Using Frequency Distributions

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Transcript Using Frequency Distributions

Points in Distributions 

Up to now describing distributions

Comparing scores from different distributions

Need to make equivalent comparisons

z scores standard scores

Percentile, Percentile rank ~

Standard Scores 

Convert raw scores to z scores

raw score: value using original scale of measurement

z scores: # of standard deviations score is from mean

e.g., z = 2 = 2 std. deviations from mean

z = 0 = mean ~

z Score Equation

z = X -

s m

Areas Under Distributions 

Area = frequency

Relative area

total area = 1.0

= proportion of individual values in area under curve

Relative area is independent of shape of distribution ~



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Total area under curve = 1.0

Using Areas Under Distributions 

Given relative frequency, what is value?

e.g., the hottest 10% of days the temperature is above ____?

find value of X at border ~

Areas Under Normal Curves 

Many variables

normal distribution

Normal distribution completely specified by 2 numbers

mean & standard deviation

Many other normal distributions

have different





Areas Under Normal Curves 

Unit Normal Distribution

based on z scores

m s

= 0 = 1

e.g., z = -2

relative areas under normal distribution always the same

precise areas from Table B.1 ~

Areas Under Normal Curves





-2 .14

-1 0 +1 standard deviations .14

+2 .02

Calculating Areas from Tables 

Table B.1 (in our text)

The Unit Normal Table

Proportions of areas under the normal curve

3 columns

(A) z

(B) Proportion in the body

(C) Proportion in the tail

Negative z: area same as positive ~

Calculating Areas from Tables 

Finding proportions

 

z < 1 = z > 1: (from B) (from C) ~


-2 -1 0 z +1 +2

Calculating Areas from Tables 

Area: 1 < z < 2

find proportion for z = 2;

subtract proportion for z = 1 ~


-2 -1 0 z +1 +2

Other Standardized Distributions 

Normal distributions,

but not unit normal distribution

Standardized variables

 

normally distributed specify




in advance

e.g., IQ test

 m

= 100;


= 15 ~


Other Standardized Distributions m s

= 100 = 15 z scores 70 -2 85 -1 100 0 IQ Scores 115 +1 130 +2

Transforming to & from z scores 

From z score to standardized score in population X = z



m 

Standardized score ---> z score z = X -

s m

Normal Distributions: Percentiles/Percentile Rank 

Unit normal distributions

50th percentile = 0 =

m 

z = 1 is 84th percentile 50% + 34%


z score & standard score linear

z score & percentile rank nonlinear ~

Percentiles & Percentile Rank 


score below which a specified percentage of scores in the distribution fall

start with percentage ---> score

Percentile rank

Per cent of scores

a given score

start with score ---> percentage

Score: a value of any variable ~

Percentiles 

E.g., test scores

30 th percentile = (A) 46; (B) 22

90 th percentile = (A) 56; (B) 46 ~ A 58 56 54 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 B 50 46 32 30 30 23 23 22 21 20

Percentile Rank 

e.g., Percentile rank for score of 46

(A) 30%; (B) = 90%

Problem: equal differences in % DO NOT reflect equal distance between values ~ A 58 56 54 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 B 50 46 32 30 30 23 23 22 21 20

IQ Scores




IQ z scores percentile rank 70 -2 2 d .14

85 -1 16 th 100 0 50 th .34

115 +1 84 th .14

130 +2 98 th .02

Supplementary Material

Determining Probabilities 

Must count ALL possible outcomes

e.g. of flipping 2 coins coin A: 1 head outcomes 2 tail 3 tail 4 head coin B: head tail head tail

Determining Probabilities 

Single fair die P(1) = P(2) = … = P(6)

Addition rule

keyword: OR

P(1 or 3) =

Multiplication rule

keyword AND

P(1 on first roll and 3 on second roll) =

dependent events ~

Conditional Probabilities 

Put restrictions on range of possible outcomes

P(heart) given that card is Red

P(Heart | red card) =

P(5 on 2d roll | 5 on 1st roll)?

P =

1st & 2d roll independent events ~

Know/want Diagram

X = z




Table: column B or C

Raw Score (X) z score area under distribution

z = X -

s m

Table: z - column A

Percentage  raw score 

Percentile rank


Or probability

raw score

What is the 43d percentile of IQ scores?

1. Find area in z table

 

2. Get z score 3. X = z


