C++ Review - University of Southern Mississippi

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Transcript C++ Review - University of Southern Mississippi

Test 1
• Gabriel Mayo
• Mickey Lee
• Lavuen Sears
C++ Review
(Chapter 1 - 7)
Data Types
• Data Type: set of values together with a set of
operations is called a data type
• C++ data can be classified into three
– Simple data type
– Structured data type
– Pointers
Simple Data Types
Three categories of simple data
• Integral: integers (numbers without a decimal)
– Question: how many integral data type in C++
– Char;short;int;long;bool;unsigned char; unsigned
short;unsigned int; unssigned long
• Floating-point: decimal numbers
– Question: how many floating-point data type in C++
– Float (32) with 6-7 decimal place;double(64) (15);long
• Enumeration type: user-defined data type
Build-in operators
• C++ Operators
+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
% remainder (mod operator)
+, -, *, and / can be used with integral and
floating-point data types
•Unary operator - has only one operand
•Binary Operator - has two operands
Type conversion
– static_cast<newdatatype>(expression)
• <string> header file
• Declaration
• Assignment statement
string aString = ‘’;
string aString = “”;
string aString = NULL;
aString = “abcde”;
Input/Output Streams
•I/O: sequence of bytes (stream of bytes) from
source to destination
•Bytes are usually characters, unless program
requires other types of information
•Stream: sequence of characters from source to
•Input Stream: sequence of characters from an
input device to the computer
•Output Stream: sequence of characters from
the computer to an output device
Standard I/O stream
• cin
– get()
– getline()
– >>
• cout
– <iomanip>
File I/O stream
• <fstream>
– Ifstream
– Ofstream
Control structures
Control structures—Selection
Control structures
switch Structures
The while Loop
The do…while Loop
The for Loop
for (initial statement; loop condition; update statement)
Function – Predefined functions
• Predefined functions
– sqrt(x)
– pow(x,y)
– floor(x)
• Predefined functions are organized into
separate libraries
User-Defined Functions
• Value-Returning Functions
• functionType: type of the value returned by
the function
void Functions
Formal Parameters
• Value Parameters --- The value of the
corresponding actual parameter is copied into
• Reference Parameter --- a formal parameter
that receives the location (memory address)
of the corresponding actual parameter
Reference Variables as Parameters
• Returning more than one value
• Changing the actual parameter
• When passing the address would save
memory space and time
• Stream variables (for example, ifstream and
ofstream) should be passed by reference to a
Parameter passing by value & reference
// function to compute an expression using int value parameters
using namespace std;
int abc(int a, int b, int c)
return a + b * c;
int main()
int x=2, y=3, z=4;
cout << abc(x,y,z) << endl;
return 0;
a,b,c: Value parameter
Parameter passing by value & reference
// function to compute an expression using int value parameters
using namespace std;
int abc(int& a, int b, int c)
return a + b * c;
int main()
int x=2, y=3, z=4;
cout << abc(x,y,z) << endl;
return 0;
a, reference parameter
b,c: Value parameter
Scope of an Identifier
• Local identifier - identifiers declared within a
function (or block)
• Global identifier – identifiers declared outside
of every function definition
Static and Automatic Variables
• Automatic variable - memory is allocated at
block entry and deallocated at block exit
• Static variable - memory remains allocated as
long as the program executes
Function Overloading
• In a C++ program, several functions can have
the same name.
• This is called function overloading or
overloading a function name.
• A different number of formal parameters, or
• If the number of formal parameters is the
same, then the data type of the formal
• Write a program that prompts user to input a string and then
outputs the string in the pig latin form. The rules for converting
a string into pig latin form are as following:
– If the string begins with a vowel (y is treated as a vowel). Add “-way” at
the end of the string. E.g eyeeye-way
– If the string does not begin with a vowel, first add “-” at the end of the
string. Then rotate the string one character at a time until the first
character becomes a vowel, then add “ay” at the end. E.g. thatatthay,
– If the string contains no vowels, add “-way” at the end. bcdbcd-ay.
– The character is non case sensitive, that means, vowels are a.e.i.
Problem Analysis
• If str denotes a string
– Check the first character, str[0], of str
– If str[0] is a vowel, add "-way" at the end of str
– If the first character of str, str[0], is not a vowel
• First add "-" at the end of the string
• Remove the first character of str from str and put it at
end of str
• Now the second character of str becomes the first
character of str
– This process is repeated until either
• The first character of str is a vowel
• All characters of str are processed, in which case str
does not contain any vowels
Algorithm Design
• The program contains the following functions:
– isVowel - to determine whether a character is a
– rotate - to move first character of str to the end of
– pigLatinString - to find the pig Latin form of str
• Steps in the Algorithm:
– Get str
– Use the function pigLatinString to find the pig
Latin form of str
– Output the pig Latin form of str
Homework 1
• Posted in course website
• Due date: Next Tuesday!
• TA:
– Yan Peng
– TEC 348
– Hours will be told by email
HW 1
In HW1 folder, there is a sample code for reading contents of a directory. Input folder
contains all input matrix.
•Please zip your assignment if it contains more than one file, name it as
yourstudentid_assignment1.zip, e.g. yourid is 123456, your first programming
assignment will be named as 123456_assignment1.zip.
•Submission should contain readme file to show how to compile your program in ORCA.
•Submit your source code to [email protected] on time!
•No late submission will be acceptable!