Speaking Points: FN Approach to Health Blueprint, May 05

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Transcript Speaking Points: FN Approach to Health Blueprint, May 05

Blueprint on Aboriginal Health:

Approach for a First Nations Specific Framework

CSSSPNQL June 2005

Discussion Points

FPT Landscape National Chief’s Commitments – Getting ResultsFirst Nations Health Action Plan Follow-Up to FMM – Federal InvestmentsBlueprint Engagement of First Nations – NationalRegional National First Nations Blueprint Framework

F/P/T Landscape in Health

Council of the Federation – Restructuring federalism with

implications for First Nations governments

Addressing health and other issues within

a population health approach

First Ministers Health Accords – Ten-Year Plan for Canada: Focus on

Quality, Accessibility and Sustainability

Significance of First Nations for F/P/T Landscape

First Nations population is larger than that of four provinces in Canada Historical relationship with Canada – Treaty and Inherent RightsConstitution, section 35Fiduciary Duty First Nations governments have responsibility in a majority of cases for the delivery of health services in their communities First Nations have the power to exercise jurisdiction and by-law making authority in the area of maintaining public health and safety

F/P/T/First Nations Relations

RCAP and Romanow – Consolidated and targeted funding for First

Nations health

Health Partnership model: focus on meaningful

and ongoing input, and capacity building

Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable First Ministers Special Meeting on Aboriginal Health, Sept. 04 Cabinet-Aboriginal Leadership Policy Retreat

Real Engagement

Governments’ commitment to transformative change – underlying social and economic framework that

perpetuates inequities

Recognition of First Nations Governments – Key for May Cabinet Retreat – Political AccordTreaty Relationship and Inherent Right to Self-

Government affirm First Nations Jurisdiction

Potential for new collaborative models

implemented by First Nations authorities with targeted and consolidated funding

Real Engagement (ctd.)

No longer will we in Ottawa develop policies first and discuss them with you later. This principle of collaboration will be the cornerstone of our new partnership.” – Prime Minister Paul Martin,

Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable, April 19, 2004

National Chief’s Getting Results Strategy

Recognizing and Implementing First Nations Government Securing the Place of First Nations in Canada and the World Strengthening First Nations Communities – First Nations Health Action Plan

GRS Policy Development

Building collaborative relationships with F/P/T jurisdictions that move beyond consultation to joint policy development; Key steps: 1. Engage First Nations leaders; 2. Host National Dialogues; 3. Seek Independent First Nations expertise; 4. Secure government mandate for change; 5. Undertake joint national policy processes.

First Nations Health Action Plan: Sowing the Seeds

Dec/03, Minister of Health invites AFN to submit a proposal re. seat at FPT Advisory Committees on Health Feb/04, National Chief requests involvement in the Council of the Federation Apr/04, first Canada Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable – Minister Pettigrew

recognizes the federal government’s fiduciary obligation in First Nations health

May/04, Premiers Campbell and McGuinty meet with AFN June/04 Premier Campbell and National Chief agreed to seek approval for a joint presentation to the Council in July Regional Chief Erasmus presents to the Western Premiers Meeting, July 2004 National Chief meetings with Romanow National Chief participates at September 13, 2004, First Ministers Meeting

First Nations Health Action Plan

First Nations controlled and sustainable health system that adopts a holistic, culturally appropriate approach


Sustainable Financial Base Integrated Primary & Continuing Care Health Human Resources Public Health Infra structure Healing and Wellness Information and Research Capacity

First Nations Health Action Plan: Sustainability

New Federal Investments up to $182M/year Required – Cost drivers show an annual potential average

growth rate of 10-12%.

Key Elements of Sustainability Required: – Funding matched to population growth, health

needs and cost drivers

Multiyear funding arrangements for long-term


Flexible and consolidated fundingAdequate funding for core community health

programming, health human resources (e.g. wage parity) & administration

First Nations Health Action Plan: Non-Insured Health Benefits

First Nations Action Plan on Non-Insured Health Benefits for June 2005 Program Renewal: – Estimated 10.9% annual escalator required;Key Concepts of Renewal:

1.Meeting the Health Needs of First Nations with more timely and higher quality of care; 2.Fostering Reciprocal Accountability to improve the overall management of the Program; 3.Adopting a Community Health Approach to draw linkages with community health programs for the advancement of First Nations health and well-being.

First Nations Health Action Plan: Non-Insured Health Benefits (ctd)

Building Blocks: 1. Clear mandate and policies; 2. Reasonable rate of annual growth; 3. Ensuring needs-based eligibility criteria; 4. Transparency in Federal Corporate Administration Expenses; 5. Tri-partite service agreements; 6. First Nations Charter of Rights and Responsibilities; 7. Linkages with community-based programming; 8. First Nations Health Reporting Framework.

First Nations Health Action Plan: Health Reporting Framework

Built on reciprocal accountability & OCAP principles Response to pan Aboriginal HRF initiative of FPT governments Health Determinants approach Released for discussion June 2005

First Nations Health Action Plan: Public Health Framework

FPT Advisory Committee on Public Health and Naylor Report recognized that greater public health risks are in First Nations communities.

Naylor recognized that First Nations are not simply

“stakeholders” but have aspirations of self-determination that factors into the effectiveness of public health intervention.

Support for First Nations Public Health Infrastructure required with Inter-jurisdictional partnerships: – AFN Advisory Committee on Public Health;First Nations Public Health Framework released for

regional dialogues in Summer 2005.

Follow-Up to FMM: Federal Investments of $700M

Federal government announcements: – $200M Aboriginal Health Transition FundIntegration and adaptation of services (national/

regional/ local initiatives)

$100M Aboriginal Health Human Resources


$400M Upstream InvestmentsSuicide preventionDiabetesMaternal and child healthAboriginal Head Start

Follow-up to FMM: Blueprint

Goals: – Access through integration and adaptationEquitable access to Canadian health care

improvements in Ten-Year Plan

Upstream investmentsClarify Roles and Responsibilities First Nations Specific Framework – Recognized role of First Nations governments in

delivering health services

To be presented at Fall 2005 First Ministers Meeting on Aboriginal Issues

Follow-up to FMM: Blueprint (ctd)

National Approach – FTPA Planning GroupADM/NAO Core Group (Ont/FNIHB Co-Chair)Ministers/NAO Leaders National Framework – Blueprint ApproachBlueprint OutlineGlossarySubmission Template

Follow-up to FMM: Blueprint (ctd)







Action Agendas: Delivery and Access Sharing in Improvements to Canadian Health Care Promoting Health and Well-Being Monitoring Progress and Learning as we go Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities between F/P/T/First Nations governments and organizations Developing Ongoing Collaborative Working Relationships

National Engagement Processes

National FN Health Policy Summit, Oct. 28-29 Health Sectoral Session, Nov. 4-5 Initiation of Blueprint Development – Resolution at December 04 Assembly • Mandated CCOH and National Chief to negotiate a FN specific stream and resources for national/regional Other related activities: – May Cabinet RetreatFMM on Aboriginal Issues preparationsFirst Nations Governments Special AssemblyAFN Policy Summit on Housing, Education, Environmental


Regional Engagement Processes

First Nations Regional Processes (each receiving $200K) Regional Coordination/Partnership Team Community meetings Chiefs Task Force/Working Group/Policy Table Meeting with NGOs Tri-partite discussions Chiefs Assemblies Participation in national events Long-term planning for mutually beneficial linkages with P/Ts and FNIHB in Strategy development

Critical Steps for Success of First Nations Specific Blueprint

National: – May Cabinet Retreat National Engagement Session with FNIHB, June 16-17CCOH Special Meeting on First Nations Jurisdiction • Clarifying the federal relationship will be key to assuring First Nations that this is not an offloading strategy – Submission of Regional Blueprints in June/JulyPresentation of National Update at July AGA in


Presentation of Final Blueprint to First Nations at

pre-FMM National FN Health Policy Summit (September)

Critical Steps for Success of First Nations Specific Blueprint (ctd)

Regional: – CCOH motion to support regional First

Nations funding proposals

P/Ts cannot be expected to take a lead

role in creating a FNs specific framework

Integrity of Regional First Nations

Blueprints maintained in National Roll-Up

Critical Success Factors for National First Nations Blueprint

1. Strengthen the role of First Nations governments in improving the health and well-being of their peoples, living in and outside their communities – –

Working Nation-to-Nation with federal, provincial and territorial governments to establish collaboration/coordination Adequate access to health human resources and infrastructure

Critical Success Factors for National First Nations Blueprint

2. Securing equitable opportunities for health –

Areas within Ten-Year Plan for Canada where there is no equivalent investment for First Nations, such as:

Escalator - SustainabilityHealth Infostructure (research and


Primary and Continuing CareHealthy Living (Healthy Schools)Catastrophic Drug Coverage

Critical Success Factors for National First Nations Blueprint


– – Obtaining support for a holistic approach to community health, including addressing determinants

Housing, Education, Economic Development Mental Health

4. Fostering Reciprocal Accountability to measure improvements –

Based on Government-to-Government relations

First Nations Health Reporting Framework


A First Nations specific framework and process must result in: – Alignment with Historical Foundation of

First Nations-Canada Relationship

An Ongoing Commitment Towards

Transformative Agenda

An Action-Oriented AgendaA Needs Based and Holistic Approach