Transcript Document

Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Cooperation for Gender Equality
The Nordic Council of Ministers
Senior Advisor Petra Sjöström
Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Council
• Founded in 1971.
• Formal framework for Nordic governmental co-operation.
• 5 countries and 3 autonomous regions.
• Not one but several councils.
• Secretariat located in Copenhagen with information offices
in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, St. Petersburg and
Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Council
• The purpose of inter-governmental co-operation in the
Nordic Council of Ministers is to work toward joint Nordic
solutions that have tangible positive effects – Nordic
synergies – for the citizens of the individual Nordic
Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Council of Ministers
for Gender Equality
Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Council
• Starting point in 1974.
• Minister for Gender Equality of the Nordic countries and
autonomous regions.
• Annual meetings between which the Nordic Committee of
senior officials for gender equality which co-ordinates the
day-to-day work of the co-operation.
• Co-operation body NIKK ( placed at the
Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research in Gothenburg to
gather and disseminate information on policy and practice,
facts and research in the area of gender equality.
Nordic Council of Ministers
Basis for co-operation
Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Council
• Common democratic traditions and history.
• Exchange of experience, benefit form each others
expertise and to conduct political debates in order to
develop the content of the work and to achieve a greater
understanding of gender equality.
• The Nordic synergy criterion.
Nordic Council of Ministers
Gender Equality
Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Council
• Power and influence distributed equally.
• The same rights, duties, and opportunities in all areas of
society and all phases of life.
• A society free from all types of gender-related violence
and other forms of discrimination.
• Sustainable and more just societies.
• Increases opportunities to generate economic growth and
guarantee welfare.
Nordic Council of Ministers
Vision for the co-operation
Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Council
• To serve as a model for others at an international level,
showing how the Nordic Region is responding to the
challenges of globalisation by implementing a genderequality policy that will ensure a sustainable society in the
Nordic Council of Ministers
Gender Equality in the
Nordic countries
Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Council
• Scores high in international rankings:
- The Global Gender Gap Index 2012 by World
Economic Forum (position 1-4 and 7).
- Gender Inequality Index (GII) 2011 by UN (position
1, 3, 5, 6 and 9).
- Gender Equality Index 2013 by EIGE (position 1, 2
and 3).
• Common advantages and challenges.
Nordic Council of Ministers
Current priorities –
common challenges
Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Council
• Equality on the labour market.
• Equality in education.
• Gender, ethnicity and equality.
• Zero tolerance for gender related violence.
Nordic Council of Ministers
Cross-cutting themes –
prerequisite for change
Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Council
• Involvement of men and boys.
• Gender Mainstreaming.
Nordic Council of Ministers
Future priorities
Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Council
• New co-operation programme from 2014.
• First discussion on new priorities autumn 2013.
Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Council of Ministers
For more information:
Petra Sjöström, [email protected].
Nordic Council of Ministers