Transcript Slide 1

Entry and Level 1 Qualifications and Services February 2015

Fiona Callaghan

2 Entry and Level 1 update

Why choose Pearson?

• We offer a flexible framework of qualifications • We recognise that there are a large variety of learners, many with different needs and progression aims, our programmes are written with the learner in mind • You can create personalised programmes with clear progression routes for each learner, whether this is to independent living, further education or employment • Our qualifications offer a seamless progression pathway and real skills for their future 3 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00

Learner profiles

With such a vast range of qualifications and units available to choose from we have identified four typical learner groups and created suggested packages of qualifications and units to meet their needs Once you have identified which group matches your learner’s needs these models should help you build suitable learning programmes to help them achieve their full potential 4 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00

Learner profiles

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What do we offer?


Entry 1

What’s available

Personal Progress(PSD) Entry 2 Entry 3 L1 GCSE D – G L2 GCSE A* - C Personal and Social Development (PSD) Personal and Social Development (PSD) Vocational BTECs WorkSkills MySkills GCSE Vocational BTECs WorkSkills MySkills GCSE BTEC Firsts WorkSkills MySkills 6 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00

What does that look like at E1 and 2 Personal Progress (E1)

Allows learners to develop their skills in areas such as independent living, skills for the workplace and engaging with the world around them

Personal and Social Development (E2) Skills for Independence and work

Intended to be a bridging qualification to enable learners to move from personal development to vocational learning 7 Entry and Level 1 update

…and at E3 and Level 1 Personal and social development Vocational Learning MySkills WorkSkills

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Course Builder makes it easy

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Pearson Entry 1 – some pathways The Qualifications Edexcel Entry Level Award in Personal Progress

(8 credits) Taken from any units above

Edexcel Entry Level Award in Skills for independent living

(6 credits) Taken from units 10-26

Edexcel Entry Level Award in ICT Skills

(4 credits) Using unit 4

Edexcel Entry Award in Skills for supported employment

(6 credits) Taken from units 27-30

Edexcel Entry Level Certificate in Skills for independent living

(13 credits) Taken from units 10-26

Edexcel Entry Level Certificate in Personal Progress

(14 credits) Taken from any units above Edexcel Entry Level Diploma in Personal Progress (37 credits) Taken from any units above 11 Entry and Level 1 update

Progression Entry level 1

Award in personal progress E1 Certificate in personal progress E1 Diploma in personal progress E1

Entry level 2

Award in personal and social development E2 Certificate in personal and social development E2 Diploma in personal and social development E2 Award In Skills for independence and work E2 Certificate In Skills for independence and work E2 Diploma In Skills for independence and work E2 12 Entry and Level 1 update Entry 2 PSD or Skills for independence and work Supported employment Independent living Entry 3 Vocational Award Entry 3 Personal and social development Entry 3 Myskills/WorkSkills

Progression Entry level 3

Award / certificate / diploma in Vocational sector PSD or employability learning Work or work related experience

Level 1

Award / certificate / diploma in Vocational sector English and Work or work related experience maths PSD or employability learning 13 Entry and Level 1 update Level 1 further study Employment E3 horizontal progression GCSE Level 2 BTECs Employment

New qualifications Pearson BTECs in exploring vocational sectors

• • • • • •


Combined vocational and PSD units Certificate, extended certificate and diploma sizes Same structure across the suite (3 groups of units to choose from) Formalised progression links to level 2 New introduction to the sectors unit (3 credits) Level 1 vocational units and level 1 and 2 personal skills units 14 Entry and Level 1 update

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Extended Certificate in exploring the care sector (QCF) (27 credits)

Unit Exploring the caring sector (mandatory)

Group 1

Level 1 Credit 3 GLH 30

Group 2

15 vocational units to choose from 16 credits to be achieved

Group 3

15 PSD units to choose from 4-8 credits to be achieved 15 Entry and Level 1 update

Supporting you and your learners

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Skills Subject Advisor

• • •

Melanie Williams

Telephone 0844 463 2829 Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @PearsonsSkills

Dedicated Website Support Ask The Expert Community Forums

experts answer your an opportunity to speak to Lets take a look concerns and ask advice (meetings are regional)


All delivered by subject experts or senior examiners 17 Entry and Level 1

Fiona Callaghan

Territory Manager Northern Ireland

Pearson UK Schools and Colleges

E: [email protected]

D: +44 (0)2820741124 M: +44 (0)7500447211


You 18 Entry and Level 1 update