Research in infrastructure: Quasi

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When Randomization is not
Quasi-experimental methods
Development Impact Evaluation Initiative
innovations & solutions
in infrastructure, agriculture & environment
naivasha, april 23-27, 2011
in collaboration with Africa region, SD network, GAFSP and AGRA
Alternatives to
Sometimes, randomization is really not
 Large infrastructure projects
 Politically sensitive projects
In these cases, we can use “quasiexperimental” methods to try to mimic the
benefits of randomized assignment
Defining the control group
The point of quasi-experimental methods is
to obtain a control group that is almost as
good as what would have been obtained by
We still have some form of treatment and
control, and generally use the difference-indifference estimator
We just use different methods to select a
“good” control group
This session
Three quasi-experimental methods for evaluation
 Regression discontinuity design
 Propensity score matching
 Instrumental variables methods
 In each: Pros and cons, practical and research-wise
 Illustrative examples
Regression Discontinuity
RDD is based on the selection process
 When in presence of an official/bureaucratic, clear and
reasonably enforced eligibility rule
 A simple, quantifiable score
Assignment to treatment is based on this
 A threshold is established
▪ Ex: target firms with sales above a certain amount
▪ Those above receive, those below do not
▪ compare firms just above the threshold to firms just
below the threshold
RDD Logic
Assignment to the treatment depends, either completely or
partly, on a continuous “score”, ranking (age in the previous case):
potential beneficiaries are ordered by looking at the score
there is a cut-off point for “eligibility” – clearly defined criterion
determined ex-ante
cut-off determines the assignment to the treatment or no-treatment
 These de facto assignments often result from administrative
resource constraints limit coverage
very targeted intervention with expected heterogeneous impact
transparent rules rather than discretion used
Possible dicontinuities
Income/Land eligibility for government
 People with land below 2ha get subsidized loans,
those above do not get it
Age Eligibility Criteria
 Children below 5yrs get access to new schools,
those above 5yrs go to old schools
 People on one side of a border only get program,
those on other side do now
RDD Example: Drinking
A country is considering implementing a
minimum drinking age in their country.
Will this cause a:
 Decrease in drinking?
 Decrease in deaths?
Use US data to explore this question
RDD in Practice
 Policy: US drinking age, minimum legal age is 21
under 21, alcohol consumption is illegal
 Outcomes: alcohol consumption and mortality rate
 Observation:
The policy implies that
individuals aged 20 years, 11 months and 29 days cannot drink
individuals ages 21 years, 0 month and 1 day can drink
 however, do we think that these individuals are inherently different?
wisdom, preferences for alcohol and driving, party-going behavior, etc
 People born “few days apart” are treated differently, because of the arbitrary age
cut off established by the law
a few days or a month age difference could is unlikely to yield variations in behavior and
attitude towards alcohol
 The legal status is the only difference between the treatment group (just above 21) and
comparison group (just below 21)
RDD in Practice
In practice, making alcohol consumption illegal lowers
consumption and, therefore, the incidence of drunk-driving
Idea: use the following groups to measure the impact of a
minimum drinking age on mortality rate of young adults
Treatment group: individuals 20 years and 11 months to 21 years
Comparison group: individuals 21 years to 21 years and a month old
Around the threshold, we can safely assume that individuals
are randomly assigned to the treatment
We can then measure the causal impact of the policy on
mortality rates around the threshold
RDD Example
MLDA (Treatment) reduces
alcohol consumption
RDD Example
Total number of Deaths
Higher alcohol
consumption increases
death rate around age 21
Total number of accidental
deaths related to alcohol
and drug consumption
Total number of
other deaths
Conclusion: Causal
Since the jump at exactly 21 years could not
be caused by other factors, we conclude it is
caused by the drinking age policy.
RDD: Caveats
 Requires program with clear, well-defined
eligibility rules
 Requires data from many people just above and
below cutoff (meaning there need to be many
people right around the cutoff!)
 Program should be only source of discontinuity
(meaning in general, administrative borders are
not great for RDD)
Method 2: Matching Method
Match participants with non-participants on the basis of
observable characteristics
Matched comparison group
 Each program participant is paired with one or more
similar non-participant(s) based on observable
>> On average, matched participants and nonparticipants
share the same observable characteristics (by
 Estimate the effect of our intervention by using
How do we do it?
Design a control group by establishing close
matches in terms of observable characteristics
 Carefully select variables along which to match
participants to their control group
 So that we only retain
▪ Treatment Group: Participants that could find a match
▪ Comparison Group: Non-participants similar enough to
the participants
>> We trim out a portion of our treatment group!
In most cases, we cannot match everyone
 Need to understand who is left out
Portion of treatment
group trimmed out
Matching: Caveats
 Needs lots of data to create good matches
 Even with good data, results are less robust than
other methods
 Need to start with very large sample to assure
there are enough people with matches
 Must be really convinced that the control villages
were not excluded for important reasons
Method 3: Instrumental
Variables Methods
Idea: if only part of the allocation of project to places is
random, use only that part to get at the causal impact
 An instrumental variable is a variable that helps you
isolate just that part of the variation in project placement
(a “lever” to manipulate good variation in project
Method 3: Instrumental
Variables Methods
Example: Dinkelman 2011: Rural household
electrification and employment in South Africa
End of apartheid (1994), Eskom promises to make
500,000 new household connections each year, fully
Will electricity improve employment propects?
Project selection criteria
 Political reasons: part of the “not-easily-identifiable but
good reasons for selecting particular target groups”
 Cost reasons: high household density, short distances to
existing grid, flatter land gradient
Method 3: Instrumental
Variables Methods
Comparing electrified and unelectrified areas likely biased,
because project areas not selected randomly
 Instead: use variation in cost that affects placement: Land
 Steeper areas are more costly to electrify so are less likely to get
 Assumption: Land gradient is relatively random and should not
affect employment in other ways besides the cost to electrify
Data and Context
Census communities (1996, 2001) for rural KZN
Unit of
Districts (d) ~ 30,000-150,000 hh’s
Community/village (j) ~ 220 hh’s, n=1,816
1996 grid infrastructure, proximity to roads, towns
Community land gradient
Administrative data on whether community had an Eskom
project 1996-2001 (20% did)
Sample area
and project
Received Elec.
No Elec.
Power lines
Sample area
and gradient
Flatter gradient = light yellow
Steeper gradient = brown
Power lines
Method 4: Instrumental
Variables Methods
Assumptions and conditions
1. IV must predict project allocation
▪ “Strong first stage”
▪ This is testable!!
IV must by unrelated to unobservable factors that
affect project allocation and outcomes
▪ This is not testable
▪ Need good contextual knowledge to defend this
IV Methods: Main results
A 10% increase in land gradient reduces the probability of
electrification by 7.7 p.p.
 Electrification raises female employment by 9.5 p.p, no
significant impacts on men
 Electrification raises the fraction of households using
electric lighting by 63 p.p., cooking with electricity by 23
p.p., reduces cooking with wood by 27.5 p.p.
Instrumental Variables:
 To use IV, you need a good instrument, and this is
not always possible!
 Generally, it is very difficult to find a convincing
instrument, so this method only works in certain
Recap of Methods: Which is
 “Gold Standard”- Produces most rigorous results, but may
not be technically/politically feasible in all cases
 Produces strong results, but requires a clear, measurable
allocation rule
Instrument Variables
 Produces strong results, but requires good instrument,
which may not exist
 Produces results that may be less rigorous, but may be
easier to implement than other methods