Parallel Algorithms

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Parallel Algorithms
Computation Models
• Goal of computation model is to provide a
realistic representation of the costs of
• Model provides algorithm designers and
programmers a measure of algorithm
complexity which helps them decide what is
“good” (i.e. performance-efficient)
Goal for Modeling
• We want to develop computational models which
accurately represent the cost and performance
of programs
• If model is poor, optimum in model may not
coincide with optimum observed in practice
Real World
Models of Computation
What’s a model good for??
Provides a way to think about computers.
Influences design of:
Provides a way of estimating how well a
program will perform.
Cost in model should be roughly same as cost of
executing program
The Random Access Machine Model
RAM model of serial computers:
– Memory is a sequence of words, each
capable of containing an integer.
– Each memory access takes one unit of time
– Basic operations (add, multiply, compare)
take one unit time.
– Instructions are not modifiable
– Read-only input tape, write-only output tape
Has RAM influenced our thinking?
Language design:
No way to designate registers, cache, DRAM.
Most convenient disk access is as streams.
How do you express atomic read/modify/write?
Machine & system design:
It’s not very easy to modify code.
Systems pretend instructions are executed in-order.
Performance Analysis:
Primary measures are operations/sec (MFlop/sec, MHz, ...)
What’s the difference between Quicksort and Heapsort??
What about parallel computers
• RAM model is generally considered a very
successful “bridging model” between
programmer and hardware.
• “Since RAM is so successful, let’s generalize
it for parallel computers ...”
PRAM [Parallel Random Access Machine]
(Introduced by Fortune and Wyllie, 1978)
PRAM composed of:
– P processors, each with its own unmodifiable program.
– A single shared memory composed of a sequence of
words, each capable of containing an arbitrary
– a read-only input tape.
– a write-only output tape.
PRAM model is a synchronous, MIMD, shared
address space parallel computer.
PRAM model of computation
Shared memory
• p processors, each with local memory
• Synchronous operation
• Shared memory reads and writes
• Each processor has unique id in range 1-p
• At each unit of time, a processor is either
active or idle (depending on id)
• All processors execute same program
• At each time step, all processors execute
same instruction on different data (“dataparallel”)
• Focuses on concurrency only
Variants of PRAM model
Exclusive Concurrent
More PRAM taxonomy
• Different protocols can be used for reading
and writing shared memory.
– EREW - exclusive read, exclusive write
A program isn’t allowed to have two processors access
the same memory location at the same time.
– CREW - concurrent read, exclusive write
– CRCW - concurrent read, concurrent write
Needs protocol for arbitrating write conflicts
– CROW – concurrent read, owner write
Each memory location has an official “owner”
• PRAM can emulate a message-passing machine
by partitioning memory into private memories.
Sub-variants of CRCW
• Common CRCW
– CW iff all processors writing same value
• Arbitrary CRCW
– Arbitrary value of write set stored
• Priority CRCW
– Value of min-index processor stored
• Combining CRCW
Why study PRAM algorithms?
• Well-developed body of literature on design
and analysis of such algorithms
• Baseline model of concurrency
• Explicit model
– Specify operations at each step
– Scheduling of operations on processors
• Robust design paradigm
Work-Time paradigm
• Higher-level abstraction for PRAM algorithms
• WT algorithm = (finite) sequence of time steps
with arbitrary number of operations at each step
• Two complexity measures
– Step complexity T(n)
– Work complexity W(n)
WT algorithm work-efficient if W(n) = Q(TS(n))
optimal sequential
Designing PRAM algorithms
• Balanced trees
• Pointer jumping
• Euler tours
• Divide and conquer
• Symmetry breaking
• ...
Balanced trees
• Key idea: Build balanced binary tree on input
data, sweep tree up and down
• “Tree” not a data structure, often a control
structure (e.g., recursion)
Alg : Sum
• Given: Sequence a of n = 2k elements
• Given: Binary associative operator +
• Compute: S = a1 + ... + an
WT description of sum
integer B[1..n]
forall i in 1 : n do
B[i] := ai
for h = 1 to k do
forall i in 1 : n/2h do
B[i] := B[2i-1] + B[2i]
S := B[1]
Points to note about WT pgm
• Global program: no references to processor
• Contains both serial and concurrent
• Semantics of forall
• Order of additions different from
sequential order: associativity critical
Analysis of scan operation
• Algorithm is correct
 Q(lg n) steps, Q(n) work
• EREW model
• Two variants
– Inclusive: as discussed
– Exclusive: s1 = I, sk = x1 + ... + xk-1
• If n not power of 2, pad to next power
Complexity measures of Sum
• Recall definitions of
step complexity T(n)
and work complexity
T (n)  1  k  1  Q(lg n)
W ( n)  n  
h 1
 Q(n)
• Concurrent execution
reduces number of
How to do prefix sum ?
• Input: Sequence x of n = 2k elements, binary
associative operator +
• Output: Sequence s of n = 2k elements, with
sk = x1 + ... + xk
• Example:
x = [1, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1]
s = [1, 5, 8, 13, 19, 26, 26, 27]
List Ranking
List ranking problem
Given a singly linked list L with n objects, for each node,
compute the distance to the end of the list
If d denotes the distance
node.d = 0
{ + 1
Serial algorithm: O(n)
Parallel algorithm
if = nil
Assign one processor for each node
Assume there are as many processors as list objects
For each node i, perform
1. i.d = i.d +
2. =
// pointer jumping
List Ranking - Pointer Jumping
for each node i, in parallel do
if = nil then i.d = 0
else i.d = 1
while exists a node i, such that != nil do
for each node i, in parallel do
if != nil then
i.d = i.d +
8. =
// i updates i itself
After a pointer jumping, a list is transformed into two (interleaved)
After that, four (interleaved) lists
Each pointer jumping doubles the number of lists and halves their
After log n, all lists contain only one node
List Ranking - Example
List Ranking - Discussion
• Synchronization is important
– In step 8 ( =, all processors must read right hand
side before any processor write left hand side
• The list ranking algorithm is EREW
– If we assume in step 7 (i.d = i.d + all processors read i.d and
then read
– If = i, i and j do not read i.d concurrently
• Work performance
– performs O(n log n) work since n processors in O(log n) time
• Work efficient
– A PRAM algorithm is work efficient w.r.t another algorithm if two
algorithms are within a constant factor
– Is the link ranking algorithm work-efficient w.r.t the serial algorithm?
• No, because O(n log n) versus O(n)
• Speedup
– S = n / log n
Parallel Prefix on a List
• Prefix computation
– Input <x1, x2, .., xn>, a binary, associative operator 
– Output <y1, y2, .., yn>
– Prefix computation: yk = x1  x2 ..  xk
• Example
– if xk = 1 for k=1..n and  = +
– Then yk = k, for k = 1..n
• Serial algorithm: O(n)
• Notation
– [i, j] = xi  xi+1  ..  xj
• [k, k] = xk
• [i, k]  [k+1, j] = [i, j]
• Idea: perform prefix computation on a linked list so that
– each node k contains [k, k] = xk initially
– finally each node k contains [1, k] = yk
Parallel Prefix on a List (2)
• List_prefix(L, X)
// L: list, X: <x1, x2, .., xn>
1. for each node i, in parallel
i.y = xi
3. While exists a node i such that != nil do
for each node i, in parallel do
if != nil then = i.y 
// i updates its =
• Analysis
– Initially k-th node has [k,k] as y-value, points to (k+1)-th node
– At the first iteration,
• k-th node fetches [k+1,k+1] from its successor and
• perform [k,k]  [k+1,k+1] resulting in [k,k+1] and
• update its successor
Parallel Prefix on a List (3)
Parallel Prefix on a List (4)
• Running time: O(log n)
– After log n, all lists contain only one node
• Work performed: O(n log n)
• Speedup
– S = n / log n
Pointer jumping
• Fast parallel processing of linked data
structures (lists, trees)
• Convention: Draw trees with edges directed
from children to parents
• Example: Finding the roots of forest
represented as parent array P
– P[i] = j if and only if (i, j) is a forest edge
– P[i] = i if and only if i is a root
Algorithm (Roots of forest)
forall i in 1:n do
S[i] := P[i]
while S[i] != S[S[i]] do
S[i] := S[S[i]]
Initial state of forest
After one iteration
After another iteration
Concurrent Read – Finding Roots
Analysis of pointer jumping
• Termination detection?
• At each step, tree distance between i and
S[i] doubles unless S[i] is a root
• CREW model
• Correctness by induction on h
• O(lg h) steps, O(n lg h) work
• TS(n) = O(n)
• Not work-efficient unless h constant
Concurrent Read – Finding Roots
• This is a CREW algorithm
• Suppose Exclusive-Read is used, what will be the running time?
– Initially only one node i has root information
– First iteration: Another node reads from the node i
• Totally two nodes are filled up
– Second iteration: Another two nodes can reads from the two
• Totally four nodes are filled up
– k-th iteration: 2k-1 nodes are filled up
– If there are n nodes, k=log n
– So Find_root with Exclusive-Read takes O(log n).
• O(log log n) vs. O(log n)
Euler tours
• Technique for fast optimal processing of
tree data
• Euler circuit of directed graph: directed
cycle that traverses each edge exactly once
• Represent (rooted) tree by Euler circuit of
its directed version
Trees = balanced parentheses
( ( ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ) )
Key property: The parenthesis subsequence
corresponding to a subtree is balanced.
Computing the Depth
• Problem definition
– Given a binary tree with n nodes, compute the depth of
each node
• Serial algorithm takes O(n) time
• A simple parallel algorithm
– Starting from root, compute the depths level by level
– Still O(n) because the height of the tree could be as high
as n
• Euler tour algorithm
– Uses parallel prefix computation
Computing the Depth (2)
• Euler tour: A cycle that traverses each edge exactly once in a
– It is a directed version of a tree
• Regard an undirected edge into two directed edges
– Any directed version of a tree has an Euler tour by traversing the
• in a DFS way forming a linked list.
• Employ 3*n processors
– Each node i has fields i.parent, i.left, i.right
– Each node i has three processors, i.A, i.B, and i.C.
• Three processors in each node of the tree are linked as follows
– i.A =
– i.B =
{ i.B
if i.left != nil
if i.left = nil
i.right.A if i.right != nil
{ i.C
if i.right = nil
– i.C =
i.parent.B if i is the left child
i.parent.C if i is the right child
{ nil
if i.parent = nil
Computing the Depth (3)
• Algorithm
– Construct the Euler tour for the tree – O(1) time
– Assign 1 to all A processors, 0 to B processors, -1 to C
– Perform a parallel prefix computation
– The depth of each node resides in its C processor
• O(log n)
– Actually log 3n
• EREW because no concurrent read or write
• Speedup
– S = n/log n
Computing the Depth (4)
Broadcasting on a PRAM
• “Broadcast” can be done on CREW PRAM in
O(1) steps:
– Broadcaster sends value to shared memory
– Processors read from shared memory
• Requires lg(P) steps on EREW PRAM.
Concurrent Write – Finding Max
• Finding max problem
– Given an array of n elements, find the
– sequential algorithm is O(n)
• Data structure for parallel algorithm
– Array A[1..n]
– Array m[1..n]. m[i] is true if A[i] is the
– Use n2 processors
• Fast_max(A, n)
1. for i = 1 to n do, in parallel
m[i] = true
// A[i] is potentially
3. for i = 1 to n, j = 1 to n do, in parallel
if A[i] < A[j] then
m[i] = false
Concurrent Write – Finding Max
• Concurrent-write
– In step 4 and 5, processors with A[i] < A[j] write the same value ‘false’
into the same location m[i]
– This actually implements m[i] = (A[i]  A[1])  …  (A[i]  A[n])
• Is this work efficient?
– No, n2 processors in O(1)
– O(n2) work vs. sequential algorithm is O(n)
• What is the time complexity for the Exclusive-write?
– Initially elements “think” that they might be the maximum
– First iteration: For n/2 pairs, compare.
• n/2 elements might be the maximum.
– Second iteration: n/4 elements might be the maximum.
• log n th iteration: one element is the maximum.
– So Fast_max with Exclusive-write takes O(log n).
• O(1) (CRCW) vs. O(log n) (EREW)
Simulating CRCW with EREW
• CRCW algorithms are faster than EREW algorithms
– How much fast?
• Theorem
– A p-processor CRCW algorithm can be no more than O(log
p) times faster than the best p-processor EREW algorithm
• Proof by simulating CRCW steps with EREW steps
– Assumption: A parallel sorting takes O(log n) time with n processors
– When CRCW processor pi write a datum xi into a location li, EREW pi
writes the pair (li, xi) into a separate location A[i]
• Note EREW write is exclusive, while CRCW may be concurrent
– Sort A by li
• O(log p) time by assumption
– Compare adjacent elements in A
– For each group of the same elements, only one processor, say first, write
xi into the global memory li.
• Note this is also exclusive.
– Total time complexity: O(log p)
Simulating CRCW with EREW (2)
CRCW versus EREW - Discussion
– Hardware implementations are expensive
– Used infrequently
– Easier to program, runs faster, more powerful.
– Implemented hardware is slower than that of EREW
• In reality one cannot find maximum in O(1) time
– Programming model is too restrictive
• Cannot implement powerful algorithms