Transcript CIPFA

HMT Finance Transformation Programme

Manj Kalar CIPFA 25 September 2013




Finance Transformation Programme

Link to Civil Service Reform

CIPFA Thinks …

What CIPFA is already doing

What we plan to do?




Remember the 2010 deficit reduction plan?


Autumn Statement 2012 - deficit reduction plan


Landscape (2)


Managing Taxpayers Money Wisely

Identifies four areas of development where the public sector can improve financial management:


: driving performance from the top 

Cost conscious culture

: so every decision is built on informed financial assessment 


all public servants have financial awareness 

Expert central functions

: providing the strategy to work toward common goals


What’s wrong?


Fragmented, multiple data sources

Inconsistent data granularity

Lack quality information for decision makers

Lack of finance and non-finance staff financial management capability

Inadequate technology, lack infrastructure for basics

• • •

Lack of data comparability Budgetary protectionism


Lack of alignment across spending teams

• • • •

Few disincentives for poor performance No structured incentives to drive savings Lack of recourse Unclear roles

No true, government wide chart of accounts

Multiple collection data points (eg. CO & HMT)

Role of Centre



Reason for the FTP

The UK is facing unprecedented fiscal pressures and strengthening financial discipline is an essential part of reducing the deficit…. To deliver best value to the taxpayer the public sector has to develop strategic financial management and embed sustainable cost effectiveness and public value in the delivery of all government services.

The FTP will deliver the step change in the way that resources are managed by public servants.

Financial Management is key

 “Good financial management is at the heart of an effective, well run organisation… understanding exactly how they are spending the money and what return or policy outcomes they are getting for that money”  Managing Taxpayers Money Wisely – FM at the heart of finance transformation programme


Ministers, Boards and SCS demand the highest standards of financial management.

All staff understand they are responsible for cost-effective delivery – and are appropriately trained and incentivised.

Finance professionals have the range of skills and experience needed to support the business.

The centre aligns with finance departments to provide consistent and coherent messaging.

Finance is an integral part of strategy and business planning.

Processes promote a VFM and continuous improvement culture.

Finance processes are economic, efficient and effective.

Central processes support and incentivise good financial management.

Senior management has expertise to use and analyse information effectively.

Systems provide relevant and timely information that staff need to exercise their responsibilities.

Systems provide access to clear, consistent and well understood information.

The centre draws on information that is used by and useful to departments.

The FD is a key member of the senior leadership team, positioned to influence all material business decisions.

Departments’ internal structures and governance support / incentivise a cost conscious and risk aware culture.

The finance department is structured and resourced to provide the business with the support it needs.

finance at the centre of decision making

UNCLASSIFIED There is clarity between the respective roles and responsibilities of the centre and departments.

FTP – Finance DG-led areas

Working with the Centre: Working collectively:


Spending framework HO Value for money and efficiency

including ERG relationship


Shared services


Finance and Commercial Awareness for non-Finance Staff MOJ Capability

(Finance Professionals)


Financial reporting

and management information


Measuring FM Improvement



FLG led FTP work streams

Finance and commercial skills for non-finance professionals

Ann Beasley – MOJ

Capability (Finance Professionals) Simon Judge - DfE

Management Information and Financial Reporting

Sue Higgins - DCLG

Value for money HMT spending controls and ERG efficiency controls –

Clare Moriatry DfT

Shared services

Howard Orme - BIS

Measuring progress of FTP

Simon Bowles - HMRC


Government Finance Profession

   Of 22,100 FTEs in the finance community - there are c.9,000 Finance Professionals: • Nearly 4,000 trainees and over 4,800 qualified • Over 20 % work in areas outside of mainstream finance. Of the nearly 4,000 qualified finance professionals in mainstream finance:    60% work in Decision Support; Over 30% work in Reporting and Control ; Less than 10% work in Transaction Processing. Over 10% of qualified finance professionals are in SCS or equivalent type roles.

Departmental FM: Strengths include:

• • • • • • •

Strong leadership

with qualified FD cadre and NEDs on boards & established Finance Leadership Group

Good talent pipeline

(Finance Fast Stream Option and Financial Management Development Scheme for graduate recruitment scheme) Good

up-skilling programmes

for SCS e.g. Senior leaders analytical capability up skilling project (initiatives are widespread but not consistent) Rigorous application of

spending controls


review of finance processes

to drive out efficiencies, remove manual interventions Greater provision of

advice and insight

(e.g. VFM advice, more timely and robust information) to board level discussions Provision of business partner /

expert support


NAO report - Improvements in Government FM

 Greater recognition of the strategic importance of the finance profession     Finance Leadership Group has established the Finance Transformation Programme to position finance at the centre of decision-making Qualified finance professionals are better represented at senior levels in Whitehall Improvements in key financial processes, such as the Clear Line of Sight and WGA initiatives Government taking positive steps with the aim of improving management information.

• • • • • • •

Departmental FM: Areas for further investigation include:

Better understanding of

cost drivers

and financial implications of operational/policy decisions Improving


capability to deliver increased accuracy and better FM Development of model cost effective finance function (more

cross govt standardising



of services / shared services) Opportunities for

further joining up

on capability building and sharing expertise (reduce duplication of effort); Better cross-government

succession planning

at senior levels More in-year and regular


of Accounts (Dept & ALBs) More

sharing of good practice

e.g. Business partnering experiences/models 18

NAO report - Scale of FM challenges

     Redesigning and transforming public services so they operate sustainably in context of further spending reductions and demand increases.

Treasury to provide more effective central leadership, to support public bodies in providing services at permanently lower cost. Chances of success much greater if financial managers are central to decision-making. Integrate FM fully within processes to design and implement effective target operating models Financial impacts of all options should be key factor in decision-making by finance and non-finance professionals alike.

Measuring success of the Finance Transformation Programme

Use of the CIPFA financial management model to provide a comparative and independent assessment of all Government departments’ financial management

Management Dimensions

Financial Management Styles Leadership People Processes Stakeholders Supporting Stewardship Supporting performance Enabling Transformation


Power of the FM Model

Enhanced V3 changes for operating environment

Improved functionality

FM Strategy/Audit/Financial Reporting/Stakeholder confidence

Recent application at Department of Health, Environment Agency and Skills Funding Agency

Finance Transformation Programme

How does this link with the broader Civil Service Reform Agenda?

Civil Service Reform

      18 Action points Size & Shape Policy Development Policy Implementation & Accountability Capability Employment “offer” 25

FTP and Civil Service Reform

Civil Service Reform Plan published June 2012 – 18 Actions.

FTP was one of these CSR Actions Error! Unknown document property name.

CSR Actions FTP Workstreams

Developing and managing future leadership (Action Finance profession talent management 13) A 5 year capabilities plan identifying skills gaps and Commercial and finance skills for non how they will be filled (Action 12) finance professionals A robust cross-government MI system (Action 9) MI and Financial Reporting Create five centres for transactional services (Action Shared Services 3) New departmental improvement plans assessed Measuring FM Improvement annually (Action 16) UNCLASSIFIED 26

Civil Service Capability

 4 key development areas:     Leading & managing change Commercial skills and behaviours Delivering successful projects and programmes Redesigning services and delivering them digitally 27

Civil Service Capability


• • • •  • •

Civil Service Reform year 1

Civil Achievements…

Actions for FTP, as before, completed

Updating Osmotherly rules and Managing Public Money

Stronger Cross Whitehall leadership of key corporate functions

Move to fixed term tenure for Permanent Secretaries

Extended Ministerial Offices

Improving delivery of infrastructure and other major projects, responding to recommendations by Lords Browne and Deighton

Civil service Reform year 2

•  • • • • • • • Focus on 7 Game Changer Actions… Digital (by default)

Functional Leadership

Open Policy making Modern workplaces Major Projects

Capabilities Plan

Civil service 2020 And seeing residual actions through to completion

Finance and commercial skills for non finance staff

• • • • • • • • Finance Skills for All re-launch SCS Financial Leadership face-to-face course Budget management face-to-face course Toolkits/Intranet quick guides/best practice to supplement CSL learning. Engagement with the Commercial/ procurement profession Peer review measurement process - testing of peer review process and link with CIPFA/NAO model review Mentoring scheme for business staff by finance professionals Review of performance appraisal and recruitment processes to ensure finance skills and performance are measured effectively

Professionalism focus 2013-14

• • • • • • • • • • Douglas-White Review of Finance overseen by Lord Sainsbury Set the ambition for the finance professionalism/ capability Succession planning - Management of SCS cadre as a community Talent management programme for G6 and G7 Qualified recruitment campaign Creation of network community seminar talks Secondments and swaps with departments and the private sector Development of Finance foundation e-learning product Launch of the finance learning map and career mapping tool Structured development – GFP training event 6-7 November in Brighton UNCLASSIFIED 32

HMT FM Review - 1

How HMT can within existing budgets and preserving single point accountability to Parliament for financial stewardship that the accounting officer provides   Improve quality and consistency of management information flows between Treasury and departments to ensure these are of the right quality to enable effective risk-management and decision making across Government Strengthen the role of the Head of the Government Finance Profession in promoting and assuring improved financial capability – skills, systems and processes – across government (considering also the interaction of this role with the Treasury)

HMT FM Review - 2

How HMT can within existing budgets and preserving single point accountability to Parliament for financial stewardship that the accounting officer provides

  Ensure right levels of delegated authorities and approvals are in place to ensure both tight spending control and appropriate flexibility for those departments with proven financial management capability Create a more streamlined, coherent set of central appraisal and approval process for projects and programmes outside those delegations 34

CIPFA Thinks … 1

  Capital and revenue expenditure decisions must be taken in a coherent and joined-up way that is proportionate to the level of financial and other risks involved in both the short and longer terms by:      Being set in the context of short, medium and long term financial and delivery risks Considering capital and revenue impacts together Replacing fixed delegation limits with ranges Linking delegation levels with risk assessments Drawing on FM model outputs and relevant internal and external audit reports HMT matching skills and experience to the risk and complexity of departments Requiring medium term expenditure frameworks from all major departments

CIPFA Thinks … 2

The quality and consistency of management information flows between departments and the Treasury needs to be improved through:   Appropriations on the basis of output targets Increased use of shared services     Widespread adoption of the Common Chart of Accounts Mid-year closedowns and coordinated intra-government balance agreement processes Incentivising accurate expenditure and cash flow forecasting Publishing FM Model assessments and agreed action plans

       

CIPFA Thinks … 3

The role of the Head of the Government Finance Profession needs to be strengthened through: Being a full-time role based in HM Treasury Having a dotted line professional leadership relationship with all DGs Finance, including input to their appraisals based on the quality of information and other interactions with HMT Being directly involved in the development of the budgetary and performance frameworks Finance being recognised as fundamental to the management of Government rather than just another profession Ensuring the FM Model is run regularly in all main departments, and having access to the results Evaluating the FM Model results to develop best practice guidance and training Monitoring progress of FM Model implementation plans Coordinating CPD training to ensure balance and that FM weak spots are addressed

What’s CIPFA already doing?

     Supporting finance professionals across government ― Training/CPD ― Conferences ― Talent Programmes Central Government Panel CIPFA FM Reviews Financial Management Panel Support Treasury/FLG ― review/consultation ― Talent programme

What we plan to do

     Support HMT Review Use our pan public sector expertise to support Government bodies – lead innovation and using unique position to bring sectors together Be a champion for public service Promote good PFM across all sectors Start a debate about the role of the CFO and need for protection of officials


Thank you

Manj Kalar Central Government & Financial Management Technical Manager CIPFA September 2013