Cpan240 - Humber College

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Transcript Cpan240 - Humber College

Guest Lecture 2
• JavaScript Operators
Calculation Conversions
Comparison Operators
Logical operators
Bitwise Operators
Special Operators
Order of Precedence
Using built-in function
User-defined functions
Reference versus Value
Array Objects
JavaScript Operators
• Operators are used to handle variables.
Arithmetic operators, such as plus.
Comparisons operators, such as equals.
Logical operators, such as and.
Control operators, such as if.
Assignment and String operators.
• Operators are represented by mathematical
symbols but in a few cases they are actual
The most common operators used
in JavaScript
• Mathematical: Used to perform mathematical
• Comparison: Used to compare two values, variables or
• Assignment: Used to assign values to variables.
• Logical: Used to compare two conditional statements to
see if one or both are true.
• Bitwise: Used to perform logical operations on the
binary ("bit") level.
• Special: Used for specific tasks, these operators can
also help eliminate unnecessary code.
Mathematical Operators
Divides one value by another and
returns the remainder
++ Increment Adds 1 to a value
-- Decrement Subtracts 1 from a value
- Negation Changes the sign of the value
Calculation Conversions
• The following will return a string as there is
no way to add a "non-number" to a
var myNum=10;
var noNum="13";
var theSum=myNum+noNum;
• The result here would be 1013.
Calculation Conversions
• An integer added to a floating point
number will result in a floating point
• JavaScript treats all numbers as floating
point numbers.
• If you add 13 and 27.235, you will get a
floating point number as the result: 40.235.
What is the result?
var newNum=11;
var newNum2=2;
var result=newNum%newNum2;
Increment/Decrement Operator
• If the operator is put before the value, it
increases the value by 1, returns that
value to the variable and then performs
the rest of the operation:
var theNum=4;
What is the result?
var theNum=4;
Increments Example
var a = 10;
// initialize a to 10
var x = 0;
// initialize x to 0
x = a;
// a = 10, so x = 10
x = ++a; // a becomes 11 before assignment,
// so a = 11 and x becomes 11
x = a++; // a is still 11 before assignment,
// so x = 11; then a becomes 12
x = a++; // a is still 12 before assignment,
//so x = 12; then a becomes 13
Comparison Operators
Comparison Operators
== Returns true if both values are equal
Returns true if both values are not equal
=== Strict Equals - returns true if both values are
equal and are the same data type
!== Strict Not Equal - returns true if both values
are not equal or not the same data type
Comparison Operators
Greater Than
>= Greater Than or Equal
Less Than
Less Than or Equal
• 25 == 25 // ("25 is equal to 25") true
• 25 == "25" // ("25 is equal to 25, after it has been converted from a
string to a number" [The JavaScript interpreter will convert the string
"25" to a number, 25.] ) true
• 25 != 25 // ("25 is not equal to 25") false
• 25 != 34 // ("25 is not equal to 34") true
• 25 === 25 // ("25 is strictly equal to 25") true
• 25 === "25" // ("the number 25 is strictly equal to the string '25'" [In
this case, the data type of the values is taken into account and is not
converted.] ) false
• 25 !== "25" // ("the number 25 is strictly not equal to the string '25'")
Comparing two strings
• When comparing two strings, JavaScript
converts each character to its ASCII value.
• For instance, in ASCII code "A"=65 and
"a"=97. So, "A" > "a" would be false while
"a" > "A" would be true.
Assignment Operators
Assign (=): x = y
Add and Assign (+=): x += y means the same as x = x + y
Subtract and Assign (-=): x -= y means the same as x = x - y
Multiply and Assign (*=): x *= y means the same as x = x * y
Divide and Assign (/=): x /= y means the same as x = x / y
Modulus and Assign (%=): x %= y means the same as x = x % y
Logical (Boolean) Operators
|| OR
&& AND
Returns false if its single value
can be converted to true;
otherwise returns true
Returns true if either value is true
Returns true if both values
are true
Bitwise Operators
Bitwise And
Bitwise XOR "Exclusive OR":
0 XOR 0 = 0, 0 XOR 1 = 1, 1 XOR 0 = 1, 1 XOR 1 = 0
Bitwise Or
Bitwise Not
Left Shift
Right Shift
>>> Zero Fill Right Shift
• For the most part, these are used in advanced scripts in
context with Java applets.
Special Operators
Conditional - A type of if...else statement. A
condition is placed before the (?) and a value
is placed on each side of the (:)
- Used to process a series of
delete Delete
- Deletes an object, property, or
element from an array
- Used to inspect the contents of
a specified object
Special Operators
instanceof Instanceof - Tests an object
to see if it is of a specified object.
New - Creates an instance of an object
This - Refers to the current object
Typeof - Identifies the type of value
being evaluated
Void - Evaluates an expression without
returning a value
• These operators are used for specific tasks and
can help eliminate unnecessary code.
Order of Precedence
( ) - Calculations done from the inside to the outside.
! Not (Boolean)
~ Not (Bitwise)
- Negation
++ Increment
-- Decrement
Order of Precedence
Left Shift (Bitwise)
Greater Than
Right Shift (Bitwise)
Less Than
Less Than or Equal To
Greater Than or Equal To
Order of Precedence
Not Equal
And (Bitwise)
XOR (Bitwise)
Or (Bitwise)
And (Boolean)
Or (Boolean)
Order of Precedence
Add and Assign
Subtract and Assign
Multiply and Assign
Divide and Assign
Modulus and Assign
Left Shift by Value (Bitwise)
Right Shift by Value (Bitwise)
And by Value (Bitwise)
XOR by Value (Bitwise)
Or by Value (Bitwise)
Sample Scripts
• This script will hide your e-mail address from spammers
but still allow your visitors to see it and click on it as a
mailto link:
<script type="text/JavaScript">
<!-var user = "lunderwood";
var site = "";
document.write('<a href=\"mailto:' + user + '@' + site +
document.write(user + '@' + site + '</a>');
• In the document.write method, we build
the actual link by creating a string with the
HTML element used for e-mail links, '<a
• We use \ " escape sequence to print the
double quote " on the page.
<script type="text/JavaScript">
var paycheck=2000;
<script type="text/JavaScript">
var count=0;
while (count<10)
{ document.write(count + "<br>"); count++; }
JavaScript Functions
Using built-in function Date.htm
• Time-sensitive welcome
– Direct insertion script
– Predefined Date() object
– If/Else control
– Variables
– Objects
– Methods
<h2>Date.htm: Time-Sensitive Welcome</h2>
<p>In the next line, this web page says Good Morning,
Good Afternoon, or Good Night to the user, depending
on what time the browser's machine has. </p>
<script language="javascript">
var d = new Date();
var h = d.getHours();
if (h < 12)
document.write("Good Morning.");
if (h < 17)
document.write("Good Afternoon.");
document.write("Good Evening.");
JavaScript user-defined functions
• A function is a set of statements used to
perform a specific task.
• Just as a variable is a "data container," a
function is a "code container."
• When you create a function, you are in
fact, creating a new JavaScript command
that can be called from anywhere within
the script.
JavaScript Functions
• Similar to Java functions, but
– Header is somewhat different
function name(param_list)
• Return type not specified (since JS has dynamic
• Parameter types also not specified
• To allow this, function code should be in the
<HEAD> section of the .html file.
JavaScript Functions
• Variables declared in a function are local to the
• Parameters are all value
– No parameter type-checking
– Numbers of formal and actual parameters do
not have to correspond
• Extra actual parameters are ignored
• Extra formal parameters are undefined
Like a variable, a function must be
declared first:
function giveName()
code goes here;
code goes here;
Calling a Function
• A function call can be placed in the
<head> section within the script or in the
<body> section.
• It can also be placed in an external file.
• A function can even be called from within
another function, but the code must first be
loaded into memory in order for it to be
Calling a function from within the
<head> Script_6.htm:
<script type="text/JavaScript">
function readyMessage()
alert("Are you ready for this?");
<script type="text/JavaScript">
function music()
var place="Delta";
var type="blues";
alert("I like " + place + " " + type + ".");
• JavaScript interpreter checks to see if the
function has been loaded into memory.
• In our example above, it's already loaded
because it came before the function call.
• Let us put this code in the <head> portion:
<script type="text/JavaScript">
function greetVisitor()
var myName = prompt("Please enter your name.", "");
alert("Welcome " + myName + "!");
• Then, add this link somewhere in the body
of the page and click on it.
<input type="button" value="Click for Greeting"
• Meaning that you can call the function
from within a link.
• Here's one that provides a solution if a name is
not entered. Place this in the <head> portion:
<script type="text/JavaScript">
function greetVisitor() {
var myName = prompt("Please enter your name.", "");
if ( (myName == "") || (myName == null) ) {
alert("Don't you even know your own name?"); }
else { alert("Welcome " + myName + "!"); }
• Then, put this in the <body> portion:
<input type="button" value="Click for Greeting"
<h3>A function with multiple parameters</h3>
<script type="text/JavaScript">
<!-function sayHi(a,b,c) {
alert("Say hello to " + a);
<script type="text/JavaScript">
<script type="text/JavaScript">
<!-function say(what) {
var myName = prompt("Please enter your name.", "");
alert(what + myName);
<input type="button" value="Say Hi" onMouseOver="say('Hi ');"<br>
<input type="button" value="Say Bye" onMouseOver="say('Bye ');"<br>
Global Variables
• These are variables declared outside the
function, within the overall script.
• If the value of a global variable is
reassigned (changed) within a function, it
will be reassigned throughout the entire
Local Variables
• In order to be declared locally they must
be declared using the reserved word var.
• You can even use the same name as a
global variable but its value will only be
used within the function.
Last note on booleans
• In Java:
– “boolean values are not integers, may not be
treated as integers, and may never be cast to
or from any other type”
• In JavaScript
– in numeric context, true is cast to 1 and false
is cast to 0
– in boolean context, defined values are cast to
true, and undefined is cast to false
– in string context, true is cast to “true” and
false is cast to “false”
Primitive versus Reference Types
• What does it mean when we say "b = a"
a = 1;
b = a;
b = 2;
document.write(a, " ", b);
g = {p1: "g1", p2: "g2"};
h= g;
h.p1 = "b1";
document.write(g, " ", g.p1, " ", g.p2, "<br>");
document.write(h, " ", h.p1, " ", h.p2, "<br>");
e = "astring";
f= a;
f = "bstring";
document.write(e, " ", f, "<br>");
Reference versus Value
• Primitive types (numbers, strings) are
passed into a function by value (a copy is
a =1; b = a; means that a copy is made of
a's contents and that copy is assigned to b
Reference versus Value
• Other types (arrays, objects) are passed
by reference
a = [1]; b = a; means that
a "points" to the array
b is given a copy of that address
b[0] refers to exactly the same location as a[0]
but reassigning b wipes out the copy of the
address (meaning that a and b no longer point to
the same thing, but that thing is not wiped out)
Array Objects
• JavaScript arrays are either just like Java
arrays, or a special case of JavaScript
objects where the properties are always
integers 0, 1, 2, ...
• Things to notice
– array slot can hold anything (including other
arrays or objects)
– no pre-declared size
– don’t have to fill it from beginning to end
Array Objects
• More relaxed version of Java arrays
• Size can be changed and data can be mixed
• Creating arrays
• Using the new operator and a constructor with
multiple arguments
var A = new Array("hello", 2, "you");
• Using the new operator and a constructor with a
single numeric argument
var B = new Array(50);
• Using square brackets to make a literal
var C = ["we", "can", 50, "mix", 3.5, "types"];
a = [“first”, "second"];
for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
document.write(a[i] + "<br>");
a = new Array();
a[1] = "something";
for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
document.write(a[i] + "<br>");
Array Objects
• Array Length
• Like in Java, length is an attribute of all array
• Unlike Java, length can be changed by the
• Actual memory allocation is dynamic and occurs
when necessary
– An array with length = 1234 may in fact have memory
allocated for only a few elements
– When accessed, empty elements are undefined
Array Methods
• There are a number of predefined operations that you
can do with arrays
• concat two arrays into one
• join array items into a single string (commas
• sort
– Sort by default compares using alphabetical order
– To sort using numbers we pass in a comparison function
defining how the numbers will be compared
• reverse
– Reverse the items in an array
Array Objects
• These operations are invoked via method
• Also many, such as sort and reverse are
mutators, affecting the array itself
• JavaScript also has 2-dimensional arrays
– Created as arrays of arrays
<script type="text/javascript">
var x
var mycars = new Array()
mycars[0] = "Saab"
mycars[1] = "Volvo"
mycars[2] = "BMW"
for (x in mycars)
document.write(mycars[x] + "<br />")
<script type="text/javascript">
var arr = new Array(3)
arr[0] = "Jani"
arr[1] = "Tove"
arr[2] = "Hege"
var arr2 = new Array(3)
arr2[0] = "John"
arr2[1] = "Andy"
arr2[2] = "Wendy"
<script type="text/javascript">
var arr = new Array(3)
arr[0] = "Jani"
arr[1] = "Hege"
arr[2] = "Stale"
document.write(arr.join() + "<br />")
Multiple Choice Questions
1. A data type is:
a. a letter
b. a number
c. both
2. The four basic data types are:
strings, numbers, BooBoos, and nulls
strings, text, Booleans, and nulls
strings, numbers, booleans, and nulls
strings, numbers, Booleans, and zeros
Multiple Choice Questions
3. To display a backslash, using an escape
sequence, it would be written:
4. A variable is used to store:
a. an escape sequence
b. hidden script
c. data
True/False Questions
Comment tags are used to hide script from new
Variables cannot be used together with text strings.
A string cannot have more than one set of quotes.
HTML elements can be used inside of a string.
A null data type returns a zero.
Bob Dylan writes good music (I just wanted to make
sure you were awake).
A variable must be declared and initialized all on the
same line.
A variable name can begin with a number.
Summary: What was covered?
• JavaScript Operators
Calculation Conversions
Comparison Operators
Logical operators
Bitwise Operators
Special Operators
Order of Precedence
Using built-in function
User-defined functions
Reference versus Value
Array Objects