A Place in History: Famous Alabamians

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A Place in History:
Famous Alabamians
Technology-Infused Lesson Plan
Susan Miles
November 2008
Lesson Demographics
Grade Level: Fourth Grade
Subject Area: Social Studies
Unit Topic : A Place in History: Famous Alabamians
Duraton of Unit: 6 Days
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Lesson Overview
In this lesson, students will
• identify and examine the lives of notable Alabamians who have
made significant contributions on state and national levels.
• will engage in Big6 research-based strategies to conduct research
on their notable person, organize their information, and create and
present their notable person to the class.
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Lesson Overview
Information Literacy Model
•Big6 will be the information literacy model. Big6 is age-appropriate for fourth graders and will help students
organize and synthesize information successfully from start to finish.
Technology Infusion
•Students will use pictures and print to gather information as well as use the Big6 strategy to form questions and
locate answers on a notable person from the State of Alabama.
•Students will use the library catalog to locate reading and research materials in addition to using on-line
resources to acquire information on their notable person.
•Final projects will be presented in PowerPoint format.
Success of Unit and Lessons
•Student assessment and evaluation of this lesson will take place with a rubric evaluating several factors including
observation of student participation, student process of finding, analyzing, and recording information, student
creation of PowerPoint, and group presentation to the class.
Teacher Collaboration
I will be collaborating with fourth grade teacher, Rachelle Agin. Rachelle is very familiar with the entire curriculum
for fourth grade as she has been teaching for ten years. She will be able to identify skills and curriculum that can
be integrated into the lesson to make it the best learning opportunity for the students. She also knows her
students and can help integrate various learning styles to meet student needs.
Alabama Course of Study Standards
EL (4)
11. Read materials encountered in daily lives.
13. Exhibit increased independence in selecting appropriate print and nonprint media
for a variety of purposes.
19. Use appropriate reference sources for a variety of purposes.
ELA (4)
3. Use a wide range of strategies, including distinguishing fiction from nonfiction and
making inferences to comprehend fourth-grade literary/recreational materials in a
variety of genres.
5. Use a wide range of strategies and skills, including using sentence structure,
locating information, and distinguishing fact from fiction, to comprehend fourth-grade
functional and textual/informational reading materials.
8. Compose descriptive texts using an introductory paragraph, sensory details, vivid
language, and a conclusion.
12. Organize information on a specific topic obtained from grade-appropriate reference
13. Demonstrate eye contact, articulation, and appropriate voice intonation with
descriptive presentations.
Alabama Course of Study Standards
IL (K-12)
1.The student who is information literate accesses information efficiently and effectively.
2.The student who is information literate evaluates information critically and competently.
3.The student who is information literate uses information accurately and creatively.
SS (4) Alabama Studies
Identifying Alabamians who made contributions in the fields of science, education, the arts, the
military, politics, and business during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
TC (3-5)
1. Demonstrate optimal posture and position at the computer workstation.
2. Communicate about technology using developmentally appropriate and accurate terminology.
3. Use common input and output devices efficiently and effectively.
11. Utilize general purpose productivity tools to facilitate learning throughout the curriculum.
12. Use a variety of media and technology resources to create and communicate
knowledge products across the curriculum.
Use the Internet to locate information.
Determine appropriate keywords for finding information using a web search.
Evaluate the relevance and appropriateness of electronic information sources.
Relate search results to class or individual assignments.
Select appropriate technology tools and resources to address a variety of tasks and problems.
Learning Objectives
Primary Learning Objective (s):
•Students will identify and learn about Alabamians who have made an
impact either on a local, national, or world level.
•Students will research a famous Alabamian and record the
•Students will organize the information into a PowerPoint presentation.
•Students will present the PowerPoint presentation to the class.
Additional Learning Objective(s):
•Students will hone their research skills using both print and nonprint
•Students will learn to decipher between authentic and false
information on the Internet.
•Students will continue to develop appropriate speaking and
presenting skills.
Lesson Resources
• A Picture Book of Rosa Parks by David Adler
• Rosa Parks: My Story by Rosa Parks
• Rosa by Nikki Giovanni
• Horace King: Bridges to Freedom by Faye Gibbons
• Y is for Yellowhammer by Carol Crane
• A Historical Album of Alabama by Charles Wills
• World Almanac Encyclopedias
• Any other Alabama biographies located either in the classroom, Alabama History
Book, or media center
• Helen Keller
• Daniel Pratt: Preservation of a Dream
Web sites
• Biography.Com http://www.Biography.com
• Alabama Virtual Library http://www.avl.lib.al.us/
• Alabama Department of Archives and History Hall of Fame
Lesson Resources
Materials and Equipment:
• Fact Finding Sheet
• List of notable Alabamians
• Print Materials related to notable Alabamians
Technology Resources Needed:
• Computers with Internet access
• PowerPoint Presentation Software
• Laptop Computer with Internet access
• LCD projector
Lesson Procedures: Day One
Day One’s activities will take place in the fourth grade
Engagement/Motivational Activity (15 minutes): To
introduce the activity, students will be asked to brainstorm
any famous Alabamians they know or have learned about
so far in Alabama history. As students begin to answer, the
names of the notable Alabamians will be written on the
board as well as on a slip of paper.
Students will receive partners for this assignment. The slips
of paper will be placed into a hat and students will draw
the name of the person they will be researching.
Students will then receive a Fact Finding Sheet where they
will be instructed to think about and record any questions
they want to research about their notable person. Students
can use their Alabama History textbooks to help formulate
questions about their person.
Lesson Procedures: Day Two
Day Two’s activities will take place in the library media center.
Students will be given a biography form indicating the type of
information they should try to find about their famous Alabamian.
Students will be looking for this following information but can also
include any other information: birth, early education, family life,
career/job, and major contribution to Alabama or United States
history. Students will use print biographies pulled by the library
media specialist as well as Internet Web sites to find answers to
their questions about their notable person.
Using Web sites like Biography.com, the Alabama Virtual Library,
and the Alabama Department of Archives and History, students
will record their information on their biography forms. They will
refer to their Fact Finding Sheet and the questions they formulated
on Day One as well.
Students will be required to write down the source of information
when recording their facts.
The library media specialist and collaborating teacher will be on
hand to help as necessary.
Lesson Procedure: Day Three
• Day Three’s activities will take place in the library
media center.
• Students will continue to research their famous
Alabamian using a variety of resources.
• On this day, they will be able to complete their
research and prepare for transferring their
information into PowerPoint format.
Lesson Procedures: Day Four
• *This lesson acknowledges that these students have had
previous experience in developing a PowerPoint
• Day Four’s activities will take place in the library media
• Students will begin using Microsoft PowerPoint to create their
presentations about their famous Alabamian.
• Computers will consist of desktop and wireless types to make
sure there is enough computers for each student.
• Students will select from a variety of layouts and begin
writing their text and documenting their sources.
• Students must have a minimum of six slides, including the title
slide. They can include pictures and other clip art.
Lesson Procedures: Day Five
• Day Five’s activities will take place in the library
media center.
• Students will complete work on their PowerPoint
slides and will prepare for presenting their
PowerPoint to the class.
• Students will save their PowerPoint to a CD or USB
drive provided by the library media specialist.
Lesson Procedures: Day Six
Day Six’s activities will take place in the classroom.
Students will use the LCD projector and laptop computer to present
their PowerPoint presentation to the class.
Students will turn in their Fact Finding Sheets to show their research
Assessment Rubrics
• Students will be assessed through a rubric
evaluating several factors including observation of
student participation, student process of finding,
analyzing, and recording information, student
creation of PowerPoint, and presentation to the
• Please examine the rubrics you have been given.
A Place in History:
Famous Alabamians
Technology-Infused Lesson Plan
Susan Miles
November 2008