Transcript Document

The Public Servants Disclosure
Protection Act at
Insert the name of your organization here
Today’s Presentation
Overview of the PSDPA
What is wrongdoing?
Role of Senior Officer
Role of supervisors
Role of employees
Intended Results
What I’m doing
Awareness activities
Overview of the Public Servants
Disclosure Protection Act
The purpose of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act
(PSDPA) is:
• To encourage employees in the public sector to come
forward if they have reason to believe that serious
wrongdoing has taken place
• To provide protection to them against reprisal when
they do so
It also provides a fair and objective process for those
against whom allegations are made
What is Wrongdoing?
Wrongdoing includes any of the following:
breaking laws or regulations;
misusing public funds or assets;
gross mismanagement;
a serious breach of a code of conduct;
an act or omission that endangers the life, health and safety
of Canadians or the environment; or
• directing someone else to do these things.
Making a Disclosure
If you have questions or concerns, or wish to disclose
a possible wrongdoing, you can bring the matter to either:
1. Your immediate supervisor;
2. Your organization Senior Officer for Disclosure,
(insert his/her name here);
3. The Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Confidentiality and the
Disclosure Process
• Everyone involved in a disclosure and its investigation
must make every effort to maintain the confidentiality of
information related to the matter.
• This includes refraining from discussing any disclosure or
the fact they are involved with it, except when required as
part of an investigation.
• All files must be maintained separately, under the control
of the Senior Officer for Disclosure
• Information collected in relation to a disclosure cannot be
released under either the Access to Information Act or the
Privacy Act.
Role of the Senior Officer
• Review disclosures to determine if there are sufficient
grounds to investigate.
• Inform the employee(s) in writing if the Senior Officer will
proceed further.
• Ensure that the rights of all those involved are respected
during an investigation.
• Review the results of the investigation, prepare
recommendations for action and report these directly to
the (specify: President, Minister, other…).
• Refer cases concerning criminal activity to the
appropriate law enforcement authority.
Role of Supervisors
As a supervisor, you need to be aware of your roles and
responsibilities to:
• Show visible leadership in fostering an ethical culture of right-doing.
• Inform employees about the PSDPA, their options for making
disclosures, the protection the PSDPA provides and where to go if they
need more information.
• Receive disclosures of wrongdoing from employees.
• Protect the identity of those involved in the disclosure process to the
extent possible.
• Protect from reprisal the employee who discloses wrongdoing or who
is involved in a disclosure investigation.
Role of Employees
Be familiar with the main provisions of the Act – its
mechanisms for disclosure, its confidentiality provisions,
and its reprisal protection measures.
Know what constitutes wrongdoing under the Act.
Understand your choices in making a protected
Know what to do if you believe you are the target of a
Know where to get related information and advice.
Intended Results
• Enhanced ability for organizations to identify and resolve
disclosures and prevent reprisals;
• Employees who feel supported and protected from
reprisals when they disclose a wrongdoing;
• Leaders who foster and model ethical leadership and
inspire employees to do the right thing;
• A sustained and supported ethical culture in a workplace of
choice; and
• Increased public trust and confidence in public sector
What I do as
your Senior Officer for Disclosure
• Implementation of disclosure procedures in the
• Awareness-building on the PSDPA and on the process
in place in the organization.
• Informing supervisors of their role and
•In this section, insert specifics, e.g. special phone number in
place without call display, a filing cabinet, only accessible to
me to keep disclosure information locked and separate from
other files.
Informing Employees Awareness Activities
In this section, list the awareness activities you have planned
to inform employees.
For example:
•Announcement/article in your internal newsletter
•Presentations to branch management committees / Team
•Brown bag information session