9.1 Residential Strategy – Consideration of Submissions
Transcript 9.1 Residential Strategy – Consideration of Submissions
What is being sought is support
in order that, outside of
Doncaster Hill and some
properties facing main roads,
does not become this
or this
or this
or this
Manningham Planning Scheme
The Need for Clarity, Certainty & the Assurance that Council’s Authority is Preserved
Two examples:
21.05-3 Subdivision Strategies
Encourage that subdivision layouts adequately provide for the safety and security of residents
and property
Terms such as encourage are too vague, lack clarity and certainty, enable reference to VCAT,
which diminishes Council authority, and recommend replacement with:
Ensure that subdivision layouts adequately provide for the safety and security of residents and
21.05-5 Environmental and landscape issues - Strategies
Discourage inappropriate development and landscaping on sites adjacent to State Parks and
other conservation reserves.
Do not allow inappropriate development and landscaping on sites adjacent to State Parks and
other conservation reserves.
• Request
» That words such as ‘encourage’ are too vague, leave the door open for
resolution at VCAT and risk diminishing Council’s authority.
» That the aim of the wording in all documentation must be clarity,
certainty and the assurance that Council’s authority is not diminished.
9.1 Residential Strategy –
Consideration of Submissions and
Suggested Changes to DDO8
Building Height & Setbacks
Table 2 to Schedule 8
Maximum Building
Condition regarding
minimum lot size
11 metres provided the condition regarding
1800 square metres
minimum lot size is met. If the condition is
or greater
Street Setback
For one dwelling on a lot
>Minimum front street setback is the distance
not met, the maximum height is 9 metres,.
specified in Clause 54.03-1 or 6* metres,
unless the slope of the natural ground level
whichever is the lesser
at any cross section wider than eight metres
>Minimum side street setback is the distance
of the building is 2.5 metres or more, in which
specified in Clause 54.03-1
case the maximum building must not exceed
For two or more dwellings on a lot or a
10 metres.
residential building
>Minimum front street setback is the distance
specified in Clause 55.03-1 or 6* metres,
whichever is the lesser.
Manningham Planning Scheme
21.05-1 Built Form and Neighbourhood Character
Precinct 2 – Residential Areas Surrounding Activity Centres and along Main Roads
Within this precinct there are three sub-precincts:
Sub-precinct Main Road
Sub-precinct A is an area where two storey units (9 metres) and three storey ‘apartment style’ development are
encouraged. Three storey, contemporary developments may only occur on consolidated sites with a minimum area
of 1800m2. The area of 1800 m2 must all be in the same sub-precinct. In this precinct, if a lot has an area of less
than 1800 m2 , a multi-unit development proposal can still be considered, but development should be a
maximum of two storeys and have a maximum site coverage of 60%.
Higher developments on the perimeter of sub-precinct A should be designed so that the height and form are
sufficiently stepped down so that the scale and form complement the interface of sub-precinct B.
Sub-precinct B is an area where single storey and two storey dwellings are encouraged. There is no minimum land area
for such developments.
Council Agenda
28 February 2012
9.1 Residential Strategy – Consideration of Submissions and Approval
1.27. The preferred height and lot sizes would not be compulsory (mandatory) as
there may be circumstances where developers can demonstrate that good design and
development outcomes can be provided. This flexibility will also assist to minimise
underdevelopment on Main Roads.
Remove the discretion since it provides the opportunity to
override virtually all regulations. Then, with compulsory height
limits, there would be certainty and avoid referrals to VCAT
Current DDO8 height limits more than adequate to meet even
the most optimistic growth targets
No overbearing to properties abutting Main Road Precinct
through specific setbacks & stepdowns, screening,
landscaping as in the following slide
Proposed Amendment:
1.27. Wherever preferred height and lot sizes are identified they are compulsory.
Council Agenda
28 February 2012
Section 4 – Action Plan
14. Modify Actions 2.1 (review of DDO8) and 2.3 (review
of cul-de-sacs) to give consideration to mandatory
controls. In Action 2.3 following the ‘review of cul-desacs, include reference to side streets. (Change 1b)
» That it be clearly stated that courts and
cul-de-sacs cannot have a density higher
than a DD08 Precinct B zone
Council Agenda
28 February 2012
Section 4 – Action Plan
Also for clarity, add to OTHER CHANGES, a section
entitled ‘Definitions’ including:
House – a sole freestanding building of no more than two storeys on a lot
with a front lawn, rear garden or courtyard and driveway.
Townhouse – one of two or more freestanding buildings of no more than
two storeys on a lot.
Villa unit – one of two or more buildings of no more than two storeys on a
lot with communal access, common walls.
Apartment – includes ‘unit’, ‘apartment style’, ‘flat’ comprising two or
more storeys with communal access, common walls.
Storey - a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single
position along a vertical scale. Includes mezzanines, undercroft
garages, a workshop forming part of the building or any similar nonhabitable area.
Summary of Key Recommendations for Proposed
Amendment to DDO8
1.26. Introduce a new ‘main road’ sub-precinct where the preferred
height limit (11m) and lot sizes (1,800sqm) are maintained. This
precinct would apply to only those lots fronting a Main Road and
which is currently within a subprecinct A. It is noted that a ‘main road
precinct’ was identified as part of the exhibition of Amendment C50.
The main roads identified in the Main Road sub-precinct are
Doncaster, Tram and Elgar Roads, Manningham and parts of
Thompsons, Blackburn, Bulleen, Mitcham and Springvale Roads.
» Clarification as to the parts of Thompsons,
Blackburn, Bulleen, Mitcham and Springvale
Roads to be excluded
Residential 1 & 3 Zones
110 and 112 Beverley Street, Doncaster East (Residential 1 Zone),
a street with predominantly freestanding single houses.
2007 – Application lodged for two freestanding double storey and single storey
2009 – New application for ‘a two storey apartment building comprising 12
dwellings and basement car parking’. Permit granted.
The building is under construction and so a visit to the street will clearly
illustrate how a streetscape can be destroyed unless remedial action is
» Ban the amalgamation of lots in zones that are
protected, such as Residential 3 Zone, to prevent
inappropriate development
» Growth targets can still be met comfortably with two
storey freestanding houses and townhouses
Draft Residential Strategy
September 2011
4. Action Plan
» Rather than Timing Terms of ‘Short 1-4 years’,
‘Medium 5-10 years’ and ‘Long 11-19 years
nominate specific completion dates.
» For example, 1.9 Investigate extending the DDO8
along Thompsons Road, south-west of
Manningham Road and Blackburn Road and
Wetherby Road between Doncaster Road and the
Eastern Freeway/Eastlink – Timing: Long 11-19
2.1 Review the provisions outlined in the DDO8 having
regard to past VCAT decisions and completed projects,
with the aim of providing greater clarity to the
community, developers and decision makers, and
improving the design and streetscape outcomes of
apartment buildings.
» Half yearly report on Council Agenda on cases
referred to VCAT covering the policy issue, VCAT
decision and the implications
» Monthly summary report in Council Agenda of
new building and planning applications and
amendments made in previous month. Withhold
applicant’s name for privacy reasons.
The Place To Be
Please contact RAIDID (Residents Against
Inappropriate Development In Doncaster) with any
suggestions or if you need clarification on
any part of this submission:
English speaking residents:
Chinese speaking residents: