Health & social care

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Transcript Health & social care

Started to crawl
 To stand up
 To walk
Now find out how this compares with the
Lesson objective
To begin to learn the factors that affect Human Growth and
Success criteria
To complete the mind map
To be able to discuss the meanings and terms covered during
the lesson.
To begin to answer the exam questions
The focus of this unit is to develop
awareness of the norms of
development and to learn how
different live factors can affect
development in different ways.
Individuals develop at different rates. The
rate at which an individual develops is
measured against ‘the norms’ of the
development. What do you think NORM
If we understand what these ‘norms’ are
we can analyse if an individual is ahead
of the life stage or matches the ‘norm’.
What can affect our growth and development?
Which has the stronger influence ‘nature or nurture’?
Many factors affect our development,
 Inherited disability (known as the nature factor)
 The experiences we have known as the ‘ nurture
 In other words are the skills we learn inherited, or
are they learnt?
 We usually behave in a particular way because of
such influences.
You should be able to describe expected patterns
of physical growth and change, and the physical,
intellectual, emotional and social changes that
typically take place during each of the five main
life stages. These are
 Infancy 0-2
 Childhood 3-8
 Adolescence 9-18
 Early Adulthood – 19-44
 Middle Adulthood - 45-65
 Later adulthood 65+
Infancy -
Working in groups of three – and using
your slips of paper list as many
characteristics of development that link
into physical, intellectual, emotional and
 Being able to
 Having the
ability to skip
 Lack of mobility
 Puberty
 Love
 Anger
 Trusting others
 Happiness
 Caring for
 Ability to think
 Interacting with
for themselves
 Ability to read
 Going to parties
 Making puzzles
 Discussing
 Communicating
views and
with others
 Emotional
responses – answers
that show feelings
 Size - how big is
 Emotional – how
a person or
individuals feel
 Self –image - the
 Mass – having
picture we have of
the ability to
perform a task
 Self esteem how a
 Intellectual ability
person feels about
– brain power
 Mature – to be
 Social –
well developed
and wiser
with others
 Self-image the
 Socialization –
picture we have of
getting use to
interaction with
Intellectual ability
Self esteem
Self –image
Intellectual ability
Birth mass is the mass of a baby at its birth. It has direct links with the
gestational age (length of the pregnancy) at which the child was born and
can be estimated during the pregnancy by measuring fundal height.
A baby born within the normal range of mass for that gestational age is
known as appropriate for gestational age (AGA). Those born above or
below that range have often had an unusual rate of development – this
often indicates complications with the pregnancy that may affect the baby
or its mother.
Size and mass- growth
which is increased
Development skills,
intellectual ability and
emotional responses
that a person gains at
each stage of
development is about
feelings and how we
behave when we
have them.
Infancy is a period of fast growth
Infants double their birth weight in the first
six months
They double it again in the first three years
Centile charts show the normal range of
weight or height for boys and girls at
different ages
There are different centile charts for boys
and girls as boys are usually heavier
At birth infants
are helpless
 They have
Sucking reflex
Rooting reflex
Startle reflex
Word check
primitive reflexes – basic reactions
Unique – special/particular
To one person or thing
Milestones –
stages in development
Task list
1. Pick the name of the infant you are going to study
2. Begin with the range of images –
3. Start to draw up your time line –
4. Begin to stick in images to help you learn what the
stages are
5. Use as many key words as possible in the correct
6. Using a range of coloured pens to indicate which
part of PIES the development is connected to
3 months
Infants can sit with their head held steady for a few seconds, if supported
6 months
Infants have more strength and muscle control. They can lift their heads , sit without support, and
turn their head to look around.
They can pull themselves up when their hands are grasped
9 months
Infants can sit unsupported for ten minutes.
They are starting to move independently by rolling or squirming.
They can pull themselves to stand, and can stand holding onto soemthing for a few moments
12 months
Infants can get from a lying to a sitting position without help.
They crawl rapidly.
They can walk by holding onto furniture and stand alone for a few monments.
15 months
Infants can get on their feet alone.
They can walk and crawl upstairs.
18 months
Infants can run, walk upstairs and crawl downstairs .
2 years
Infants can walk downstairs.
3 years
Infants can climb on play equipment, ride a tricycle and throw and catch a ball.
3 to 6 months
Babies at this age enjoy making sounds. Not only do they like to laugh and squeal with pleasure and excitement,
but they perfect their ability to gurgle, coo, and blow raspberries. Some begin to make consonant sounds (n, d, p,
b), most can link sounds with the objects that made them, and by the time they reach 6 months of age, they often
start to actually imitate sounds.
6 to 9 months
Babies will babble at this age. During these months, most babies start to vocalize a lot more in ways other than
crying, not the least of which is laughing more frequently. You're also likely to notice a progression in your baby's
talking abilities — from making four different consonant sounds or stringing together chains of vowel-consonant
sounds to combining syllables into word-like utterances and shouting to attract attention.
9 to 12 months
Babies will say their first words during this time. At 9 months, infants are often fairly talented at multi-syllable
babbling and imitating sounds. Over the subsequent months, you may find that your baby starts to imitate the
tone and inflection in your voice as well and may even say his first word.
Words such as "mama" and "dada" clearly have meaning to infants at this age, and some will even say them by
the time they turn 1. ("Dada" is much more common than "mama," not as a reflection of a baby's preference, but
because "da" is a much easier sound to make than "ma.")
Also at this age babies develop improved nonverbal communication skills. This is a fun age, where many babies
not only start to communicate verbally, but clearly seem to understand more and interact more. They typically
learn to point in response to simple questions such as "Where's the ball?" or "Where's Mommy?" and to wave
12 to 18 months
Kids this age will continue to improve their communication skills. By 12 to 15 months, the average child says two
or more words besides "dada" and "mama." Some 18-month-olds will even begin to put two words together,
although this is considered to be a 2-year-old accomplishment.
In addition to talking, most toddlers at this age can imitate animal sounds, recognize objects by name, and follow
commands. You're likely to find that this newly developed ability to follow directions is particularly endearing
when your toddler begins to give a hug or kiss when asked.
While your toddler is probably making great strides in communicating at this age, it helps to be aware that
toddlers at this age can become very frustrated because they can understand a lot more than they can say.
18 to 24 months
Toddlers at this age will greatly increase their vocabulary and ability to understand. The average
toddler toward the end of the second year can say 30 to 50 words and make two-word
sentences. Even more impressive is their ability to understand and follow simple commands.
2 years
Two-year-olds talk in sentences. While the typical 2-year-old has a vocabulary of 30-50 words
and can put two words together, another year of language development usually brings the ability
to make three-word sentences and communicate more effectively.
Not only do children start to use pronouns such as I, me, you, and we, but they also start to use
them to express emotions (in ways other than through tantrums!).
Two-year-olds also learn to name and categorize. They commonly learn the names of five or
more body parts and are able to recite their own names (first and last) by the time they reach
their third birthday. Sorting objects according to category and understanding descriptive
categories like "big" and "little" or "soft" and "hard" are also typical accomplishments at this age.
By the time a child is 3 years old, grown-ups should be able to understand at least 75 percent of
what he says.
3 months
Infants make noise when they are spoken to.
6 months
Infants practise making sounds, repeating syllables like ‘mum-mum’ and ‘dad-dad’.
They begin to learn the sounds their carers make mean something.
They understand a couple of words like ‘no’ and ‘bye bye’.
9 months
Infants know their own name and understand several words.
They understand simple commands with gestures, like ‘give it to mummy’.
12 months
Infants understand and obey simple commands like ‘bring it here’.
They can say a few words and understand many more.
15 months
Infants will try to join in with nursery rhymes. Soon after this they can put a few words togther to
make simple sentences.
18 months
Infants can use around 50 words and understand many more.
2 years
Infants use around 200 words.
They can say a few nursery rhymes.
They ask questions all the time, like ‘What’s that?
3 years
Infants have learnt a lot more words and can carry on simple conversations with adults.
Egocentric – self-important
 This means that infants can only see the
world from their own point of view.
 Bonding – growing close to someone,
usually the main carer or mother
Examples of emotional development
Enjoys having a cuddle from parents or main carer
Gazes into parent’s eyes
Moves whole body to express enjoyment
Smiles at parent
3 months
Recognizes familiar people and smiles
Shows enjoyment at bath time
Enjoys being talked to
6 months
Afraid of strangers
Cries and laughs when others do this, so recognizing the emotions of others
Laughs when enjoying activates
9 months
Expresses fear of strangers by crying
Dislikes going to bed and will express their feelings
Likes comfort objects, for example, teddy bear or comfort blanket
Likes being noisy
1 year
Very affectionate towards family
Enjoys playing games
Shy towards strangers
2 years
Able to express their feelings
Gets angry if they cannot express themselves
Likes to try out new activities
Can be confident and independent, or clingy and dependent on parent or main carer
3 years
Begins to be interested in others and can be friendly
Happy to share toys with others
Enjoys pleasing adults
Can show concern for others.
Newborn infants have no sense of personal
identity, however, they do like company.
 They are very interested in faces and soon
get to recognise their main carer, this is
known as bonding.
 The way an infant is cared for the easier
they will find it to make friends in later life.
 Infants begin to develop their self esteem
which helps them cope with