Transcript Document

Legislative Update
College of Nursing Alumni Meeting
Legislative Update
State Update 2013
• Annual Hospital Assessment Fee
– Still at a 4.52% rate on net patient
– Covers 7% provider reduction from
TennCare reimbursement rates
– Signed by Governor in April
State Update 2013
• UTHSC Budget Update
– 3.5% increase in operational funding for
Medical Units
– $14.8 million commitment over 5 years to
fund pediatric physician scientists; matches
$15 million in funding by St. Jude
– 1.5% pay raises for employees of higher
education institutions
State Update 2013
• UTHSC Budget Update
– Full funding of $66,500,000 for the UTHSC
Classroom & Laboratory Building and
Renovations. Renovates Nash, Crowe &
Mooney Buildings.
– $5 million in Capitol Maintenance for
General Education Building Improvements.
Medicaid Expansion
 In a special Joint Session, Governor Bill
Haslam announced his decision to reject
federal funding to expand Medcaid as
envisioned by the Affordable Care Act.
 He is pursuing an alternative Proposal
called “The Tennessee Plan.”
 “The Tennessee Plan” is awaiting
clarification/approval from the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid
“The Tennessee Plan”
 Hybrid plan using federal funding to purchase
private health insurance for an estimated 175,000
uninsured Tennesseans
 Applicable to those with incomes below 138% of
Federal Poverty Level (about $32,000 for a family
of four)
 Federal Gov’t would provide all of the funding to
purchase the insurance on the insurance
exchange marketplace through 2016; not less
than 90% thereafter
 By 2020, this would bring $6 billion in federal
funds to Tennessee
“The Tennessee Plan”
 Items awaiting CMS approval include:
 Benefits and Appeals process would mirror other
enrollees in exchange plans, not TennCare
 No wrap around services
 No special consideration for “medically frail”
 Population would have same cost-sharing
requirements as others under the exchange
 Arrangement would have a circuit-breaker so that
the General Assembly would have to reauthorize
plan in three years
Legislation of Interest
• SB 529/ HB 49 – Regulates nurse
practicioners prescribing certain drugs
• SB 412/ HB 306 – Expands certain
enhanced punishment for assault and
aggravated assault applicable to
healthcare providers acting in the
discharge of their duties
Federal Update 2013
• FY 2014 Budget Chronology
– March 21: House passes H.Con.Res.25
– March 23: Senate passes S.Con.Res. 8
– April 10: President’s Budget
Federal Update 2013
• President’s FY 2014 Budget
– Proposes additional $1.8 trillion in deficit
reduction over 10 years
– Assumes sequestration is replaced by
“balanced” deficit reduction
– FY 2013 numbers do not reflect
Federal Update 2013
Title VIII Nursing Workforce
– FY 2012 Final: $231.1 million
– FY 2013 *Estimated*: $218.9 million
– FY 2014 President’s Budget: $251.1 million
• +14.7% change v. FY 13 estimate
Title VIII Advanced Nursing Education:
– HRSA program supporting infrastructure grants; traineeships; and
grants to accelerate production of primary care advanced practice
– $83.5 million
– If sustained over 5 years, HRSA estimates the investment will
increase the number of advanced practice RNs by 1400.
UT Advocacy Overview
• UT Advocacy is the official grassroots network of
the UT System.
• Advocates believe in the value of UT to all
Tennesseans, and share that message with
elected officials.
• Those interested in advocating for the University
and it’s priorities should subscribe to the network
Advocacy Network: Benefits
• Weekly report of legislative activity
during session via email
• Frequent web & social media updates
regarding current UT issues
• Candidate information during elections
(issue surveys, etc).
Important Advocacy Practices
• One of the most important things you
can do to help advocate for UT is stay
informed on key issues like these.
• Being able to discuss issues with
elected officials in a clear and cogent
manner makes all the difference in
legislative advocacy.
Important Advocacy Practices
• When talking to elected officials, make
sure you tell YOUR UT story. Let them
know how UT has impacted your life,
career, and community.
• Communicate with elected officials on a
regular basis. Visit with them in their
districts at town hall meetings, issue
forums, etc.
Online Resources
Twitter: @UTAdvocator