion of drivers age 16-20 who were involved in fatal
crashes and were intoxicated dropped 33 percent from 1988
to 1998
BUT Proportion of intoxicated drivers aged 21-24 and 25 or
older dropped drastically as well, according to the CDC
Drivers age 16-20 are involved in ~13% of all alcohol-related
fatal accidents
BUT drivers age 16-20 are also involved in ~13% of all
NON-alcohol-related fatal accidents (blame experience, not
State-by-State Laws37
In Alabama, 2 of 3 counties are dry (no production, distribution, or
sale of alcohol allowed). However, Alabama permits the sale of
fireworks, tobacco and firearms with virtually no restrictions or
Fairbanks, Alaska, is a dry town for moose (It is illegal to feed a
moose any alcoholic beverage)
In Indiana, liquor stores can’t sell milk or cold soft drinks, but they
can sell unrefrigerated soft drinks
It is illegal to bring alcohol through a dry county in Mississippi while
traveling across the country
Nebraska state law prohibits bars from selling beer unless they are
simultaneously brewing a kettle of soup
In Utah:37
Wine used for wine tastings must not be swallowed.
“Full alcohol service is available only to dues-paying members of
private social clubs or a limited number of restaurants that can't
advertise, display, or mention the availability of alcohol beverages.”
“It's illegal ... to advertise drink prices, alcohol brands, to show a
‘drinking scene,’ to promote happy hour, to advertise free food, or for
restaurants to furnish alcohol beverage lists unless a customer
specifically requests one.”
Exceptions to Minimum Age of 21 for Consumption of Alcohol (APIS, 1/1/2005) 27
Alcohol and weight36
Drinking alcohol doesn't lead to weight gain, and
many studies report a small reduction in weight for
women who drink. Probable causes:
Research suggests that alcohol energy is not efficiently used
Alcohol appears to increase metabolic rate significantly
Consumption of sugar may decrease as consumption of
alcohol increases
Weight gain comes from the tendency to eat more
food while drinking, not the alcohol itself
Alcohol Myths38
Myth: Drinking coffee can sober a person up
 No amount of coffee (or any other drink) can cause alcohol
to leave a person’s system faster.
 Alcohol leaves virtually everyone’s system at a constant rate
of 0.015 % BAC per hour.
Myth: Men and women can drink the same, given the same
height and weight.
 Women generally have a higher fat content, so the same
amount of alcohol has a higher concentration in their lower
water content.
 Women have less alcohol dehydrogenase in their system,
preventing them from metabolizing alcohol as quickly.
More myths38
Myth: Binge drinking is an epidemic on college campuses.
 To be a binge drinker, one must drink over an “extended
period of time (typically at least two days) during which time
a person repeatedly becomes intoxicated and gives up his or
her usual activities and obligations in order to become
Myth: Alcohol destroys brain cells.
 There is no scientific evidence that alcohol in moderation
contributes to brain cell loss.
 In fact, moderate drinking is often associated with improved
cognitive function.
Binge Drinking
Binge drinking is defined as having five or more drinks in
a row for boys and four or more drinks in a row for girls
by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Binge drinking often begins around 13 and increases
through adolescence
60 percent of college men and 50 percent of college
women are binge drinkers
91 percent of college women who are considered binge
drinkers, consider themselves moderate or light drinkers
Cold, clammy, pale, or bluish skin
Slow or irregular breathing
Alcohol poisoning
Decreased awareness of surroundings
Social Consequences
In schools with high binge drinking rates
34 percent of non-binge drinkers reported being insulted
or humiliated by binge drinkers
13 percent reported being pushed, hit, or assaulted
54 percent reported having to take care of a drunken
68 percent were interrupted while studying
26 percent of women experienced an unwanted sexual
Fun facts about alcohol39
Frederick the Great of Prussia tried to ban the consumption of
coffee, demanding that the populace drink alcohol instead.
The “Bible belt”, which consumes the least alcohol in the U.S., is
also known by many doctors as “Stroke Alley”.
Temperance activists typically consumed patent medicines that
contained up to 40% alcohol (about as much as whiskey).
Bourbon is the official spirit of the United States.
The U.S. Marines’ first recruiting station was in a bar.
Magellan spent more on sherry than on weapons for his trip
around the world in 1519.
Ethical Concerns
Why are these drugs legal in the
United States?
Why is marijuana a controlled substance
when alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine are all
legal drugs?
Cannabis in the Brain
Chudler, Eric H. Neuroscience for Kids. 1 April 2006. 3 April 2006.
Dubuc, Bruno. The Brain from Top to Bottom. 3 April 2006.
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Australia, 1998.
Schwartz-Bloom, Rochelle and Gayle Gross de Núñez. The Dope on Nicotine. 11 Apr. 2006. Oct 2001
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Tobacco Information and Prevention Source. 11Apr. 2006. National Center For Chronic Disease Prevention
and Health Promotion, OSH, NCCDPHP. 27 Mar. 2006 <>
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McMurry, John. Organic Chemistry, 6th Ed. California: Thompson Learning, Inc., 2004.
Gupta, B.S. & Uma. Caffeine and Behaviour Current Views and Research Trends. New York: CRC Press,
References, continued
Goldstein, Avram. Addiction From Biology To Drug Policy. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1994.
Dubuc, Bruno. The Brain from Top to Bottom. 3 April 2006.
Silverthorn, Dee Unglaub. Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach. 2nd ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall,
Sheerwood, Lauralee. Human Physiology from Cells to Systems. 5th ed. California: Thompson Learning, Inc.,
Garattini, Silvio. Caffeine, Coffee, and Health. New York: Raven Press, 1993.
Fleishhacker, W.W. and D.J. Brooks. Addiction Mechanisms, Phenomenology and Treatment:
SpringerWeinNewYork, 2003.
National Soft Drink Association
The Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory. “Safety (MSDS) data for caffeine.” Oxford University: 20
July 2005.
The Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory. “Safety (MSDS) data for nicotine.” Oxford University: 8 July
“Material Safety Data Sheet: l-Nicotine, 99+%.” Acros Organics N.V. Last revised: 16 Dec 1997.
“Comparative Causes of Annual Deaths in the United States.” National Center For Chronic Disease Prevention
and Health Promotion. 26 Jan 2005.
“Annual Deaths Attributable to Cigarette Smoking - United States, 1995-1999.” CDC SAMMEC, MMWR 2002;
Vol. 51, No. 14:300-3. Last updated: 24 Feb 2005.
Tobacco Facts. “From first drag to slavery: tobacco's beginnings (To the late 19th century).”
“Death by Caffeine.” Energy Fiend.
“Material Safety Data Sheet: Caffeine.” Fisher Scientific. Last revised: 02 Aug 2000.
“Fact Sheet – Specialty Coffee Fun Facts.”
“Coffee Fun Facts.”
“Exceptions to Minimum Age of 21 for Consumption of Alcohol as of January 1, 2005.” Alcohol Policy
Information System. Last update: 22 Mar 2006.{0D5C719E-FCE8-4E15-A3674145C655505F}&DE={E6F19624-0ADC-437F-917D-5E7CBC9F58B9}
References, continued
Buckley, Sandra. “The Aftermath of 1984.” Youth Truth. 1(6)
Hanson DJ. “Alcohol, calories, and weight.” 2005.
Hanson DJ. “Alcohol and Drinking Facts in States across the US.” 2005.
Hanson DJ. “Facts and Fiction.” 2005.
Hanson DJ. “Alcohol Trivia.” 2005.
“Constitution of the United States of America.”
Grant,Kathryn. Drug Formulary. Lexi-Comp inc. 1998 Tucson, AZ.