Transcript Slide 1

In-service training session
for Primary School Teachers 2012-13
Our global village
• What global links do you
or your family already
• What links does your
school have to the world?
• What do these worldwide links mean in
• What difference do they
make, if any, to your own
or your school’s
understanding of the
Christian faith?
Greet the world!
How do we perceive the world?
Third World?
The South?
The North?
The West?
Less Economically
Developed Countries
Developing Countries?
Poor Countries?
Majority World?
First World?
The Christian family of faith: 1
The Christian family of faith: 2
A world church quiz: 1
• Where were people first called Christians? SYRIA
• Which country has the most Christian missionaries
working around the world? KOREA
• Which country has the largest number of Anglican
Christians? NIGERIA
• Where is the largest united/interdenominational church in
the world? SOUTH INDIA
• Where is the fastest growing church in Africa? SOUTH SUDAN
South Sudan - Korea - Syria - South India - Nigeria
A world church quiz: 2
• Where is the newest church in Asia? NEPAL
• Which one language is spoken by the largest number of
Christians in the world? SPANISH
• Which Arabic-speaking country is one-third Christian?
• Which country in the world has no Christians? NONE
• What word of praise is sung by Christians all around the world?
Nepal - Lebanon - Halleluiah - Spanish - None
The Christian world
If we imagine the world Christian population as a village of
1000 people then:
Based on figures quoted in Christianity through Art by Margaret Cooling (Canterbury Press, 2009, p. 47).
A worldwide Church
For just as the body is one and has many members, so all the members of the
Church, though many, are one Church. So it is with Christ. For by one Spirit we
were all baptised into one Church: Europeans, Africans, Asians - all were made
to drink of one Spirit. The church in Uganda cannot say, ‘Because I am not
English, I do not belong to the world Church.’ If the whole Church were
European, where would be the unbridled enthusiasm?
There are many parts, yet one Church. The church in America cannot say to the
church in Mozambique, ‘I have no need of you.’ Nor can the church in China say
to the church in Nepal, ‘I have no need of you.’ God has so blessed the Church
that the members may have the same care for one another. If one part of the
world Church suffers, all suffer. If one part of the world Church is honoured, all
rejoice together. You are a world Church, the body of Christ, and each one of
you is a part of it.
Paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
Sparkle’s story
More churches around the world
Exploring the worldwide Church
with artwork
Exploring the worldwide Church
with music
Halle, halle, halle
Amen Siakadumisa
He came down
Santo, Santo
God is so good
Wa wa wa emimimo
Exploring the worldwide Church
with artefacts
Exploring the worldwide Church
with prayers
God of all people, we yearn for peace in
our land,
That we may pray to you in freedom:
This is the prayer we make:
Hear our prayers as we cry out to you,
Hear the wailing of our souls in the
Watch over us, our Creator.
A prayer from South Sudan
O God,
Be the canoe that holds me up in the sea of life;
Be the rudder that keeps me on a straight course;
Be the outrigger that supports me in times of
great temptation.
Let your Spirit be my sail that carries me through
each day.
Keep my body strong, so I can paddle steadfastly
on in the voyage of life. Amen
A prayer from Melanesia
Even as the water falls on dry tea leaves
and brings out their flavour,
so may your Spirit fall on us and renew us
so that we may bring refreshment and joy to
A prayer from Sri Lanka
Exploring the worldwide Church
with stories
St Cyril and
St Methodius
Matteo Ricci
Apolo Kivebulaya
Key questions: 1
• Why do you think that Christianity in
the 21st century is so much more
widespread, and indeed is still
growing, in the developing world
rather than in Europe?
• Has Christianity always been a force
for good in the world?
• What is it about Christianity that has
enabled it to spread worldwide from
its first beginnings in Israel/Palestine?
• Why are there so many different
expressions of Christianity around the
• Christians in different parts of the
world can often believe very different
things about how their faith is worked
out in practice. Is this a strength or a
weakness of Christianity?
• Christianity is expressly forbidden in
some countries and even actively
persecuted. Why do you think this
• What do you think it is that unites
Christians from very different language happens and what should be a
Christian response?
groups and cultural backgrounds?
Key questions: 2
• Traditionally, Christians in the West have linked with the world
through the sending of missionaries or the giving of money to
Christian Aid and development agencies. But what other ways of
making connections might there be?
• What sort of questions might we in our part of the world want to
ask of Christians in the developing world? What might they want
to ask about us?
• What if anything might Christians in this part of the world learn
from expressions of Christianity in other countries and cultures?
• What role do church schools have in developing partnerships with
the worldwide Christian Church?
Key questions: 3
Many schools and churches show their
concern for other parts of the world by
sending a shoebox of gifts to children in
Consider what sort of parallel
‘shoebox of gifts’ children in the
developing world might send to children
And how ready would we/they be to
receive them?
Key Bible verses: 1
... [Jesus] said, ‘I am the light of the world!’... John 8:12 (CEV)
God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son... John 3:16
Just as water fills the sea, the land will be filled with people who know and
honour the Lord. Habakkuk 2:14
... I saw a large crowd with more people than could be counted. They were from
every race, tribe, nation, and language, and they stood before the throne and
before the Lamb. Revelation 7:9
People will come from all directions and sit down to feast in God’s kingdom. Luke
Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptise them in the
name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19
Key Bible verses: 2
This promise is for you and your children. It is for everyone our
Lord God will choose, no matter where they live. Acts 2:39
I kneel in prayer to the Father. All beings in heaven and on earth
receive their life from him. Ephesians 3:14-15
The good news is spreading all over the world with great
success... Colossians 1:6
When the good news about the kingdom has been preached all
over the world and told to all nations... Matthew 24:14
... people everywhere in the world are talking about your faith.
Romans 1:8
Key Bible stories
The parable of the mustard seed
The great commission
Stories from Acts of the Apostles
Acts 13:1-3 The church in Antioch
with its ‘worldwide’ leadership
Global dilemmas
Children are global citizens too. Many children have an innate
passion about issues of justice and they believe that one person
can make a difference.
Do you agree?
Is this part of their innate spirituality?
If so, how can we nurture it?
How can we help children do something about their passion
for global justice?
NB: Many Christian Aid and development agencies produce materials for the
primary classroom and assembly material focusing on poverty, fair trade and
justice issues.
Sharing peace
Every effort has been made to trace and contact copyright owners for material used in this resource. We apologise for any inadvertent omissions or errors,
and would ask those concerned to contact us so that full acknowledgment can be made in the future.
Picture of the world - ©2012 Thinkstock
The Christian family of faith: 1: Worship at Evangelical Church of Cameroon and Worship at Bulgarian Orthodox church - courtesy of United Bible Societies;
Worship at South Korean church and Worship at Dalit church, South India - courtesy of CMS
The Christian family of faith: 2: Worship at South Sudanese church - courtesy of CMS; Worship at church in Cotonou, Benin and Worship at Ethiopian church courtesy of United Bible Societies
Sparkle’s story: UK church and Austrian church - courtesy of Ruth Payne; Ugandan church - courtesy of Martyn Payne; Romanian church - ©2012 Thinkstock;
South African shanty church - courtesy of Dr Shirley Hall; Middle Eastern church - courtesy of Derek White; South Sudanese church - courtesy of CMS
More churches from around the world: Romanian church and South Sudanese mud church - courtesy of United Bible Societies; All Saints Cathedral, Cairo,
Egypt - courtesy of CMS; Russian Orthodox church - ©2012 Thinkstock
Exploring the worldwide Church with artwork - Images courtesy of CMS
Exploring the worldwide Church with music: Worship at Evangelical Church of Cameroon and Worship at Angolan church - courtesy of United Bible Societies
Exploring the worldwide Church with artefacts - From A-cross the World
Exploring the worldwide Church with prayers: Worship at Russian Orthodox church in Cuba - courtesy of United Bible Societies; Prayers - courtesy of CMS
Exploring the worldwide Church with stories: Image of St Cyril and St Methodius - ©2012 Thinkstock; Image of Matteo Ricci; Image of Apolo Kivebulaya -
Key questions: 3: Austrian village church - ©2012 Thinkstock; Worship at Russian Orthodox church - courtesy of CMS
Key Bible stories: Bethlehem church - courtesy of Derek White; Outside a church in Democratic Republic of Congo - courtesy of CMS
Global dilemmas - Image courtesy of Martyn Payne
Sharing peace: Worship at church in Mexico and Worship at church in Haiti - courtesy of United Bible Societies
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