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ISFOL – An overview
Istituto per la formazione professionale dei lavoratori
Institute for the Development of Vocational Training
of Workers
About us
• Isfol is the largest public research institute at EU level in the field of
VET, employment and social policies.
It is supervised by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies.
 Since 1973, Isfol has been playing an institutional role in the field of
vocational training, employment and social inclusion, both at national
and international level.
 Isfol also acts as in-house agency for the Ministry with respect to relevant
National Operational Programmes co-funded by the Structural Funds in the
2007-2013 Programming Period.
“Contribute to promoting employment growth,
social inclusion and
local development ”
by providing:
 evidence-based research findings for sound policy-making and
 expert advice and technical assistance (TA) delivering innovative
models/solutions to central and regional authorities and other relevant
national institutions.
Research fields
To fulfill its mission, Isfol carries out research studies, surveys,
consultancy and TA activities in two core fields:
1. Labour market and social policies including:
 Employment policies evaluation
 Comparative studies on labour systems/industrial relations
 Employment services M&E
 Studies on social policies and equal opportunities
 Training needs analysis and organisational development
 Studies on the integration of local development/HR policies
Research fields (2)
2. Training policies and systems including:
 Studies on policies and provision of initial, continuous vocational
training and LLL
 Design of accreditation systems and Quality Assurance in training
 Definition of learning methodologies designed to develop the National
Qualifications Framework in line with the EQF
 Studies on guidance devices supporting LLL policies
Thematic areas
2010-12 Work Programme
1. Labour supply/demand:
LM monitoring, skills anticipation, forecasting
2. ALM (Active Labour Market) policies:
monitoring and evaluation (M&E)
3. VET and employment systems and services:
4. Governance and social dialogue:
- analysis of the federalist reform implementation
- focus on Italian Mezzogiorno capacity building
Main clients
 Ministry of Labour and Social Policies
 Presidency of the Ministries’ Council
 Ministry of Education, Universities and Research
 Regions and Autonomous Provinces
 European Commission: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal
Opportunities, DG Education, Culture and Audiovisuals
 Eurofound
 CEREQ (Centre d'études et de recherches sur les qualifications), France
 BIBB (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training), Germany
European dimension
Isfol is :
National Agency LLP Leonardo da Vinci
Europass National Centre
Reference Point for Quality
Coordinator of the ReferNet
national network
TTnet - Training of trainers network
The National ESF Evaluation Unit
International dimension
Main activities
 Networking and good practices exchange with
international organisations and Isfol counterparts;
 Planning and delivering integrated research projects
in the field of VET and employment.
International dimension
Centre for Euro-Mediterranean cooperation
Network between Mediterranean Countries and Italian Regions for the
development of their training and labour systems
 Project co-funded by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies for the
2010-2013 period
 Beneficiary countries: Algeria, ANP, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece,
Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Syria, Spain,
Tunisia, Turkey.
 Objective: strengthening the role of the Southern regions of Italy, as a
key player for the Mediterranean countries with a view to strengthening
their respective VET and employment systems.
International dimension
2010 – 2011 Work Programme
 Networking
 Study visits
 Thematic seminars
 Bilateral cooperation with Israel in the framework of the 2010
Joint Declaration on VET
 Follow up 2nd Euromed Conference
 Dedicated portal
Information resources
Isfol publications include
Annual Reports,
monographic studies,
electronic resources
Library endowed with a
collection of over 30,000
volumes accessible
through the OPAC
(On Line Public Access
Information resources
Soon in English
Contact information
Corso d’Italia, 33
I-00198 Rome
Tel. ++39.06. 854471(switchboard)
Office in Benevento
Villa dei Papi
Via G. Perlingieri ,1
82100 Benevento
tel. +39.0824.351232 - 334073