Cultural and Linguistic Resources to Promote Problem

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Communicating Mathematical
Thinking: Latino/a Kindergarteners’
Use of Language to Solve Word
Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, UNM
Mary Marshall, UNM
Erin Turner, UA
CEMELA is a Center for Learning and
Teaching supported by the National
Science Foundation, grant number
Young Children’s Communication &
Problem Solving
Problem solving and communication as integral
to learning mathematics (NCTM, 2000)
Often underestimated problem solving capacity
of young children
(CGI Studies, Carpenter, Fennema, et al.)
Lack of research in how Latino children
communicate their mathematical thinking in their
native language, Spanish (Blum-Martínez)
Young Latino/as & Problem Solving
Latino students represent fastest growing
group in public schools
Nearly half (45%) are English Language
Learners (Kohler & Lazarín, 2007)
Persistent achievement gap between
Latino students and white and Asian
Focus of our Research
Research from a larger kindergarten study
Study focuses on problem solving and
Investigation of Latino students’
mathematical communication related to their
problem-solving strategies
Theoretical Perspectives
Socio-cultural Perspective on Learning (JohnSteiner & Mahn, 1996; Nelson, 1991; Vygotsky,
Discourse and Learning Mathematics (Cobb,
1997; Saxe, 2002; Moschkovich, 2002)
Socioconstructivist Theory (Cobb 1997; Cobb &
Yackel, 1996)
Cognitively Guided Instruction (Carpenter et al.,
1993; Carpenter et al., 1994)
One kindergarten classrooms, low SES school with
predominantly Latino student population (87%)
Focused on 8 students in the pre-post assessments
Ms. Arenas
Mexican Immigrant, ELLs
Bilingual Classroom
Lang. of
Larger Study
Weekly Classroom Observations
Video-taped, transcribed, coded
Teacher Interviews
Pre and Post Clinical Interview Assessments
(Ginsburg, 1983)
 Administered in student’s dominant language, all but
one case in Spanish
 Language coded for connections to story, strategy,
metacognition, and students’ ability to discuss their
Sample Assessment Items
Pre-Assessment Version
(n=8 students)
Post-Assessment Version
(n=16 students)
Maya has 6 candies. Her brother gives
her 3 more. How many candies does
she have now? (JOIN)
Julio has 6 candies. His sister gives him
6 more candies. How many candies
does Julio have now? (JOIN)
Javier has 3 pockets. He puts 2 pennies Sara has 3 bags of marbles. There are 6
in each pocket. How many pennies does marbles in each bag. How many
Javier have now? (MULTIPLICATION)
marbles does Sara have altogether?
There are 8 marbles. 2 friends want to
share the marbles so that they each get
the same amount. How many marbles
can each friend have? (DIVISION)
Estevan had 15 marbles. He shared with
3 friends so each friend got the same
number of marbles. How many marbles
did each friend get? (DIVISION)
Pre-Assessment ProblemSolving Results
Most students could count small set of
objects (under 10)
Half of students solved basic addition (6+3)
and basic subtraction problem (10-4)
Multiplication, division and compare
problems were much more challenging
(17%, 25%, 0%)
Pre-Assessment Language
• Explanations were short and sometimes
• Students could remember elements of the
story, but saw it as a starting point for
creative adaptation.
• When students solved with direct modeling,
they could say how they counted and repeat
the process aloud.
Portrait of Instruction
Problem solving lessons
conducted twice a week,
for about 30 minutes
Average of 5 problems
per lesson
Both whole group and
small group formats used
Students had access to a
range of tools
Two Preliminary Language
Themes for Post-Assessment
Students use language as a way to think
about their thinking (metacognition).
Students used language to connect the story
to their model.
Students had the psychological tools
available to begin to talk about how
they were making sense of the
problem (John-Steiner & Mahn, 1996;
Vygotsky, 1986).
They also began to recognize that
problem solving involved a mental
Gerardo’s Post Assessment
“Mi mente estaba
pensando que era doce.
Y yo también. Y
luego…y luego lo
“My mind was thinking it
was twelve. And me too.
And then…and then I
Gerardo’s Post Assessment
I: How did you count? Show me.
G: “Con mi voz adentro.” “With my voice
Connecting the Story to the
mediates students’ mathematical
gives them an entry point to understand
the mathematical situation.
provides them a way to explain their
helps them connect the mathematical
model to the story.
Video Case: Connecting the
Story to the Model (2)
Dalia solves a Join Change
Unknown problem in October
(4,7) and then in May (7,11).
Post Assessment Results (n=16)
Problem Type
% Correct % Correct
Join Result Unk (6+6)
Separate Result Unk (13-5)
Join Change Unk (7+__=11)
Multiplication (6x3)
Partitive Division (15÷3)
Measurement Division (10÷2)
Multi-Step (2x4) - 3
Conclusions (1)
Students solved much broader range of
problems than national assessment of 22,000
kindergarteners would predict
18% solved addition and subtraction
2% solved basic multiplication and division
(NCES, 2005)
Students used language that was
sophisticated and focused on the problem.
Conclusions (2)
Students showed an emergent ability to think
about their thinking as they solved problems
(Aunola et al., 2004).
Native language learning gave students
access to the psychological and linguistic
tools that helped them make sense of the
mathematics (Baker, 2006).
Paper available at:
CEMELA website
 Select Research, then Presentations
Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis [email protected]
Mary Marshall [email protected]
Erin Turner [email protected]