Transcript Document

Leadership from the Inside Out

Liz Weaver Vice President Tamarack – An Institute for Community Engagement

Boston | Geneva | Mumbai | San Francisco | Seattle | Washington | | FSG.ORG

Nine Leadership Principles for Complexity Principle Definition

Listen to the shadow system That is, realize that informal relationships, gossip, rumor and hallway conversations contribute significantly to agents’ mental models and subsequent action Grow complex systems by chunking Allow complex systems to emerge out of the links among simple systems that work well and are capable of operating independently Mix cooperation with competition It’s not one or the other

My Biography

Leadership is like beauty ~ it’s hard to define but you know it when you see it.

~ Warren Bennis

Learning Goal

Your Leadership Story

• In Groups of Two or Three: Share your Leadership Story • What are the common themes in the two stories?

Why Leadership?

• As the world around us changes we as leaders need to continuously explore what is required. • Having a passion to understand the possibility and building relationship so that collectively support the broader community • Current trends and realities create an environment full of complexities and change that influence how a leader needs to manage and lead. • The research on leadership clearly illustrates that highly competent leaders can be developed

Leaders in the Room

What are your personal challenges when it comes to using and growing your gift of leadership?




The Journey

Transformational Learning Transformational Leadership Transformational Community Change

Enhanced Quality of Life

Leadership Is…

• • • • • Everyone’s business A relationship Self-development Learned An ongoing process

—Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner

The Leadership Challenge, Third Ed.

Research Says…

Results-Based Leadership

Effective Leadership





Skills Values Motives Competencies Behaviors Style Action Programs Projects Goals Initiatives Strategy

Source - David Ulrich: Results-Based Leadership


Values-Based Leadership

Low Low Results

(Annual Objectives)


Exemplary Leadership Practices MODEL

the Way FIND YOUR VOICE by clarifying your personal values SET THE EXAMPLE by aligning actions with shared values


a Shared Vision


Others to Act


the Process the Heart ENVISION THE FUTURE by imagining exciting and mobilizing possibilities ENLIST OTHERS in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations SEARCH FOR OPPORTUNITIES by seeking innovative ways to change, grow, and improve EXPERIMENT AND TAKE RISKS by constantly generating small wins and learning from mistakes FOSTER COLLABORATION by promoting cooperative goals and building trust STRENGTHEN OTHERS by sharing power and discretion RECOGNIZE CONTRIBUTIONS by showing appreciation for individual excellence CELEBRATE THE VALUES AND VICTORIES by creating a spirit of community —Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner The Leadership Challenge, Third Ed.

Leadership Practices

Leadership Practice Practical Strategies

Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process Enable others to Act Encourage the Heart

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is your ability to acquire and apply knowledge from your emotions and the emotions of others in order to be more successful and lead a more fulfilling life.


Self Awareness Awareness •Who am I and what are my potential areas of development Actions Self Management •How can I self regulate my emotions so I can be right and effective


Social Awareness • How can I transcend my perspective so that I can understand and value others Relationship Management •How do I build teams and create constructive work relationships Source: Daniel Goleman

Johari Window – Theory of Self Disclosure Known to Self Not Known to Self Known to Others OPEN AREA

(Here, we both know.)


(Here, you see in me what I don’t see in myself.)

Not Known to Others HIDDEN AREA

(Here, I hide information from you.)


(Uncharted, both unaware.)

Johari Window – Your Turn

Known to Self Not Known to Self Known to Others OPEN AREA

(Here, we both know.)


(Here, you see in me what I don’t see in myself.)

Not Known to Others HIDDEN AREA

(Here, I hide information from you.)


(Uncharted, both unaware.)

Deconstructing Personal Leadership

I take ACTIONS based on my beliefs I adopt BELIEFS about the world I make ASSUMPTIONS based on the meanings I add I add MEANINGS (cultural and personal) I select DATA from what I observe

The Reflective Loop

(our beliefs affect what data we select next time)

Observable Data & Experiences

(as a video might record it) Source: Dr. William Isaacs

Understand Inner Space

Source: Otto Scharmer – Uncovering the Blind Spot of Leadership

Fundamental State of Leadership

- Source: Robert Quinn : Moments of Greatness – Entering the Fundamental State of Leadership

Increasing Self-Knowledge

• Self-Assessment • Self-Reflecting • Authentic Feedback

Be the Community Leader You Want To Be

Making It Real!

Time for Reflection

Make an appointment with yourself in front of a mirror.

Look deep inside and reflect on these questions.

Core Values that Drive Action

• What do I value? How do my values translate to me being a leader? How are my values demonstrated daily?

• What is your cause? What are you committed to in your personal and professional life?

• What moves you passionately?

Leadership without passion is not leadership at all!

You’ve Already Been There…

Pivotal Crisis…

Four Transformational Questions





How did you become more results-oriented?

How did you become more internally directed?

How did you become more focused on others?

How did you become more externally open?

Your Moments of Greatness

Inventory Your Gifts

Personal Gifts

Professional Gifts

Envision Your Life’s Footprint

Clear mental picture of what you want to accomplish

Leadership brand exercise

Define Your Value Proposition

How does the work you do value others?

How are you making a difference?

Commit To Compassion

Turning to One Another

 There is no power greater than a community discovering what it cares about. Ask ‘What’s Possible?’ not ‘What’s Wrong?’ Keep asking. Notice what you care about. Assume that many others share your dreams. Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters. Talk to people you know. Talk to people you don’t know. Talk to people you never talked to.

Be intrigued by the differences you hear. Expect to be surprised. Treasure curiosity more than certainty. Invite in everyone who cares to work on what’s possible. Acknowledge that everyone is an expert about something. Know that creative solutions come from new connections. Remember, you don’t fear people whose story you know. Real listening always brings people closer together. Trust that meaningful conversations can change your world. Rely on human goodness. Stay together.  Margaret Wheatley 

Journey To Wisdom

Quest for Knowledge & Understanding

• • • How do you acquire new knowledge and skills?

How many books do you read?

How many people do you have thought provoking discussions with?









Manage Your Energy

• Time management is really about managing one’s energy • What area are you doing well in and why?

• What are the life areas you most need to concentrate on improving?

• What is holding you back from being balanced in these areas?

• Identify areas in which you would like to improve and establish actions for improvement?

Monitor Your Busyness

• What RPMs are you running at?

• • • RPMs are too slow?

RPMs are at a good place?

RPMs are hitting the red line and danger zone?

Maintain Your Leadership Spirit Tank

• • What level are you operating at?

What fills your leadership spirit tank?

– – How full is your spiritual tank today and what has brought you to this point?

What will fill your tank and give you fuel for authentic leadership growth and actions?

But don’t forget its all about perspective!

The Changing Context

• • • Communities are increasingly complex Solving the challenges facing communities requires the engagement of diverse and multiple players Understanding the changing community context requires a new style of leadership that draws from different element of leadership research

Adaptive Leadership

• • • • Adaptive Leadership Principles: Capacity for change Shared understanding of leadership competencies Taking smart risks Give up to move forward

Ten Adaptive Leadership Principles

• • • • • • • • • • Convene stakeholders Focus attention on issue Cultivate a high aspiration Use framing as a tool Build a good enough vision Chunk and link work Go for multiple actions Court and mediate conflict Maintain productive distress Acknowledge multiple accountabilities » Source: Heifetz, Grashow, Linsky. The Practice of Adaptive Leadership.

Boston | Geneva | Mumbai | San Francisco | Seattle | Washington | | FSG.ORG

Nine Leadership Principles for Complexity Principle Definition

View your system through the lens of complexity Recognize that problems are complex and adaptive in addition to the metaphor of a machine or a military organization Build a good-enough vision Provide minimum specifications, rather than trying to plan every little detail When life is far from certain, lead with clockware and swarmware in tandem Balance data and intuition, planning and acting, safety and risk, giving due honor to each

Boston | Geneva | Mumbai | San Francisco | Seattle | Washington | | FSG.ORG

Nine Leadership Principles for Complexity Principle

Tune your place to the edge


Foster the "right" degree of information flow, diversity and difference, connections inside and outside the organization, power differential and anxiety, instead of controlling information, forcing agreement, dealing separately with contentious groups, working systematically down all the layers of the hierarchy in sequence and seeking comfort Uncover and work with paradox and tension Do not shy away from them as if they were unnatural Go for multiple actions at the fringes, let direction arise You don’t have to be "sure" before you proceed with anything


Knowing what is not the same as knowing how Knowing how is not the same as doing It is only in doing that we reflect our true beliefs and habitual ways of thinking and behaving


Enjoy your Leadership Journey!

Leadership Resources

• • Communities Collaborating:

Seeking Community:

Additional Resources

• • • Fieldstone Alliance – Collaboration – What makes it work .cfm?PC=126 Collaboration Handbook .cfm?PC=166 Collaboration Factors Inventory .cfm?PC=128