Transcript Slide 1

Very Quick &
Basic Unix
Steven Newhouse
Unix is user-friendly.
It's just very selective about who its friends are.
Ohio Supercomputing Centre (OSC)
With exercises:
Basic & Intermediate UNIX courses
Further references
UNIX and its history
Its an Operating System
Been around since the 70s
Rejuvenated in the 90s with Linux
Traditionally high-end machines
Liaison between the user (you) and the computer
Through Linux available nearly everywhere
Programs work through a library
Compositional & layered
Everything is a process
A process is the ‘unit’ of work in Unix
A process is owned by a particular user
Each user owns its own processes (partitioning)
‘root’ is the admin or super user
Cannot interfere with another user’s process
It can interfere with all processes
Processes come from other processes
They are ‘spawned’ or ‘forked’
The machine in front of you
It is up and running and with a login screen
You will be presented with a ‘desktop’
Growing similarity to Windows desktop
Login in using your username & password
Usability is one of the major Linux improvements
Your interaction with the machine through a
Start one up by navigating through the menu
The Terminal (xterm)
This window represents a ‘shell’ session
What is a shell?
A way of interacting with the computer
Allows you to enter (& execute) commands
By default you are in the Bash shell
There are several different flavours of shells
Over-time you may develop a preference
Not a concern now
(& try out the examples)
Typing a command into your terminal:
$ ls
$ represents the ‘prompt’ in your shell
ls is the command you want to run (followed by ENTER)
A command may have options prefixed by ‘-’ or ‘--’
$ ls –al
The ls command lists directory contents
Some commands have ‘arguments’
$ ls <directory name>
Self Help
Unix has many different commands
Different commands (applications) in a distribution
Different shells have different build in commands
Finding out about different commands
apropos – simple search engine for manual
man <command> - display the command’s
manual page
<command> -help or <command> --help:
show the built in help text
What processes are running?
To see the currently running processes:
List the processes that you are running
$ ps
List the processes running on the machine
$ ps –e
$ ps -ef
To see an updated list of processes
$ top
Press q to quit
Find out which shell you are in
Get you shell to tell you about its environment
$ env
Displays a list of environment variables
Each variable has a name & value
One of these variables is the SHELL variable
To display a specific value use the echo
$ echo $SHELL
[is the screen output]
File Hierarchy
Useful Directory Commands
pwd: Tells you where you are in the directory
cd <destination> : Change directory
cd ~ : Change to your home (initial) directory
cd /home/users/sn : Change to an absolute
You will have a different
directory location
username than sn
cd ../sn : Change to a relative directory
location (up a level and then into the sn directory)
Other Useful Directory
mkdir <directory name> - Create a
rmdir <directory name> - Remove a
Manipulating files
Copy a single file (after creating it: $ touch testfile1)
$ cp testfile1 testfile2
Copy a directory (after creating it: $ mkdir testdir1)
$ cp –pr testdir1 testdir2
Move a single file or directory (sort of rename)
$ mv testfile2 testfile3
Delete a single file
$ rm testfile1
HINT: Use ls to examine how the directory has changed
after each command
Download a set of files
Using a browser: Easy point & click – NO
Using commands executed from the shell
Goto your home directory (cd)
Create a new sub-directory (mkdir)
Move into the subdirectory (cd)
Retrieve the file archive from the web (wget)
Expand the file archive (tar)
Look at what we’ve got (ls)
New Commands
wget <url> : Retrieve http or ftp based URLs
into the current directory (Web Get)
tar : Tape Archive (very old command!)
User to build or extract file & directory hierarchy from
an archive
Examine the contents:
$ tar --list –zvf <filename>
How would you extract the contents instead of list?
HINT: You may want to see what HELP you can get
And the finally….
The file archive is:
Examine the extensions:
.tar – Tells you it’s a tar archive
.gz – Tells you it compressed with gzip
.tar.gz is frequently abbreviated to .tgz
People can lie… and then the commands will
normally complain
Examine the download
You have a directory (bin) with a file & a file
Examine the contents of the longfile.txt using
various commands
more : Allows you to control how much text goes past. A
page at a time by pressing space, or a line at a time by
pressing return.
$ more longfile.txt
less : Similar to more but allows you to go backward (b
key) as well as forward (space)
$ less longfile.txt
Examine explicit parts of a file
head : Examine the start of a text file (or just the
first 5 lines)
$ head longfile.txt
$ head -5 longfile.txt
tail : Examine the end of a text file (or just the
last 5 lines)
$ tail longfile.txt
$ tail -5 longfile.txt
grep : Look for lines with specific text
$ grep HEAD logfile.txt
$ grep GET longfile.txt | more
$ cat longfile.txt | grep GET | more
cat: Dumps contents
to the screen ©
Combine commands
together by ‘piping’
Using your commands
Recap on commands:
Built in to the shell
Standalone executable applications
Standalone commands are in ‘well-known’
How do you find out where a command is located?
$ which echo
$ which export
How does the shell know where to look…?
Finding an executable
The PATH variable tells the shell which
directories to look in for an executable
How do we find the value of the PATH variable
Directories separated by ‘:’
$ echo $PATH
$ env
How do we change the value:
BASH: export PATH=<newvalue>
Add in our own executable
Find the absolute location of the ‘bin’ directory in
the download
HINT: Navigate to the directory using:
cd to move into and out of directories
ls to examine the contents of the directory
HINT: Once you are in the bin directory use the pwd
command to find out its absolute path.
Add this directory to the PATH variable (one line)
$ export
Verifying this has worked
Check the executable is there
$ which gridschool
It will tell you the full absolute path
Run the command
$ gridschool
Expected output:
Welcome user sn to ISSGC06
Very simple: vi
WYSIWYG: nedit
More ‘normal’ editor
Thank you…