Transcript Document

Session 16
MIS Reporting: 2009 changes
TJ Baugus, Principal Functional Consultant, Banner
California Community College Solution Center, SunGard
Higher Education
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Session Overview
• MIS Summer 2009 changes
• Setups for ethnicity reporting in new element
– EB report EB14
• General CALB MIS Q&A as time permits
C3SC Releases
• CALB 7.7 and CALB 8.1
– Student MIS Summer 2009 changes
– Several defect fixes for MIS and more
• CALBHR 7.2 with a patch
– EB report MIS Summer 2009 changes
SV09 and SB30
• SGAUSDF: new fields
– ‘VTEA Vocational Migrant Worker’ checkbox for
– ‘Basic Skills Waiver’ checkbox for SB30 STUDENTBASIC-SKILLS-WAIVER-STATUS; checked = ‘W’ on
CB00: SX, XB, XF, and XE
• CB00 Course-Control-Number
– Element and function from CB report duplicated on
the other reports.
– SCADETL form, Supplemental Data tab.
SB29 Student-Multi-Ethnicity
• CALB added no new fields/columns for data.
– 100% baseline functionality.
• CALB scripts to populate defaults for MIS into
baseline tables.
• A baseline script to update existing students
with MIS defaults in the new baseline fields.
SB29: GTVRRAC Race Code
• GTVRRAC seed data scripts: gtvrrac_ins.sql and
– Adds a ‘X’ Other/Unknown value (default for
SB29: GORRACE Race Code Rules
• GORRACE seed data scripts: gorrace_ins.sql and
• Institution Race = the MIS position in SB29 for
positions SB29.02 – SB29.21
– 02, Mexican/Mex-American/Chicano (with
Regulatory Race of ‘X’ Other/Unknown)
– 11, Asian Cambodian (with Regulatory Race of ‘2’
SB29: GORRACE Race Code Rules
SB29: STVETHN Ethnic Code
• Prior SB05/EB04 data.
• STVETHN seed data scripts:
– stvethn_ins.sql and stvethn_del.sql
• Inserts new STVETHN entries (no existing data).
- OR – stvethn_upd_race_cde.sql
• Updates existing STVETHN entries if Institution Race Code
is null (existing data).
SB29: STVETHN Ethnic Code
SB29: Baseline gurethnicity.sql
• Updates existing students (people):
– Updates SPBPERS and GORPRAC adding race and
new ethnicity (where the Ethnicity Code = STVETHN
• If New Ethnicity is null, updates New Ethnicity from
• If no Race records exist, inserts a Race record for the
SB29: Student example
• If student had
Ethnicity ‘PH’,
gurethnicity.sql sets
New Ethnicity and
adds ’18’ Race.
• Any race can be
added manually for
SB29.02 – SB29.21.
• New Ethnicity is
used for SB29.01.
EB14 Employee-Multi-Ethnicity
• EB report: Employee Demographic Data
– HR module (not Student)
– CALBHR 7.2 with patch p_mis_eb14_calbhr70200
(not CALB 7.7)
• EB14 is identical to SB29.
– EB report is not in report engine.
– PEPEDEX Employee Demographic Extract Process
– Same setups and similar scripts were used.
• Questions on CALB 7.7/8.1 MIS Summer 2009
updates or other MIS topics.
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