Transcript Document


Mike Hubert, Director Danise Ackelson, Supervisor Guidance & Counseling / Navigation 101 Division of Secondary Education & School Improvement September 2011 1

Supt. Dorn’s Education Reform Goals

1. Fund the Basic Education Funding Task Force Recommendations 2. Replace the Washington Assessment of Student Learning 3. Dramatically Reduce the Dropout Rate and Improve Achievement for ALL Students 4. Expand Career and Technical Educational Opportunities 5. Expand Early Learning Opportunities 2

Message from Assistant Superintendent Secondary Education, Dan Newell

“Having worked in the schools for 34 years, there is no question that counselors have the ability and the mission to positively impact the lives of all students, from the most vulnerable to the most fortunate. I believe that all kids need to be supported in becoming, college, career and life ready. School counselors are central to that work in our schools.” 3

• • • • • • • • • •

Update Topics

Guide to Graduation State Board of Education Updates Launch Year K-12 High School Feedback Reports Running Start Dropout Initiatives Navigation 101 Guidance and Counseling Counselor / Principal Relationship College-Bound Scholarships 4

Guide to Graduation

How to navigate the different pathways to a high school diploma in Washington


What’s Important?

• • This school year, there are three classes in four grades (9-12) that have different graduation requirements: o Class of 2012 (reading & writing, Pass math assessment OR earn 2 credits of math after 10 th grade, 19 credits minimum) o Classes of 2013 & 2014, (reading, writing, 1 math end-of-course exam, with 3 math credits required) o Class of 2015 and beyond (reading, writing, science, 1 math end-of-course exam, with 3 math credits required) With all these changes, students receiving special education services earn a diploma the same way: with the IEP team helping to guide them.


Know Your Resources

• • o Graduation in Washington toolkit o Earning a Diploma o Graduation Checklist (by class) o How Special Education Students Participate in State Testing • • Before you call OSPI, speak to your special education director or district assessment coordinator OSPI state testing/grad requirements questions: o (360) 725-6032, [email protected]

, [email protected]


Class of 2012

• • • • Pass reading and writing state assessments* Pass math assessment* OR earn 2 credits of math after 10 th grade Meet state and local credit requirements Submit successful culminating project and high school and beyond plan • NOTE: Same requirements from Class of 2008 to 2012


Or alternate assessments for students receiving special education services 8

Classes of 2013 & 2014

• • • • Pass reading and writing state assessments* Pass math assessment* Meet state and local credit requirements Submit successful culminating project and high school and beyond plan NOTE: Students also required to earn a third math credit


Or alternate assessments for students receiving special education services 9

Class of 2015 & Beyond

• • • • • Pass reading and writing state assessments* Pass 2 math assessments (EOCs)* Pass science assessment (biology EOC)* Meet state and local credit requirements Submit successful culminating project and high school and beyond plan


Or alternate assessments for students in special education 10

End-of-course Exams

• • • Algebra 1/Integrated Math 1 EOC Geometry/Integrated Math 2 EOC Biology EOC (beginning in spring 2012) Most common question: Q: What if a 10 th grader has not yet taken Algebra 1, do they still have to take a math EOC?

A: Yes. They must take a math exam in 10 purposes. After that, they can take the assessment their IEP team deems most appropriate.

th grade for AYP 11

End-of-course Exams

• All students in the classes of 2014 and beyond (except WAAS-Portfolio students) must take a state math exam in 10th grade for AYP purposes. Following that, it's up to each IEP team, using RCW 28A.155.045, to determine the most appropriate path for a student to meet the math assessment graduation requirement, whether that's the Basic, DAPE or LDA. Students taking the Basic, DAPE, LDA or Portfolio would not have to pass two math exams.


The Third Math Credit

• Students in the Class of 2013 and beyond must earn three math credits to be eligible for a diploma. The most common path is: o Algebra 1 o Geometry o Algebra 2, or CTE equivalent Q: Do students receiving special education students have to take these courses?

A: No. Just like any course requirement, a student’s IEP team would determine the most appropriate path.


Testing Accommodations

• • • Please contact your school and/or district assessment coordinator about testing accommodations.

The Accommodations Manual is located on the Washington Alternate Assessment System page: (click on “Accommodations” on the left-hand side) At this time, no changes are planned for the Accommodations Manual for the 2011-12 school year. 14


Contact(s): Chris Barron, assessment communications manager, (360) 725 6032, [email protected]

Alternate Assessments, OSPI (360) 725-6089, [email protected]


CAA Options to the HSPE & EOC

• • Students who have taken and not passed the HSPE or EOC, and 11 th & 12 th grade transfers from outside the WA public school system may use the CAA Options • Collection of Evidence (COE) • GPA Comparison • SAT, ACT Plus Writing, ACT, and AP Tests Out of State Waivers: 11 th & 12 grade transfer students who have passed the high school tests in another state may qualify for a waiver of Washington assessments 16

CAA Options, Waiver & COE Contacts

CAA Options & Out of State Waivers Laurel Nanke (360) 725-6223, [email protected]

Collection of Evidence Amanda Mount (360) 725-6037, [email protected]


State Board of Education Updates

Clarifications about SBE actions to support the preparation of career and college ready students


SBE Changes for Class of 2016

• November 2010 the WA Career and College Ready Graduation Framework was approved by SBE • Directed by RCW 28A.230.090 in 2011 the proposed changes were reviewed by legislative education committees and Quality Education Council.

• Changes that OSPI determined to have no fiscal cost will take place for Class of 2016 if adopted by rule in November/December 2011. 19

Proposed Graduation Changes for Class of 2016

• Proposed changes: Increase English from 3 credits to 4 credits • • Increase social studied from 2.5 credits to 3 credits; require .5 credit of civics, per RCW 28A.230.093

Decrease electives from 5.5 to 4 • Make Washington State History a non-credit requirement • Clarify that 2 credits of health and fitness include .5 credits of health and 1.5 credits of fitness • Create a “two for one” policy – students taking a CTE-equivalent course could satisfy two graduation requirements while earning one credit 20

Additional SBE Information for Class of 2016

• The State Board of Education will review proposed changes at its September 2011 meeting to WAC 180-51-066.

• In addition draft changes will be considered for the definition of a high school credit in WAC 180-51-050, primarily to substitute a non time-based definition of a credit for the time-based 150 instructional hours.

• Once the State Board of Education approves the revisions, a public hearing will take place November 9. After adoption the new rules go into effect 31 days later, which would likely be in December 2011.

• Counselors would know this new information before registration of this year’s 8 th graders- Class of 2016.


Launch Year (E2SHB 1808)

“The legislature intends to help students progress from the high school to a certificate or degree by increasing opportunities and providing a clear pathway.” This is accomplished by: 1. High schools increasing the opportunities for students (especially seniors) to take more advanced classes.

2. Institutions of higher learning publishing lists of high school courses and adopting uniform scores or competency requirements that will be given credit toward certificate or degree requirements.

3. OSPI disseminating this information to school districts 22

Launch Year – Action Plan

1. OSPI will collaborate with SBCTC, HECB, and COP to acquire credit equivalency lists 2. OSPI will develop and launch a web site to include: 1. Listing of postsecondary opportunities by district / high school 2. Equivalency lists from colleges and universities 3. Dual credit program Information 4. Guidance tools for students and families 5. Additional supports resources for underrepresented students 3. Prepare and disseminate OSPI Launch Year memo to districts by mid-December highlighting these new resources 23

K-12 High School Feedback Reports

Feedback reports provide information on how graduates of a school or district fare in their next endeavor - for example, enrollment in college or participation in the workforce.


K-12 HS Feedback Reports (con’t)

• The reports address questions such as: o What percentage of students enroll in two and four-year colleges within a given timeframe after high school?

o How do postsecondary enrollment rates vary by student characteristics?

o How many postsecondary students are enrolled in pre-college courses?

o What are the employment rates for students in postsecondary education and after they leave postsecondary education?


Running Start

Legislative changes and clarifications


Running Start Legislative Change

“(18) Beginning in the 2011-12 school year, students participating in running start programs may be funded up to a

combined maximum enrollment of 1.2 FTE

enrollment.” including school district and institution of higher education


Chapter 50, Laws of 2011 (partial veto) 62nd Legislature 2011 1st Special Session 2011-2013 OPERATING BUDGET EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/15/11 27

Running Start Legislative Change

“Additionally, the

office of the superintendent of public instruction

higher education coordinating board, and the education data center , in consultation with the state board for community and technical colleges, the

, shall annually track and report

to the fiscal committees of the legislature

on the combined FTE experience of students participating in the running start program, including course load analyses at both the high school and community and technical college system.” SECOND ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1087

Chapter 50, Laws of 2011 (partial veto) 62nd Legislature 2011 1st Special Session 2011-2013 OPERATING BUDGET EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/15/11 28

Running Start Implications: Students/Families

• Student/Family must complete and sign a new

Running Start Statewide Enrollment Verification

Form • The form may not be altered once signed • Student/Family responsibility to pay tuition above the 1.2 FTE combined maximum 29

Running Start Implications: High Schools/Districts

• • • • • Schools contacted individual RS students and families in August to address the transition to the 1.2 combined FTE impact. Counselors/advisors will need to calculate high school FTE and remaining college eligibility for each Running Start college quarter/semester.

Counselors/advisors will need to maintain close communications with the student, his/her family, and the college related to changes in RS student FTE.

Student/Family and counselors must complete and sign a new Running Start Statewide Enrollment Verification Form to insure understanding of responsibilities related to enrollment and costs each quarter.

This form is mandatory and may not be altered .


Running Start Implications: Colleges

• • • • • Contact individual RS students and families prior to Fall Quarter to address the transition to the 1.2 combined FTE impact. Colleges will need to use the FTE calculation from the high school to assess remaining Running Start college FTE eligibility or for tuition to be paid by student/parents.

Colleges and high schools will need to maintain close communications with the student, his/her family, related to changes in each RS student FTE.

College must have assurances that the Student/Family. counselor has complete and signed the new Running Start Statewide Enrollment Verification Form.

The verification form is mandatory and will be used by all high schools, districts and colleges – and may not be altered.


Running Start Resources

BULLETIN NO. 047-11 - Students Participating in Running Start Programs Funded up to a Combined Maximum Enrollment of 1.20 FTE

Maximum Combined Enrollment of 1.20 FTE 2011 2ESHB 1087 - Running Start programs funded up to a combined maximum enrollment of 1.20 FTE - Clarification Document

Running Start Enrollment Verification Form - July 2011


Dropout Initiatives

Statewide Efforts to reduce the dropout rate


Graduation and Dropout Rates: 2004 to 2010

90% 80% 74,3% 70% 70,1% 60% 82,60% 76,50% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 21,5% 17,60% 5,8% 4,60% 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 On-time Graduation Rate Extended Graduation Rate Annual Dropout Est. 4 yr Cohort Dropout 34

4-Year Dropout Rate by Ethnicity for 2004-2010


On-Time Graduation Rates by Student Characteristic for 2009-2010


Dropout Prevention

School counselors make a vital contribution to the mental wellness of at-risk students

Counselors provide:      Consultation in defining and identifying at-risk students Responsive programs to meet academic, educational and career counseling needs Curriculum programs to strengthen personal/interpersonal skills Support and development presentations to staff and community members Consultation to parents/guardians 37

The High Cost of Dropping Out

High school dropouts on average make $19,000 a year versus $27,000 for high school graduates. Students who drop out tend to experience more frequent occurrences of: • Early pregnancy • Substance abuse • Incarceration • Greater need for publicly funded health and social services 38

Academic Barriers to Success

• • • • • • One or More Grades Behind Peers Repeated a Grade in High School Low Academic Performance Basic Skills Deficient (Reading and Math in particular) Limited English Proficiency Did Not Pass State Proficiency Exam 39

Non-Academic Barriers to Success

• • • • • • • • Excessive Absences High level of discipline issues Lack of Family Support Health Issues Alcohol or Substance Abuse Issues Homeless Juvenile Justice Involved Foster Care 40

We Must Address the Whole Child

• • • Academic Development Career Development Personal/ Social Development As well as the student’s family and community supports 41

Collaborative Groups and Products

Program Workgroup (meets monthly)

Program inventory and mapping •

Leadership Group (meets monthly)

Oversight of system integration •

Partners Group (meets quarterly)

System development and implementation

Building Bridges Steering Committee

(meets quarterly/biannually)

Tasks described in RCW 28A.175.075


PASS Act Implementation Efforts Program Integration

(Jobs for America’s Graduates, College Success Foundation Opportunity Internship Program, Building Bridges)

• Integrated RFP processes • Integrated service delivery • Shared outcome measures

Creation of PASS Award System Implementation of Shared Definition for Absences in CEDARS




(Graduation, Career/College Ready ) • •

Student Advocates to provide Intensive, individual outreach, case management and services including collaboration with community providers .

Alternative learning options (i.e. on-line learning, retrieval programs).

Integrated Student Support Framework Goal: Graduation, Ready to Work, Ready for Life.

Student Support

(Physical, Social Emotional and Behavioral Health) • •

Student Advocates to provide Intensive, individual outreach, case management and services including collaboration with community providers .

Alternative learning options (i.e. on-line learning, retrieval programs).

• • •

Student Assistance Program (Coordinator and Team).

Progressive levels of Tier 2 assessments and interventions. Standard treatment protocol. Immediate, entry level intervention for all students identified at risk.

School Improvement Planning Process to include intentional dropout prevention, intervention and retrieval strategies utilizing self assessment tools to develop both academic and student support.

• • •

Student Assistance Program (Coordinator and Team).

Progressive levels of Tier 2 assessments and interventions. Standard treatment protocol. Immediate, entry level intervention for all students identified at risk.

Regular academic progress monitoring by all teachers in content areas.

Student, Family, and Community engagement and leadership.

Assessment and Universal Screening.

Core Academic Instruction (research based with fidelity).

Student Advisory Program.

Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program. Partnership

Collaboration and communication among schools, families and communities to identify challenges and work toward culturally competent solutions.


Effective School District and Building leadership is required to implement and ensure accountability of the change processes.

Technical Assistance and Implementation

(Professional Development/Training/Coaching) implementation of evidence-based programs and culturally competent practices with fidelity.

Assessment and Universal Screening.

Student, Family, and Community engagement and leadership.

School culture and climate.

Student health and well being.

Student Advisory Program.

Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program.

Aligned Early Learning with emphasis on language and literacy instruction–goal of all children reading at or above grade level by 3 rd grade.

Navigation 101 Update

The Navigation 101 program materials are now free to all middle and high schools in Washington State • • • Curriculum has optional classroom lessons and on line lessons Interactive self-management on-line tools Kickoff Meeting, Implementation Plan, and ½ day On line Training or 2 hours Refresher Training 46



Navigation 101 Components


PLANNING Portfolios 3.

DEMONSTRATING Conferences 4.

EMPOWERING Scheduling 5.

EVALUATING Data – Informed

WHAT IT IS: • Small groups of students with an advisor-educator • Keep same group until graduation RESOURCES: • Gr 6-12 curriculum • Videos • Professional development training materials BEST PRACTICE: • Advisories meet 2x per month or more • Advisors use Navigation curriculum WHAT IT IS: • Paper or electronic collection of student work • Organized by 3 ASCA areas: Academic, Career, Personal/Social RESOURCES: • Portfolio how-to • Curriculum organized around 3 ASCA areas BEST PRACTICE: • Each student keeps a portfolio and uses it for student-led conferences WHAT IT IS: • Annual conference led by student • Focuses on 3 ASCA areas: Academic, Career, Personal/Social RESOURCES: • Curriculum provides all materials to plan conferences BEST PRACTICE: • Each student holds a conference each year and uses the conference to register for next year’s courses WHAT IT IS: • Students are encouraged to take “gatekeeper” courses • Course schedule is based on students’ requests RESOURCES: • Scheduling how-to BEST PRACTICE: • Each student obtains the courses selected and is supported to succeed in those courses • More students take gatekeeper courses WHAT IT IS: • Information about student outcomes • Collected by each Navigation school RESOURCES: • Data Collection templates on web BEST PRACTICE: • Each school submits data each year • Navigation is improved based on what we learn 47

Career Guidance Washington: Supplemental Lessons

• • • • • 23 Lessons – Grades 6 -12 incorporate WA state resources of educational and career planning information and special opportunities supplement broader career guidance curriculum such as Navigation 101 Elements Lessons reflect the most recent information around topics such as: o STEM o apprenticeships o graduation requirements o College Bound Scholarship o CADRS o HSBP and Programs of Study eight of the lessons are PowerPoint presentations which can also be customized as slide shows 48

Guidance & Counseling

YOU are central to the mission of our schools?


CTE - Guidance & Counseling

“Comprehensive counseling programs are a way for school counselors to show students all of their academic and technical options, including CTE courses, through organized and structured student planning.” 50

Graduation Coaches

“(iii) Within the amounts provided, and in consultation with the public school employees of Washington and the Washington school counselors' association , the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall develop a model policy that further defines the recommended roles and responsibilities of graduation coaches and identifies best practices for how graduation coaches work in coordination with school counselors and in the context of a comprehensive school guidance and counseling program.”


Chapter 50, Laws of 2011 2011-2013 OPERATING BUDGET 51

State Allocation for Guidance & Counseling

Guidance counselors , a function that includes parent outreach and graduation advising . . . . . . . . . . . . Elem (400) 0.493

811/1 MS (432) 1.116

387/1 HS (600) 1.909

314/1 RCW 28A.150.260

Allocation of state funding to support instructional program of basic education — Distribution formula — Prototypical schools — Enhancements and adjustments — Review and approval — Enrollment calculation. (Effective September 1, 2011.) 52




Connect with your Profession

The Washington Council for High School and College Relations CGCA 55


School Counseling/Early Childhood through Young Adulthood


Counselors And Principals

Do what counselors do best:

1. Get personal – find out about your principal / tell them about yourself 2. Develop empathy – the support you give your principal will come back to you 3. Build respect:  Be student-centered: remain an advocate for students  Be solution-focused: problem-solving requires cooperation  Keep your principal informed 58

Counselors And Principals (con’t)

4. Make a clear case for how you can be a strong positive influence in fulfilling the overall mission of the school, i.e. AYP.

5. ASCA National Model Counselor / Principal Management Agreement discussed and signed 59

College Bound Scholarship

• • Created in 2007 for low income students Higher Education Coordinating Board o Sign ups o Follow up o Resources • October 11 Two-hour webinar for school counselors •

“Welcome students in Class of 2012” • NAL.pdf

“On the Road to College” • 1-888-535-0747 60

OSPI Counselor Resources

Newsletter egeReadiness/Newsletter.aspx

Listserv bin/wa?A0=CGCPSUPPORT Established to provide a means by which guidance and counseling staff in schools can participate in ongoing discussions with OSPI program staff regarding development in guidance related policies and programs. 61

Contact Information

Mike Hubert 360 725-0415 [email protected]

Danise Ackelson 360-725-4967 [email protected]

Dan Newell Assistant Superintendent Secondary Education & School Improvement [email protected]