Transcript Slide 1

2010 R&E Computer System Education & Research

Lecture 9. MIPS Processor Design – Instruction Fetch

Prof. Taeweon Suh Computer Science Education Korea University


• Microarchitecture:  How to implement an architecture in hardware • Multiple implementations for a single architecture  Single-cycle • Each instruction executes in a single cycle   Multicycle • Each instruction is executed broken up into a series of shorter steps • Pipeline • Each instruction is broken up into a series of steps • We don’t cover this in this class Multiple instructions execute simultaneously Application Software Operating Systems programs device drivers Architecture Micro architecture Logic Digital Circuits Analog Circuits Devices instructions registers datapaths controllers adders memories AND gates NOT gates amplifiers filters transistors diodes Physics electrons 2

Korea Univ

Processor Performance

Program execution time

Execution Time = (#instructions)(cycles/instruction)(seconds/cycle)

Challenge in designing microarchitecture is to satisfy constraints of:

 Cost   Power Performance 3

Korea Univ


• • In chapter 4, we are going to implement (design) MIPS CPU  The implemented CPU should be able to execute the machine code we discussed so far For the sake of your understanding, we simplify the processor system structure

Real-PC system CPU FSB (Front-Side Bus) North Bridge DMI (Direct Media I/F) Main Memory (DDR) South Bridge Simplified MIPS CPU Address Bus Data Bus Memory (Instruction, data)


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Our MIPS Model

• Our MIPS CPU model has separate connections to instruction memory and data memory  Actually, this structure is more realistic as we will see in chapter 5

MIPS CPU Address Bus Instruction Memory Data Bus Address Bus Data Memory Data Bus


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• • Our MIPS implementation is simplified by implementing only  memory-reference instructions:

lw, sw

 arithmetic-logical instructions:

add, sub, and, or, slt

 Control flow instructions:

beq, j

Generic implementation steps 


use the program counter (PC) to supply the instruction address and fetch the instruction from memory (and update the PC)  


: decode the instruction (and read registers)


: execute the instruction 6


Fetch PC = PC +4 Execute

Address Bus Data Bus Instruction Memory


Address Bus Data Memory Data Bus Korea Univ

Instruction Execution in CPU

• • • • Fetch  Fetch instruction by accessing memory with PC Decoding  Extract opcode: Determine what operation should be done  Extract operands: Register numbers or immediate from fetched instruction • Read registers from register file Execution  Use ALU to calculate (depending on instruction class) • Arithmetic result  • • Memory address for load/store Branch target address Access data memory for load/store

Address Bus

Next Fetch  PC  target address or PC + 4


Fetch PC = PC +4

Data Bus Instruction Memory

7 Execute Decode

Address Bus Data Memory Data Bus Korea Univ

Revisiting Logic Design Basics

Combinational logic

 Output is directly determined by input •

Sequential logic

 Output is determined not only by input, but also by internal state  Sequential logic needs state elements to store information • Flip-flop and latch are used to store the state information  But, avoid using latch in digital design 8

Korea Univ

Combinational Logic Examples

AND gate Y = A & B A B Y Multiplexer Y = S ? I1 : I0 I0 I1 M u x Y S Adder Y = A + B A + Y B 9 Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Y = F(A, B) A ALU Y B F

Korea Univ

State Element (Register)

• Register (flip-flop): stores data in a circuit  Clock signal determines


to update the stored value  • Edge-triggered  Rising-edge triggered: update when clock changes from 0 to 1  Falling-edge triggered: update when clock changes from 1 to 0 Data input determines output

what (0 or 1)

to update to the D

Flip-flop (register)

Q Clk Clk D Q 10

Korea Univ

State Element (Register)

Register with write control

 Only updates on clock edge

when write control input is 1

D Write Clk Q Clk Write D Q 11

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Clocking Methodology

• Virtually all digital systems are essentially synchronous to the clock • Combinational logic sits between state elements (registers) • Combinational logic transforms data during clock cycles  Between clock edges    Input from state elements Output to the next state elements Longest delay determines clock period (frequency) 12

Korea Univ

Building a Datapath

• Processor is composed of


  and

control Datapath

• Elements that process data and addresses in the CPU  Registers, ALUs, mux’s, memories, …


• Logic that controls operations  When to write to a register  What kind of operation ALU should do • Addition, Subtraction, Exclusive OR and so on • We will build a MIPS datapath incrementally and provide Verilog code  We adopt both structural and behavioral modeling • Behavioral modeling describes what a module does  For example, the lowest modules (such as ALU and register files) will be designed with the behavioral modeling • Structural modeling describes a module from simpler modules via instantiations  For example, the top module (such as MIPS_CPU) will be designed with the structural modeling 13

Korea Univ

MIPS CPU Address Bus Instruction Memory Data Bus Address Bus Data Memory Data Bus

Overview of CPU Design

reset clock

mips_tb.v (testbench) mips_cpu_mem.v


Decoding fetch, pc Address Instruction imem.v

(Instruction Memory) Binary (machine code)

Register File ALU Memory Access Address dmem.v

(Data Memory)

DataOut DataIn

Data in your program, Stack, Heap 14

Korea Univ

Instruction Fetch

MIPS CPU 4 Increment by 4 for next instruction Add Instruction Memory Address Out


reset clock PC

• •

instruction 32-bit register (flip-flops)

What is PC on reset?

 MIPS initializes the PC to 0xBFC0_0000  How about x86 and ARM?

 x86 reset vector is 0xFFFF_FFF0. BIOS ROM is located there  For the sake of simplicity, let’s initialize the PC to 0x0000_0000 in our design ARM reset vector is 0x0000_0000 15

Korea Univ

Instruction Fetch Verilog Model

4 Add reset clock PC

`include "delay.v" module


(input clk, reset, output reg [31:0] pc, input [31:0] pcnext); always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) pc <= #`mydelay 0'h00000000; else pc <= #`mydelay pcnext; end endmodule `include "delay.v" module


(input [31:0] a, b, output [31:0] y); assign #`mydelay y = a + b; endmodule `include "delay.v" module


(input clk, reset, output [31:0] pc, input [31:0] instr); wire [31:0] pcnext; // instantiate pc and adder modules pc pcreg (clk, reset, pc, pcnext); adder pcadd4 (pc, 32'b100, pcnext); endmodule 16

Korea Univ


• • As studied in the Computer Logic Design, memory is classified into RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read-Only Memory)    RAM is classified into DRAM (Dynamic RAM) and SRAM (Static RAM) DDR is a DRAM • Short form of DDR (Double Data Rate) SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM) DDR is used as main memory in modern computers We use a simple Verilog memory model that stores your program since our focus is on how CPU works 17

Korea Univ

Simple MIPS Test Code

• Example MIPS Assembly code



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Instruction Memory Verilog Model

128 words Word (32-bit) Compiled binary file

module imem(input [6:0] a, output [31:0] rd); reg [31:0] RAM[127:0]; initial begin $readmemh("memfile.dat",RAM); end assign #1 rd = RAM[a]; // word aligned endmodule 7

a[6:0] Instruction Memory

20020005 2003000c 2067fff7 00e22025 00642824 00a42820 10a7000a 0064202a 10800001 20050000 00e2202a 00853820 00e23822 ac670044 8c020050 08000011 20020001 ac020054


32 •

Data comes out from the address a memfile.dat

Depending on your needs, you can increase or decrease the memory size  Examples • For 1KB word-addressable memory, reg [31:0] RAM[255:0] • For 16KB byte-addressable memory, reg [7:0] RAM[16*1024-1:0] 19

Korea Univ

MIPS CPU with imem and Testbench

module mips_cpu_mem(input clk, reset); wire [31:0] pc, instr; // instantiate processor and memories mips_cpu imips_cpu (clk, reset, pc, instr); imem imips_imem (pc[7:2], instr); endmodule module mips_tb(); reg reg clk; reset; // instantiate device to be tested mips_cpu_mem imips_cpu_mem(clk, reset); // initialize test initial begin reset <= 1; # 32; reset <= 0; end // generate clock to sequence tests initial begin clk <= 0; forever #10 clk <= ~clk; end endmodule 20

Korea Univ

Simulation and Synthesis

Instruction fetch simulation

• Synthesis • Try to synthesis pc and adder with Quartus-II 21

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