Transcript PastaTowers

Welcome to Smith College
This Mornings Team:
Gemma Regan-Mochrie
Virginia Diaz, Leen Hayek
& Cameah Wood
The Plan…
* A quick review of the engineering
design process (10 min.)
* Engineering design activity- Pasta
Towers (45min.)
Today we will explore what engineers do
and use the process they use to design
things that make the world a better place
What do Engineers Do?
They make “stuff” better- Innovate
◦ Compare the telephone or car of your
grandparents to today’s phone or car
They Invent new products
◦ Cell Phones, personal computers, X box, the
Mars lunar lander & battery powered tools
were not around when Tom was your age
All of our “Stuff” is Designed & Engineered
The Engineering Design Process
A flexible structure used by engineers to guide them through problem solving
From the state of Massachusetts… there are others!!!
Step 1
Identify the Need or
Step 2
Research the Need
or Problem
Step 8
Step 7
Communicate the
Step 3
Develop Possible
Step 6
Test and Evaluate
Step 4
Select the Best
the Solution(s)
Possible Solution(s)
Step 5
Construct a
• Only 20 noodles and 20 mini marshmallows
• Think about things you have seen
• MUST sketch three designs (no materials until
you have 3 drawings)
• Tower must hold a large marshmallow for 1 min.
• It must be “free standing”
• You can not wet the pasta or marshmallows
• Tallest tower wins!!!
Some Things to Think About
Geometric Shapes
• Triangles – extremely strong
• Conjoined cylinders – extremely strong
• Squares – not as strong but triangular braces can strengthen
Strong Base
• A solid base will support a taller tower
• Triangles and conjoined cylinders make the strongest bases
• Triangular prisms are the best bases
• Extra braces make stronger bases
Equal Lengths
• Length is important
• Spaghetti pieces of the same lengths are stronger than those of
different lengths
• Different length with make the tower bend and twist
Tension and Compression (Pulling and Pushing)
• Marshmallows squeeze well but will break if pulled too far
• Run spaghetti all the way through to avoid slippage
• Spaghetti breaks easily
• Shorter pieces at the bottom will help avoid breakage
A Quick Review- Our Plan Today:
Think about the
materials & problem
Build and Test
Make Plans and Pick One to Build
Redesign to Improve
Have Fun!!!
Have fun…
…but first… groups of 2 or 3
Planning… draw at least three possible plans. You have 10 minutes
Building… build your first tower. Try to have one built in 20 minutes.
Redesign or Improve… keep redesigning and building as time allows
Keep your worksheet up to date… draw your improvements as you go
Share your work…tell us about your design,
what worked,
what did not,
what you learned and
what you would do next if you had more time