Folie 1 - Air Commodities

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Transcript Folie 1 - Air Commodities

Meeting ASHRAE Fundamentals, Standard 55 & 62.1 with Chilled Beams Displacement Ventilation.



ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2009

Space Ventilation for Non-residential Occupancies

Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality

• Classifies occupied spaces • Sets ventilation requirements based on size and occupancy • Sets guidelines for demand control ventilation

ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2009

Space Ventilation for Non-residential Occupancies

Conventional Method • Ventilate the space according to ASHRAE 62-2009 • Use Ventilation Rate or IAQ Procedure to determine OA requirements using table 6-1 3

ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2009

Space Ventilation for Non-residential Occupancies

• Conventional Method Ventilate the space according to ASHRAE 62 2009 • Use Ventilation Rate or IAQ Procedure to determine OA requirements using table 6-1 • Make Corrections for Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness using Table 6-2 4

ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2009

Space Ventilation for Non-residential Occupancies

• Conventional Method Ventilate the space according to ASHRAE 62 2009 • Use Ventilation Rate or IAQ Procedure to determine OA requirements using table 6-1 • Make Corrections for Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness using Table 6-2 • Make Corrections for Multiple Zone Recirculating System using Table 6-3 Z p =V oz /V pz 5

ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2009

Space Ventilation for Non-residential Occupancies

• • • • Conventional Method Ventilate the space according to ASHRAE 62 2009 Use Ventilation Rate or IAQ Procedure to determine OA requirements using table 6-1 Make Corrections for Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness using Table 6-2 Make Corrections for Multiple-Zone Recirculating System using Table 6-3 Z p =V oz /V pz 6

ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2009

Space Ventilation for Non-residential Occupancies

Conventional Method Our Goal is to Reduce the Amount of Treated Air Traveling Through the Building • 62.1 Dynamic Reset a.k.a. CO2 Ventilation • How does the Outdoor Air know where to go?


ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2009

Space Ventilation for Non-residential Occupancies

Goal: Reduce the Amount of Conditioned Air Traveling Through the Building -So how else can we reduce the treated air???

Chilled Water Displacement (above the dew point)

Free Cooling Hours for 54F & 69F

18“ x 18“ Air Duct

3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

54F 69F 1“ diameter Water Pipe


ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2009

Space Ventilation for Non-residential Occupancies

Goal: Reduce the Amount of Conditioned Air Traveling Through the Building -So how else can we reduce the treated air???

Displacement Chilled Water (above the dew point) 9 Displacement Terminal QLI Disp. Term w/ Coil Active Chilled Beam

ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2009

Space Ventilation for Non-residential Occupancies

Ideally get to a… DOAS • The system is simplified.

• Constant Volume • No return air.

One Step Further… DOAS w/ CO2 Sensor • The Fresh Outside Air goes where it’s need.

• More Complicated due to VAV 10

Implementing ASHRAE Standard 62.1

While Not Abusing ASHRAE Standard 55 & Fundamentals Near/Adjacent Zone High Airflow / Draft

No comfort zone 11


ASHRAE Standard 55-2009

Thermal Comfort Guide

• Defines “Occupied Zone” • Factors affecting thermal comfort – Metabolic rate – Clothing (insulation) – Air temperature and speed – Radiant effects – Humidity • Defines acceptable conditions • Goal is occupant satisfaction levels 80% or higher


ASHRAE Standard 55-2009

Occupied Zone

• Defines “Occupied Zone” Occupied zone definition – Not within two (2) feet of a wall – Between the floor and the head level of the predominant space occupants


ASHRAE Standard 55-2009

Thermal Comfort Guide

• • Defines “Occupied Zone” Factors affecting thermal comfort – Metabolic rate – Clothing (insulation) – Air temperature and speed – Radiant effects – Humidity


Radiant transfer to cooler surfaces Independent of air conditions Dependent on temperature of surfaces Dependent on orientation of surfaces

Occupant Thermal Comfort

Basic principles

SHG = Metabolic Rate

Convective transfer to surrounding air Dependent on air conditions Effected by air speed


Thermal comfort achieved when heat out is equal to heat generated


ASHRAE Standard 55-2009

Thermal Comfort Guide

• • • Defines “Occupied Zone” Factors affecting thermal comfort Defines acceptable conditions


ASHRAE Standard 55-2009

Cooling Operation Comfort Range Assumes 1.0 Clo, 40% Tu and ≤ 40 FPM mean velocity









65 Cooling Operation Comfort Window 70 75 80

Operative Temperature, °F


60 57 55 50


ASHRAE Standard 55-2009

Thermal Comfort Guide

• • • • Defines “Occupied Zone” Factors affecting thermal comfort Defines acceptable conditions Goal is occupant satisfaction levels 80% or higher


ASHRAE Standard 55-2009 & Fundamentals

Lets Start with Displacement Ventilation


Displacement Supply Air Thermal Plume Neck Level Near Zone Ankle Level

ASHRAE Standard 55-2009 & Fundamentals Near/Adjacent Zone

Adjacent zone is defined as the region adjacent to the terminal discharge in which terminal velocities exceeding 0.2 m/s (40 FPM) may be found that are 71F or below. It is indicated by the dimension L 0.2

as shown.

To avoid draft complaints, stationary space occupants should not be located within this region.

L 0.2

20 No comfort zone

Stratification Zone


T S Near/Adjacent Zone Supply Layer ASHRAE Standard 55-2009 & Fundamentals T E Stagnation Layer Max. 5 o F T R

Occupied Zone

Ankle Level


Comfort Chart – Ankle Region

ASHRAE Standard 55-2009 & Fundamentals T E Stagnation Layer Max. 5 o F T R Stratification Zone

Occupied Zone

Ankle Level



T S Supply Layer


ASHRAE Standard 55-2009 & Fundamentals T E Stagnation Layer

Comfort Chart – Neck Region

Max. 5 o F T R Stratification Zone

Occupied Zone

Ankle Level

T A T S Supply Layer

Adjacent Zone Comparison (Face size of 24x48") Trox Titus Halton Price

370 cfm 300 cfm 225 cfm 24 150 cfm 0 2 4 6 8 10

Length (ft)

12 14 16 18


Adjacent Zone Effect So why is there such a difference between manufacturers?

Nozzles VS Perforated

26 Tag DT-1 DT-2 DT-3 Include the Max. Allowable Adjacent Zone in the Schedule Model INC INC INC Displacement Terminal Schedule Size 24x48 24x48 24x48 CFM 225 150 300 Max Adjacent Zone @ 10F 6ft 5ft 8ft


ASHRAE Standard 55-2009 & Fundamentals

Now Lets Look at Active Chilled Beams Ducted primary air Discharge to Room


ASHRAE Standard 55-2009 & Fundamentals What is an Active Chilled Beam?

It‘s a Diffuser!

Room sees two slot linear diffusers, nothing more!


ASHRAE Standard 55-2009

Now Lets Look at Active Chilled Beams • Defines “Occupied Zone” • Factors affecting thermal comfort – Metabolic rate – Clothing (insulation) – Air temperature and speed – Radiant effects – Humidity • Defines acceptable conditions • Goal is occupant satisfaction levels 80% or higher


T 50 T 150 T 100 ASHRAE Standard 55-2009

Mixed Air Systems

T 100 T 150 T 50 OCCUPIED ZONE


ASHRAE Fundamentals

Cooling Operation Comfort Range

Acceptable to 80%

Dissatisfaction Criteria

5% to 15% recommended limit


for draft (mixed flow)

Part 1 – Chilled Beam

Active Chilled Beams

Mixed Room Air Distribution

Room Airflow


The primary air via a diffuser (Beam)

•Provides fresh air requirement •Controls temperature •Controls humidity

Part 1 – Chilled Beam

Active Chilled Beams

Mixed Room Air Distribution

Room Airflow

33 • • • • •

What does a diffuser do?

Delivers fast cold (or hot) air to the space It directs the discharge Makes use of the Coand ă effect Reduced velocity by mixing Changes temperature by mixing

Part 1 – Chilled Beam

Active Chilled Beams

Mixed Room Air Distribution

Room Airflow

34 • • • •

Beam vs. diffuser

Increases volume, Example: assume 60% water 40% air • 100 cfm by diffuser, 40 cfm @ beam but with induction ratio of say 4:1, = total air discharged is 40 x 4 + Original 40 = 200 cfm If we work on 1cfm/SF and room Height of 10’ 100 cfm = 6 ac/hr, 200 cfm = 12 ac/hr (room air movement) The increased discharge temperature helps but the higher volume throws further in a ‘more active space’.


ASHRAE Standard 55-2009

36 4 or 2 pipe beam

Input Water Flow Rate (s) Input Primary air, Room and CWS Temperatures

Output: Sensible from Water, Air and Total Output Waterside, Airside Pressure drop and noise Output: Sensible from Water, Air & Total

37 Input Beam Length and Nozzle Type Input Primary Airflow Rate Input Beam Mounting Details for Local Velocity Predictions

Part 1 – Chilled Beam

Active Chilled Beams

Mixed Room Air Distribution

Room Airflow


Beams must be selected for comfort, not just BTU’s

The selection programs will also show you that as you increase the cooling but maintain the cfm volume, the throw increases.

Beware of any proposition that half the number of beams for a given design when no throw data or statement on comfort is offered.

Active Chilled Beam Velocities

• ASHRAE and AHRI working to establish testing and rating standards – Sensible cooling capacities – Aerodynamic performance (throw data) – Acoustical performance • Many manufacturers do not catalog throw or velocity data • One proposes selections with discharge airflow rates > 100 CFM/LF – Results in T 100 values of 20 to 25 feet – Requires minimum diffuser separation of 50 to 60 feet for ADPI ≥ 80 39


ASHRAE Fundamentals & Standard 55


ASHRAE Fundamentals & Standard 55


Thank You!

Designing Chilled Beam Systems for Thermal Comfort