Transcript Slide 1

01- Error During LogIn to Epicor
01- Error During LogIn to Epicor
02- Error During LogIn to Epicor
03 - Error During print preview Itemized
- When previewing any report, the same error pops repeatedly
Error Detail
Tried to call a method in an invalid procedure. (7224)
Stack Trace
at Progress.Open4GL.DynamicAPI.PersistentProc.validate()
at Progress.Open4GL.DynamicAPI.PersistentProc.runProcedure(String
procedureName, ParameterSet parms, MetaSchema schema)
at Epicor.Mfg.Core.CallContext.CallContextPersistentProc.runProcedure(String
procedureName, ParameterSet parameters, MetaSchema metaSchema)
at Epicor.Mfg.Core.CallContext.ProxyHelper.CallMethod(String methodName,
ParameterSet parameters, MetaSchema metaSchema, BLConnectionPool connPool,
Session connection, PersistentProc persistProc, CallContextDataSet callContextDataSet)
at Epicor.Mfg.Proxy.ReportMonitorImpl.GetRowsKeepIdleTime(String
whereClauseSysRptLst, Int32 pageSize, Int32 absolutePage, Boolean& morePages)
opts, Boolean& MorePages)