Transcript Bellringers

English 10
Explanation of notebooks
 Today, you will start working in your English
 Although this is not an interactive notebook, I do ask
that you separate each day’s work by writing the date
before completing that day’s assignment.
 In addition, I may ask you to title some entries you
 This notebook will be used for bellringers (start up
activities), drafting essays, grammar exercises, notes,
and article of the week reflections.
9/7/11: Bellringer #1
 On the first page of your notebook, write your name,
the date, and then a list of 6 (or 7) things you love, in
no particular order.
9/8/11: Bellringer #2
 Many of us look back on our lives and, although we
may have had the best intentions or plans, things did
not work out the way we wanted them to, for one
reason or another. Think about a time that you had
planned something to turn out one way, and it ended
up another.
 What was your reaction?
 How did you adapt to the situation?
 How are you dealing with the situation now?
 Would you have done anything differently, knowing
what you now know?
9/8/11: Bellringer #2
 There are many symbols of America and American
history. Some include the Declaration of
Independence, the Lincoln Memorial, the Statue of
Liberty, the Capital Building and the White
House. Which national monument or symbol of
America do you think best represents America? Why?
9/9/11: Bellringer #3
 If you were an office supply, what would you be and
why? Write for 5 minutes.
 Examples: Tape, glue, copier, printer, computer, stapler,
staple remover, pen, pencil, chair, folder, paper cutter,
shredder, etc.
9/13/11: Bellringer #4
 Most Tuesdays , we will have Grammar Bellringers.
 Copy the following sentence. Fix and circle the
grammar errors in the sentence.
 Don’t erase the mistakes, just fix them.
 In books like Hawaii and Centennial, james
Michener includes an history of the land
and information about animals that live on
them. (5 errors)
 In books like Hawaii and Centennial, James Michener
includes an history of the land and information about
animals that live on them it. (5 errors)
Bellringer Themes
 Bellringer Themes: Each day of the week will have a
bellringer theme from now on.
 This means that most of the time, the bellringer for that
day of the week will resemble that days theme.
 This may not be the case, every week, but for the most part
you will see the following themes:
 Monday: Article of the Week
 Tuesday: Grammar
 Wednesday: ACT Prep
 Thursday: Writing
 Friday: ???
9/14/11: Bellringer #5
 You may want to skip a few pages so there’s room for
your rough draft.
 Most Wednesdays we will have ACT style test question
prompt bellringers.
 Copy the sentence, and choose the one underlined part
that must be changed to make the sentence correct.
 Despite the home team’s best effort, the visitor’s
played hard and won by forty points. No Error
9/14/11: Bellringer #5
 Despite the home team’s best effort, the visitor’s
played hard and won by forty points. No Error
9/15/11: Bellringer #6
 Most Thursdays, we will have writing prompt
 When we’re talking, we say “suppose to” instead of the
grammatically correct “supposed to.” But “suppose to”
is a made-up phrase. To burn this rule into your brain,
write four sentences that use “supposed to.”
 One sentences about pit bulls
 One sentence about politicians
 One sentence about protractors
 One sentence about pears
9/15/11: Bellringer #7
 The following puzzles are called “Rebus” puzzles. Take
a moment to try to solve them. No need to write
them in your notebook.
9/20/11: Bellringer
 Copy the following sentence. Fix and circle the
grammar errors in the sentence.
 Don’t erase the mistakes, just fix them.
 “Reading that book I learned that ancient
mountains had raised and eroded before the
rockies were formed” she added. (4 errors,
one is REALLY tough)
 “Reading that book
I learned that ancient
mountains had raised risen and eroded before the
Rrockies were formed
is REALLY tough)
” she added. (4 errors, one
9/21/11: Bellringer
 Remember to skip a few pages so there’s room for your
rough draft.
 Copy the sentence, and choose the one underlined part
that must be changed to make the sentence correct.
 The new carpenters on the TV design show, who are very
knowledgeable in their fields, use many different
power tools. No Error.
9/22/11: Bellringer
 If you were given the opportunity to phone yourself as
a child, but you only get to talk for 15 seconds; what
would you say to yourself for those 15 seconds?
 This answer has a 33 word limit.
9/23/11: Bellringer
 The following puzzles are called “Rebus” puzzles. Take
a moment to try to solve them. No need to write
them in your notebook.