Transcript Slide 1

Correlation between ELISA and mass
spectrometry analysis of lysophosphatidic
acid (LPA) in patient samples for rapid
quantification of LPA
Mandi Murph1, Tamotsu Tanaka1, Jihai Pang2, Edward Felix2, James Thompson3 and Gordon Mills1
1Department of Systems Biology, 2Department of Experimental Therapeutics, Division of Cancer
Medicine, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
1515 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, TX 77030. 3Echelon Biosciences Inc., 675 Arapeen Drive, Ste 302, Salt
lake City, UT 84108.
Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a small, growth factor-like phospholipid found in blood
circulation as a normal constituent with functions in wound healing, platelet aggregation and
other physiological processes. Women have slightly higher levels of circulating LPA than men
and this is probably due to its role in fertility and as a necessary signaling molecule in early
development of the embryonic vasculature and neuronal systems. Normal plasma levels of LPA
are between 0.5-3 mol/l while pathogenic levels reported in ovarian cancer ascites can
reportedly reach upwards of 80 mol/l with many around 10 mol/l.
Prior Study
Previously, we performed a comprehensive mass spectrometry analysis, measuring the levels
of LPA and other lipids in breast cancer patients to determine whether these constituents could
be used as a biomarker for diagnosing, staging or prognostic indicator of breast cancer. In
terms of the lipid profiles, our results failed to detect significant differences between normal
healthy controls, women with benign breast lesions and women with breast cancer.
Current Study
Recently Echelon Biosciences released a 96-well, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) to quantify the total levels of LPA in human samples. We analyzed patient samples
measured during our previous mass spectrometry studies and compared the results to
measurements obtained by the LPA ELISA kit. In the majority of samples (72%, N=7 total), the
quantified results between the two assays were nearly identical. This suggests that at least in
terms of LPA, ELISA can be substituted for mass spectrometry to quantify circulation levels.
The advantage of ELISA over mass spectrometry includes lack of expensive equipment, highlyspecialized personnel training, organic extractions and a more rapid method for quantification.
Purpose of the current Study
To compare the efficacy of detecting LPA concentrations using the new LPA ELISA kits from
Echelon Biosciences to the results we previously obtained with the same patient plasma
samples through mass spectrometry analysis.
Prior Study Results
Figure Descriptions
A. Scatterplots of LPA lipids analyzed by LC/MS/MS. Plots show the comparison between
lipids measured in cancer patients, women with benign tumors, and healthy controls. Results
were not statistically significant.
B. Average lysophospholipid concentration (nmol/0.5 ml plasma) in plasma of women with
malignant and benign breast tumors and of healthy controls.
C. LPA plasma measurements of specific patient samples obtained using variations of the
ELISA kit and mass spectrometry to compare assays.
D. Bar graph demonstrating the data plotted from (C).
Methods for LPA ELISA
1. Combine LPA standards and samples with
labeled LPA antibody and incubate.
(Initial incubation: users LPA sample + LPA
2. Incubate in detection plate, discard
solution and wash.
3. Wash and discard unbound
4. Add Goat Anti-Mouse HRP and incubate.
5. Add TMB substrate, incubate
and read absorbance at 450 nm.
6. Conclusion: a higher signal indicates lower LPA concentrations.
indicates higher LPA concentrations.
A lower signal
Current Study Results
Pat ient
1:10 dil Kit Undilut ed kit Mass Spec
LPA (M)
LPA (M)
Tot al LPA
0 .9 6 2
2 .4 2 1
2 .3 6 2
0 .8 3 5
1 .6 2 8
1 .4 4 0
0 .9 2 2
1 .8 2 0
0 .8 5 7
0 .7 4 5
0 .8 3 5
1 .6 5 5
0 .1 9 7
1 .9 1 6
1 .8 6 7
0 .6 5 3
1 .5 5 9
1 .5 2 3
0 .6 3 2
2 .5 8 5
1 .5 4 0
Comparison of results: Determination of LPA concentration
in patient plasma samples
3 .0
2 .5
2 .0
1 .5
1 .0
0 .5
0 .0
Ma ss Spe c
Concentration of
LPA (M)
Concentration of LPA (uM)
LP A ELISA - dilute d
LP A ELISA - Undilute d
Patient Numbers
Undiluted plasma samples (a deviation from the current protocol) analyzed by ELISA were
close to the actual concentrations previously obtained by mass spectrometry. Diluted samples
yielded divergent values.
Our data suggests that at least for LPA, this ELISA kit can be substituted for mass
spectrometry of patient plasma samples in order to quantify levels in circulation. This kit
provides an easier, safer and less time-consuming method for LPA quantification.
Murph M, Tanaka T, Pang J, Felix E, Liu S, Trost R, Godwin AK, Newman R, Mills G. (2007)
Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry for quantifying plasma lysophospholipids: potential
biomarkers for cancer diagnosis. .Methods Enzymol;433:1-25.
PMID: 17954226
We would like to thank Echelon Biosciences, Inc.
The research (“prior study”) was supported by a training fellowship from the Keck Center
Pharmacoinformatics Training Program of the Gulf Coast Consortia, NIH Grant No.1 T90
070109-01 (to M.M.), the U.S. Department of Defense (grants DAMD17-02-1-0691 1 and
DAMD17-03-1-0409 01), and the National Institutes of Health [NIH] (Ovarian Cancer PPG grant
P01 CA64602, and AVON-NCI Ovarian SPORE grant P50 CA083639).