TCA Committee Chair Training - Texas Counseling Association

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Transcript TCA Committee Chair Training - Texas Counseling Association

Leadership that Works: How can you help?
2013 Committee Chair Training
Committee Chairs as Leaders
• Have a passion for counseling
• Recognize the importance of TCA and
of committee work
• Aspire to provide leadership to others
• Believe in advocating for the counseling
profession and those who are
How to Get Started
• Identify committee members
• Send an initial welcome e-mail (July 31)
• Schedule a conference call or meeting (early
• Review TCA Strategic Directions and Specific
• Review appropriate by-laws
• Create an agenda before meetings or conference
Engaging Your Committee
• Vital that committee members recognize the
importance of committee work and the
impact on TCA members
• Engage all members of the committee
• Some willing to talk and plan
• Others are great at research, writing an
article, making calls, creating survey, etc.
• Make it a group decision-making process
• Use individual’s strengths
Committee Strategic Plan
• Identify Target Groups
• Primary groups
• Who will receive your message/goal?
• What makes them a primary group?
• Secondary groups
• Identify others that will benefit or
• will have an interest in your goals
Strategic Plan Development – Cont.
• Identify important points – Sample points
• LPCs are required to get CEUs
• TCCA annual conference – targeted
sessions for college counselors
• TCA professional growth conference has
one of the lowest registration rates of
any, large, organization’s conference
• Increased prevalence of campus violence
• State emphasis to increase retention and
graduation rates
• 15 – 24 highest rate of mental health diagnosis
Resources Available for Committees
• Identify Resources - Samples
• Print
• LPC Brochures
• Division Brochures
• Membership Brochure
• Multi-media
• College Counseling DVD
• School Counseling CD
• Membership PowerPoint
• On-line training through TCA
• Skilled members who can share information
through presentations and written articles
Committee SWOT Analysis
Key SWOT Questions:
• What do we do exceptionally well?
• What advantages do we have?
• What assets and resources do we
• What do members identify as our
• What could we do better?
• What are we criticized for?
• Where are we vulnerable?
• What do we receive complaints
• What opportunities do we know
about, but have not
• Are there emerging trends on which
we can capitalize?
• Is there significant change coming?
• What external factors impact our
• What economic conditions are we
Committee SWOT Analysis
Key SWOT Sample Answers:
• TCCA has dedicated leaders
• State organization for professional
college counselors
• Support of institutions for
professional development
• Strong advocacy for profession
• Communication format
• Past regional focus
• Other college organizations: JSPAT
• Professional identity
• Behind the scene department
• Several large community college
districts untapped
• Professional college counselors
under attack – unifying
• Collaboration with faculty
• Potential losses due to downsizing
and outsourcing
• Lack of knowledge of services by
decision makers
• Continuing budgets cuts in higher
Benefits of Strategic Plan
• Extremely helpful to work through this process
• Encourages all committee members to identify goals,
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
• Reinforces use of TCA strategic goals
• Allows for continuity of planning throughout the year
• Keeps the committee on track even though
activities may change throughout the year
Organizing a Conference Call
• Communicate via e-mail with board members regarding
available times well in advance. Record meetings
• Decided date and time and notify TCA ED and TCA
President. (Use Doodle)
• Send an agenda with the instructions for conference call.
• Send a meeting and assignment reminder a day or so
ahead of the call.
• Include an agenda and other handouts for the meeting with
the reminder.
• Start and stop the meeting on time!!
• Record meeting or send a summary of meeting notes to
committee members as soon after as possible.
Report Writing Made Simple
• Your committee is already aligned with the
TCA strategic plan
•The committee strategic plan is built on the
TCA strategic directions
• You have your meeting summaries and action
plans in your summaries
• Review as you complete the report to identify
action needed by Finance Committee, and/or
the Board and Senate
Report Example
• Strategic Direction: II Optimizing Resource
• a: Maximize Technology – Example EEF
• Communicate quarterly via conference
• Create on-line rubric for evaluating
• Develop on-line contribution capabilities
• Track recipients and encourage journal
articles and presentations
• Promote EEF Funds to outlying schools
and communities for professional
growth opportunities
Enjoy Your Time as a Leader
• Meet new people
• Make new friends
• Learn from others
• Advocate for your profession
• Know you are part of the most outstanding
professional counseling organization in the
Thank you for sharing this time with me!!
Have a fun, production year!!