The Scarlet Letter - Alliance Ouchi-O'Donovan 6

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Guilty Pleasure Letter
My Scarlet Letter
The Scarlet Letter
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter: Introduction
when a
a public
Modern Day – Politician’s
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Reading Article :
The 411 on The Scarlet Letter
• Set in 17th Century
• Puritan code of life
• Main characters
Hester Prynne
Pearl Prynne
Arthur Dimmesdale
Roger Chillingworth
• Novel spans a total of
seven years
• The Scarlet Letter as a
• Her outfit, which she had fashioned for the occasion while in her
cell, was extravagant in a way that seemed to reflect her reckless
mood. But all eyes were drawn to the embroidered scarlet letter,
which so transformed its wearer that people who had known
Hester Prynne felt they were seeing her for the first time. The
letter had the effect of a spell, removing her from ordinary
humanity and placing her in a world by herself.
• Hawthorne found a piece of
cloth with an A on it and
used it as the major symbol
of his novel about the
Puritan lifestyle
On the breast of her gown, in
fine red cloth, surrounded with
an elaborate embroidery and
fantastic flourishes of goldthread, appeared the letter A. It
was so artistically done, and
with so much fertility and
gorgeous luxuriance of fancy,
that it ... was of a splendor in
accordance with the taste of the
age, but greatly beyond what
was allowed by the sumptuary
regulations of the colony.
The Scarlet Letter: Introduction
In Puritan New England a young woman named
Hester Prynne gives birth to a baby girl.
The Scarlet Letter: Introduction
Hester’s elderly husband
has been missing for
Everyone knows he
can’t be the father.
The Scarlet Letter: Introduction
The town punishes Hester
harshly for her adultery.
First, they imprison her.
Then, they condemn
her to wear a scarlet
letter A for the rest
of her life.
The Scarlet Letter: Introduction
The townspeople treat
Hester as an outcast.
The Scarlet Letter: Introduction
What her neighbors don’t know is the identity of
the baby’s father.
Hester refuses to tell.
The Scarlet Letter: Introduction
Her lover, whoever
he is, seems to
escape punishment.
Or does he?
The Scarlet Letter: Introduction
Perhaps hidden
is even worse than
public shame.
The Scarlet Letter: Background
Persecuted in England, the Puritans came to
North America to form their own communities.
The Scarlet Letter: Background
Life in the Colonies was harsh,
but it gave the Puritans
the opportunity to form
a society based on their
religious ideals.
The Scarlet Letter: Background
The setting of The Scarlet Letter is Boston in the
Boston had recently been
founded by about one
thousand English Puritans,
led by John Winthrop.
The Scarlet Letter: Background
Puritans sought the
freedom to live by their
However, the Puritan
leaders did not tolerate
religious beliefs that
differed from their own.
The Scarlet Letter: Background
As for personal
every member of the
community was held
to strict standards of
The Scarlet Letter: Background
In a Puritan community such as Hester’s, no
aspect of life was truly private.
People kept a close watch on
their neighbors.
The Scarlet Letter: Background
Those considered
sinners were
as an example to
Seven deadly Sins
Also as the capital vices or cardinal
sins, is a classification of
objectionable vices
These particular bad habits are
called the seven deadly sins
because according to the
Catholicism, they’re mortal sins –
sins that kill the life of grace.
Modern 7 Deadly Sins
The Catholic Church has come out with a list of seven new modern
day sins - 1,500 years after announcing the original Seven Deadly
Do you think that
the addition are
According to the Catholic Church, a person
who commits a mortal sin
1.Genetic modification 2. Human experimentations 3. Polluting
the environment 4. Social injustice 5. Causing poverty 6.
Financial gluttony 7. Taking drugs
risks burning in hell unless it's absolved through confession and
At the end of the day who
decides your actions…?
What is a guilty pleasure?
A guilty pleasure is something one
enjoys and considers pleasurable
despite the feeling guilt for enjoying
The Guilt is involved is something
simple fear of others discovering ones
embarrassing tastes.
video games
Figure of speech that combines contradictory term, crafted to create
Pretty Ugly
Jumbo Shrimp
Passive Aggressive
Working Vacation
Act Natural
The Scarlet Letter: Discussion Starters
Discuss (1)
Hester goes to jail for an action that, in our society,
usually would remain private.
• What kinds of wrongdoing do you think should
be punished publicly?
• What kinds should remain private for the
people involved?
The Scarlet Letter: Discussion Starters
Discuss (2)
Motivated by love and loyalty, Hester keeps a
painful secret.
• What kinds of secrets should you keep?
• When might it be better to reveal a friend’s
secret, even though that person will be angry
with you?