Transcript P6 - MEMO

Writing a memo to your line manager Jack
5 areas of improvement
Firstly, fully explain the issue that has
been raised through your complaints
Then, fully explain your suggestion to
1. Increasing the number of
toilet blocks at the zoo
We have received a total of 41 complaints that we do not have enough toilet facilities
to cope with the amount of people coming to the zoo. This is not a problem during
quieter / out of season times (for example, during the winter), but when it is the
school holidays, we have had people complaining of the queues that they have to
face. This is said to spoil their enjoyment of the zoo as it means that they are
spending time waiting when they could be looking at the animals or having something
to eat. Since our expansion of the zoo, we have not had sufficient toilet facilities to
match the zoo and the huge amounts of people that are visiting the zoo. Therefore, I
propose that we need to build two new toilet blocks at the zoo. These toilet blocks
should be exactly like the one that we have at the front of the zoo, with male, female
and disabled facilities available. One of these should be built in the vicinity of the zebra
section in the North East corner of the zoo and the other should be situated in the
South East corner of the zoo, close to the Rhinoceros section. This way, customers
who are in those areas do not have to walk back to the front / middle of the zoo to
visit the toilet. It can be especially difficult for less mobile visitor (such as those in
wheelchairs). By providing these facilities, we can make the zoo a more enjoyable
experience for our customers and, therefore, we are providing them with better
customer service. If we provide them with better customer service, it is more likely
that they will recommend us to their friends / colleagues which means that we will
have more visitors to the zoo. This then means that our profit will increase.