Transcript Slide 1

I hope you all enjoyed your half term and have had a lovely week. Please feel free
to make an appointment to come in and see me if you have any concerns or
Mrs Upton
The children will study the structure of
list poems and kennings. They will
then be expected to write and perform
a range of poetry in different forms.
Our final unit will be looking at non
chronological reports. During this unit
we will research the features of this
type of text. Further to this the
children will be able to write and
present their own non chronological
reports on a chosen subject.
Our topic this term will continue to be
Romans. During this term the children
will investigate Roman art forms such as
pottery and mosaics. Whilst studying this
topic we will learn about Roman life in
Britain focusing on domestic life in this
In numeracy we will be
continuing to look at number,
place value and money. The
children will also consolidate
their knowledge of mental
addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division
methods following up from
earlier in the year. This will
involve looking at their
knowledge of number bonds
and rapid recall of times table
and division facts. Further to
this the children will look at
compass point and time.
Our unit this term is circuits and
conductors. During this unit we
will be reviewing work on circuits
and electricity from previous
year groups. We will also be
enquiring into the conductivity of
different materials, switches and
their uses and series circuits.
The children will investigate how
to build circuits and safety whilst
dealing with electricity.
Not studied this half term
In pshe we will be studying school
rules about health and safety, basic
emergency aid procedures and
where to get help. Finally they will
be learning to recognise different
risks in a variety of situations and
then decide how to behave
Our topic will be lighting up this
term. This is linked to our science
unit and will involve looking at a
variety of lights and their designs.
The children will design their own
lighting up picture and then
construct this using simple
electrical circuits. Finally they will
evaluate their designs against their
original design specification.
This term we will continue to study
Jesus as a adult. We will be
extending this unit to focus on
Jesus as a servant and king, with
particular emphasis on the Easter
story. This will involve looking at
parables, miracles and the events
of Palm Sunday.
Taught by specialist teacher
Our unit for this term is based
around designing a web page. The
children will learn how to use the
internet safely. As well as
understanding some of the
technical aspects of how the
internet works.
Taught by a specialist teacher,
introducing a wide range of skills
for sport.