Local Control Funding Formula & Local Control

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Local Control Funding Formula &
Local Control Accountability Plan
Stakeholders Meeting
March 12, 2014
Why We Are Here…
The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
• Three year plan which must be adopted in conjunction
with the annual budget
• Based on state priorities
• Identifies district annual goals
• Specifies services, actions or programs
• Lists and describes expenditures serving low income,
English learners, and foster youth
The Local Control Accountability Plan
Levels of Engagement as Required by Statute
Why We Are Here This Evening…
• To review and discuss input from the last meeting…
• Identify areas of priority
• Begin to develop goals and desired outcomes
• Begin to develop proposed activities, programs,
services, and expenditures.
Some student Responses…
If you could enroll in your “dream course” that would help you learn information
relevant to your future academic or career interest, what would it be?
A little summary of student
input from a guiding
• 6:30 – Welcome & General Information
• Review Effective Schools Characteristics, Board Goals,
State Priorities…
• Preliminary identification of district priorities
• 6:50 - Break-out into smaller groups to review
stakeholder input, identify primary needs/areas of focus,
categorize by priority
• 7:45 – Reconvene to identify district priorities (based on
• 8:00 - Adjourn
What are the Characteristics
of Effective Schools?
A Clear and Shared Focus
High Standards and Expectations for All Students
Effective School Leadership
High Levels of Collaboration and Communication
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessments Aligned with State
Frequent Monitoring of Learning and Teaching
Focused Professional Development
Supportive Learning Environment
High Levels of Family and Community Involvement
Lezotte, L.W. (1991)
CUHSD Strategic Goals
• Increase achievement for all students, narrow the gap
between high and low performing student subgroups, and
increase the graduation rate of all students
• Implement Common Core State Standards (CCSS) across
all content areas.
• Effectively use technology to improve student learning
and achievement.
• Improve communication among all stakeholders.
• Implement professional growth opportunities for staff
that will develop future leaders.
• Support school district priorities while maintaining
compliance with established fiscal policies.
California’s State Priorities
Student Engagement
School Climate
Parent Involvement
Implementation of Common
Core Standards
Student Achievement
Other Student Outcomes
Course Access
Teacher Qualifications &
Adequate Materials
California State Priorities
Conditions of Learning
• Implementation of State Standards: implementation of
academic content and performance standards (Common
Core State Standards) adopted by the state board for all
pupils including English Learners
• Course access: pupil enrollment in a broad course of
study that includes all of the subject areas described
in Education Code 51220 (English, Social Sci, Foreign
Language, PE, Science, Math, Art, Applied Art, CTE)
California State Priorities
Pupil Outcomes
• Pupil achievement: performance on standardized tests,
percent of pupils that are college and career ready,
percent of ELs that become English proficient, percent
of pupils that pass Advanced Placement exams with a 3
or higher, number of pupils determined prepared for
college by the Early Assessment Program.
• Other pupil outcomes: pupil outcomes in the subject
areas described in Education Code
California State Priorities
• Parent involvement: parent input in decision making
and parent participation in programs for unduplicated
pupils and special need subgroups.
• Pupil engagement: school attendance rates, chronic
absenteeism rates, dropout rates, graduations rates.
• School climate: pupil suspension rates, pupil expulsion
rates, other local measures including surveys of pupils,
parents and teachers on the sense of safety and school
Identifying CUHSD Priorities
• Each individual will be provided two yellow sticky
• Based on your own perception of which of the state
priorities are the most important areas of focus for our
district, place your dots on the corresponding posters on
the wall.
• Pick up one of the colored handouts. The color
determines what room you’ll be in for the small group
Next Meeting…
• March 26th at Central Union High School
We hope to see you there!